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April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!


Its a cream that is a pain reliever!

Yes 8 weeks tomorrow!! im so excited! I cant wait till i see my baby.. im gonna cry!
I will post pictures asap!
its 10:20 am here right now. I leave work at 12pm and go to the appt at 2pm then talk to the dr at 4pm
Hi I am new to this but just need to know if anyone has been threw the same as me xx I found out jan 2014 I was 6 wks an had a miscarage a week later. I waited it out an it came away on it's own in march. Then the en of May I was shocked to find out I was pregnant again this time I was 4 weeks and had an etopic it burst in my tube I was in hospital and have lost one of my tubes. I was so upset an can't possibles describe how I was feeling. Now it's august an I found out today I'm pregnant again I am pettrified scared and have no idea what to think .i don't know if I can deal with three losses in the one year please any advise or positive story's of same experience would help love to you all xoxo
Welcome Lynn. I know you are scared, I think we all are. But first and foremost, congratulations. :) This group is great so we can all share in each others ups and downs and support each other the best we can.
Hopingwaiting, please post an update when you return from your appt! :flower: Inquiring minds want to know how it went! :haha:
By my calculations hoping had her drs appointment 48 mins ago. Should be out soon...
Munchkin: Your calculations are correct! (I'm in the same time zone as her! :winkwink:) But you know doctors, they can be so late!!!!

We're waiting to hear from you Hoping!!! xox

Welcome Lynn!!!! So sorry for your losses! MC is truly difficult!! :hugs:


i cant wait to see everyone elses!
im over the moon happy!! i explained my fears before the scan to the lady so i sat there with my eyes closed so tight!!! The 1st thing she said was THERES A HEARTBEAT!!
I had to go to 2 different offices today so when i went to my reg office for the doctors appointment the nurse came running to me hugging me! so exciting!
I just cant wait to hear everyone elses!!!
Welcome Lynne. I've had three losses in just over a year---it's certainly not easy. Just keep thinking that you are pregnant now. Today. Do you have a doctor's appointment booked?

Congrats Hoping!
Congtats hoping.x
Welcome lynne.
Congrats hoping! Great pic, looks fantastic! So pleased for you. Sorry I couldn't stay up, I kept checking but eventuslly had to crash!

Welcome Lynne x what a horrible time you've had my live. Hope this pregnancy is the start of the good times for you xx what's your edd? I'll put you on the list.
Ladies I just need to put something out there and I really hope I don't offend or upset anyone but you are my support network and I need to explain.
After my 12 week loss, the next pregnancy I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. If I could just get to the 12 week scan and there be a kicking baby there everything would be ok and I could relax. And I really did, I was so happy and went along to the 20 week scan pretty blasé and relaxed.

But when they told me there the terrible news that my little girl had a fatal heart condition the rug was pulled from under me. I feel like I've healed emotionally from that now after so much hard work and determination and I can now live with my loss knowing I am a better person and blessed for knowing Rowan.
But this pregnancy I don't feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Some statistics say that after hypoplastic left heart there is an 8% chance of the same condition or a 22% chance of any heart condition. The drs at the hospital quoted 3% chance of any heart condition but googling gives much different results. I know I shouldn't google but I need to know everything.

We'll have a specialist scan at 12 weeks to see the blood flow over the heart so we should get an idea of if we're high or low risk I think, and then if they're at all worried another at 15-16 then another specialist scan at 20. But I don't even feel like if we get through all that that we're out of the woods. I feel like anything can go wrong now and I'll be terrified of everything up to stillbirth, cot death, and undisguised problems once it's born (although with the specialist scans that's less likely than everyone else)

I just feel like ladies that have had spontaneous mc early on know that if they're not bleeding and can get past each milestone they're safe, but with both my losses we dudbt know anything was wrong til the scans and however I feel I don't know if there's something gone wrong or not. And I really don't see that light.

Sorry to go on but I just wanted to explain. Hope I haven't offended anyone, please tell me if I'm wrong xx
Congrats Hoping!

Welcome Lynne, wishing you a H&H 9 months.

Munchkin - I don't think anything will make you less worried. You've been through so much of course you're going to feel like that. I think the only thing you can do is take things at your own pace and you'll come to terms with having a happy healthy little bub in your own time. If I were you I would stop googling as you don't really know which studies these different sources will have got their statistics from and none of them will give you the answers you really want about your own baby. We're all here for you though and this a safe place for you to share your fears.
Munchkin I feel much the same in that last time when we got past 12 wks I relaxed and announced and started to think we were ok. Then bam 14 wk scan and gone. So this time I don't know if and when I can start believing. Even if we get to 20 weeks I know things can go wrong. Have got my scan this afternoon and am bricking it. I wish I could say something that will stop you worrying but I don't know what. Big hugs.x
Munchkin: :hugs: What you are feeling is so completely normal. I can't even imagine how much my fear would have escalated if I had been through the losses that you did. I lost my angel relatively early on (7w&3d), but my pregnancy with my rainbow baby was a tough one. I bled twice (at 8w&3d and then at 8w&5d) and was sure I was losing her. To my utmost joy, there was a heartbeat at my first dr appt. Then, right before I was reaching viability (what a milestone, that 24 week mark!), at 22 weeks, I started having regular and painful contractions. I got rushed to the L&D of the local hospital, crying for all I was worth. Again, I was sure I was going to lose her. When something tragic happens to you, you see yourself playing another role following a similar script. As humans, we're creatures of habit and tend to base our future expectations based on the most vivid past memories that we have. I saw myself being the first in my very large family to lose a baby. I couldn't imagine seeing myself actually bringing a baby to term. I also was terrified of SIDS, and when my daughter got laryngitis at 3 months and needed a shot of steroids because she could hardly breathe let alone sleep, was terrified again. I was terrified she would have horrendous allergies like I did when I was a newborn and infant and child (I had an anaphylactic shock to my mother's breastmilk at 6 months and nearly stopped breathing on an almost daily basis! I needed to live in a bubble, I was allergic to basically all foods, even air-bound.) She's almost 1 now, and a perfectly healthy baby! She doesn't have one allergy that I know of. I have to be careful of her if people feed her things that I'm allergic to (like bananas, I haven't allowed people to try nuts on her yet!) so that I don't react! :haha: It took a good experience for me to gain hope again. That's what you need, Munchkin: A good experience to prove to you that you carrying and raising a healthy baby is a very possible thing. I pray with all my heart that this baby will be that to you!! :hugs: Never be scared that we'll be offended by anything you say. Your fears are based on your past and you can't help that. We're here for you! xox

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