April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Hi all. Today is my last day before going back to school. Am walking dogs and swimming. Going to a cricket match and painting my toe nails. Yesterday I had a serious wobble as I had a sore left leg. For the 4 days before I had the last scan with the twins I had terrible sciatica down my last leg. It was a sign of the twin to twin transfusion. So now am paranoid that it means something has happened. It's amazing how I can go from 100% positive to 100% negative in the blink of an eye.
Yup a vest you wear under a shirt/top. What you're describing we'd prob call a waistcoat.
Mowat congrats on the twins. You sound remarkably calm. I was in shock for days! Are they identical or fraternal?
Eurgh nessaw I'm having a really paranoid day too. Still can't find the stupid heart beat on the stupid Doppler :( despite swearing I wouldn't I'm now looking at private scans, not easy to organise at 7.50am on a Sunday morning!

Isn't the sciatica just a symptom of the transfusion? I've never heard it as a bad symptom of anything else and I know it's very common in pregnancy. I understand why it would very worrying but I don't think it's a sign of anything else xx
I know you're right but it's really freaking me out. Can't wait to be back to work with no time to dwell on things.
Can you not get a scan through your epu?
I don't know. I've never gone directly to them, wouldn't they just say no and stop being so mental??
I think I might have heard something - I waited til I had a full bladder then tryed again and right in the middle about 1cm above public line I heard my heartbeat but something syncopated and very fast underneath? It didn't register on the digital screen on my Doppler but there was definitely something dufferent going on. Thoughts?!?
Have never used one but that position sounds like how I've heard people describe finding it.
With your history I doubt they would say no. If they do you're only back where you were booking a private one. My midwife told me just to take my notes and turn up if I needed to.
Aww Nessaw, I'm sorry about the sciatica. I know how painful that can be! :( Hopefully it's just normal from pregnancy and doesn't mean anything bad is going on. I hope you can get reassurance soon! :hugs:

Munchkin, that does sound like the heartbeat and the location it would be this early on. If it sounded fast like galloping hooves then that's the baby! :thumbup: But you know I understand the paranoia. :blush:

AFM, when I woke up and peed for the first time today at 4 am I noticed a tiny bit of pink on the toilet paper. :wacko: But I am also on progesterone capsules (intravaginally) which are the same color of pink on the outside of them. Now normally I don't see residue from that coating and only have one other time in the past before this pregnancy. So I'm trying to hope that the pink I saw this morning was in fact from the capsules and wasn't pink blood spotting. :wacko: In order to save you asking, no I haven't BD'ed since right after ovulation. Every time DH and I have DTD in first tri with the last pregnancies it's ended in MC/MMC so dh blames himself and is paranoid of causing another mc, bless him. :kiss: So we're waiting till 2nd tri before we resume that (if we can get to that point). But I've also been so tired I don't think I'd have the energy to do it even if he wanted to. :haha: But anyways I digress. Seeing the pink this morning, even though it was only one time, has me a little worried even though I'm trying to not worry. And yes Munchkin, I'm staying away from google! :blush: But if my dr office is open tomorrow (tomorrow is labor day) then I might try to see if they will sneak me in for a little reassurance since I still have a long wait ahead of me until my next scheduled scan. Private ones around here are so darn expensive! :wacko: Thoughts about the pink I saw? Do you think it was more likely I just happened to see the coating again this morning for the first time in a while? Or maybe more likely pink blood? I dunno what to think! :nope: Ugh! :(
Praying pixie what numpty made the covering on progesterone pills pink for goodness sake !!? You could ask your dr but if it's just a tiny bit, even if it was blood, you probably just need towait and see if theres any more.
We've not DTD since I last ov'd either, it's on my list of 'not worth the risk'

I'm feeling a bit better because I've been feeling really nauseous. OH made coffee earlier and the smells making me wretch even 2 hours later at the other end of the house! I've made enchiladas for dinner so I'm praying
I can face them!!
It sounds like the coating pixie. Have you had any since?
We've dtd a couple of times a week since bfp. I feel guilty cos I won't leave him be during ov then he says I only want him for his sperm!
It does sound like the coating Pixie.

I hope you can eat your dinner Munchkin, I struggled with mine and it was a roast which is my favourite.

My poor OH isn't allowed within 3mts of me at the moment, let alone DTD. Straight after O I had spotting for 8 days so didn't want to DTD, then he felt grotty and then I felt nauseas since the day I got my BFP. Poor bloke will just have to wait.
OH had to serve the enchiladas because I felt so sick but I ploughed through a couple of them very slowly and they were gorge! I've been off veggies but covered in tomato sauce and cheese they were lovely.
Dd missed her nap today so she's in bed fast asleep! She's often not asleep til 9.30 so it's lovely x
Am hungry and nauseous but don't know what I want to eat!
Had a lovely burger and salad for dinner but it was ages ago.
Ashley missed his as well, but he's missed the last 3 and last night woke up at 1 for and hour and a half. It's exhausting, he's trying to drop the nap but he's not really ready as he gets so over tired. I feel so much worse when I've had to get up with him.
Aww thanks ladies! No, there hasn't been any more since so I think I'm gonna chock it up to that. I do keep "checking" every time I use the bathroom too lol! :blush: But it's been clear, thank God! :thumbup: So hopefully that's all it was. I'm gonna just stop worrying and think positive. I'm not sure what the brand/company is that makes the prog capsules but I am thinking about calling the pharmacy to try to find out as I think a phone call or letter to them asking them to change the capsules' coloring is something they need to do. I know there are plenty of us on prog who have had prior mcs/mmcs and anytime we see any pink on the tissue at all it of course worries us and it's not nice to wind up worrying without need to just because it was the capsules' coating. So hopefully if I explain that to them they will see a need to change it. Their 200 mg dosage is a creamy yellow color and a little bigger than their 100 mg ones. I'm on 300 mg at bedtime each night so I have to put 3 of them in each night. So if they could change these pink to yellow also and keep the size the same then this wont happen again to me or anyone else. It's just a thought but I guess I figure that if I don't make them aware that likely no one else will. :shrug: If they choose not to then that is their choice but it doesn't hurt to ask right? :blush: Anyways, yeah I'm sure it was the coating and I'm just gonna think positive and wait till my next scan unless something big/obvious happens between now and then (which hopefully nothing will lol). :thumbup:

As for you ladies' nausea, earlier while at church I had this crazy urge to gag. I have no idea why but I wound up gagging because of it about 2-3 times. I am guessing this is a form of ms and had a brief pain along my right side earlier (like RLP) so I am also taking that as a good sign and going with it.
Enchiladas does sound good but like you, Munchkin, I've gone off of veggies other than tomatoes. :haha: And yes cheesy I am also all about! :haha:

I def agree with you both Button and Munchkin about DTD. It's def gonna wait as it's def not worth the risk! When DH and I finally talked about it last night and he told me how he felt and how he blamed himself for our prior losses I felt like I wanted to cry. I hated that he blamed himself so I told him it wasn't his fault and it wasn't my fault either. It's just something that happened. But I also know that the saying goes that "it's easy to end a bad pregnancy but hard to end a good one." so that helped him a bit and it helps me too. :) I'm just glad that he and I are both on the same page about waiting till 2nd tri to DTD. Then I don't have to feel bad about depriving him hehe. :haha: Nor does he! :thumbup:

Well I gotta run for now. I hope you ladies have a good rest of your Sunday. I gotta go to church again soon so talk to you ladies later. Oh and thank you so much for being patient with me and my ridiculous freaking out. :blush: I promise I'm trying to do better! :flower:
Evening Ladies!

Haha Praying, we all have our crazies and that's what we're here for. support each other through the mental freak outs!:haha: wow I cannot believe they would make those pink! What idiots! I'd definitely write a letter. you should be able to find out how if you google whatever the company is that produces them. I'm with you on the gagging thing. I do that all the time. Go into the bathroom and think i'm going to throw up but just sit there and gag/dry heaving.

Munchkin I don't know much about dopplers as dh said hell no cuz it would be just one more thing to make myself crazy with lol I have heard a lot of women say they couldnt find it till 2ndtri.mmm enchiladas! I was going to make some tonight actually but after a whole day at SeaWorld I was too tired/lazy. DD loved SeaWorld though.

Nessaw so sorry about your sciatica:hugs: that sounds dreadful! Can you take anything for it? Is it something you usually have or only during pregnancy?

AFM I cannot tell if I'm hungry or nauseas or both :wacko: Plus food is the devil. liquids are even worse. On an even worse note, we had to fire our babysitter today...and don't have one for Tuesday when both DH & I have to work. I would kill to be a SAHM:cry: Truly I would. I should have when I had the chance to be done with my work but let others talk me into staying which I'm fearing was a big mistake. :cry: Sorry I know I'm whining I'm just really panicking.
StillPraying sorry a lot your babysitter, what happened? Childcare is so stressful!

Praying pixie you are not being mental it's completely understandable but definitely write to that company, they probably haven't even thought about it!

On the subject of it being easy to end a bad pregnancy but hard to end a good one, I'm reassured by how hard it's been to end all of my pregnancies. With my DD I was using the breast pump, drinking raspberry leaf tea, sticking evening primrose oil up there, riding on bumpy roads, having sex and currys and had 3 cervical sweeps and she still was born very slowly at 42 weeks! With my mmc the baby stopped growing at 8+6 and I had no spotting or sign of anything nearly a month later. I had to have maximum drugs to induce. Same with my 21+3 loss, it took every type of induction drug to get my body to give her up. I've only ever (touch wood) spotted once in a pregnancy around implantation. I feel reassured that my body hangs on to baby's for dear life, sadly whether they're healthy or not!!
What a nightmare Stillpraying. I hope you work something out.
I had my GP appointment. Got referred to the midwife and to the hospital for my scan. Got the form sent off for my maternity exemption certificate and got a prescription for prochlorperazine for my nausea.
Hi ladies!!

Nessaw: Eeeek! Sorry about the sciatica. I had that at the end of my last pregnancy, it's awful! I had to sleep in a chair, I couldn't even lie down! :wacko: I found that acupuncture helped a bit. Maybe a chiropractor would help too? I hope you find something! xox

StillPraying: I hope you're able to find a babysitter that you trust! :hugs:

Button: YAY! Do you have a date for your scan yet??

AFM: I found baby's heartbeat with my doppler yesterday morning for the first time!!! :cloud9: 186 bpm. I found it a few times in the evening too, but only quickly, as baby would move down, and then I would lose it. :kiss: I think the thing with the doppler is that you can't freak out if you can't find the hb. And if you're able to hear it, it's a plus! I'm very very slim too (5'4'' & 110lbs), so that makes it easier!
Yay for finding the HB Tasha!

They only sent the form off today so I have to wait for a letter. Hopefully by the end of the week.

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