April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Pixie had only told my deputy head and my classroom assistant. Then I ended up telling the head. Am rubbish at lying but was tempted not to explain why cos I know he will have told his partner who is one of the school secretaries. Am still unsure about when to announce. With the twins we did a big one after the 12wk scan and I took cakes into school but this time I just don't know. Part of me feels we should enjoy it while we can but I also feel that I want to keep it a secret but if someone asks I'll confirm. What are you guys thinking of doing?
Button I can't imagine how you're feeling. My nausea is most of the day but it never makes me want to retch or even think I'm going to be sick. I hate vomiting.
New symptom I forgot to mention is I've broken out in little spots around my collarbone-randoms!
Pixie I read somewhere that to really empty your bladder you should pee then rock back and forward a bit and that gets the last bit out!
Tmi but this morning I did the longest wee ever! So don't think it'll be too long til I'm up in the night.
Hehe thanks for the info, Nessaw! :thumbup: I'll have to try that for sure! :winkwink: I understand why you told them but I also understand not wanting to tell yet. DH wants to wait to tell until 13 weeks so that's what we're going to do. Last time we told right away and lost the baby at 8+3 and while everyone was so great to us and supportive, I think DH is worried about burdening them again should the worst happen again. But part of me wants to tell but part of me doesn't. However, if I get asked I wont lie as I cant stand lies nor lying. I just hope I don't get asked until we reach our goal of 2nd trimester hehe. :haha: Right now I feel kinda nervous as we are coming up on the same time as our last loss from March so if we can get to my next scan in a week and still have a healthy wiggling baby with a strong heartbeat then I think I will let myself begin to relax a little bit. But anyways, how strange about the spots. I'm sure it's ok though. :flower:

I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful weekend! :flower:
Nessaw - I told my boss early when I was pregnant with DS and as we were leaving his office he said something along the lines of 'I won't say anything until after your 12 weeks' and half a dozen people nearby heard so no one was very surprised when I announced! Fortunately don't have to worry about it this time but if I were you I'd go with whatever you're most comfortable with at the time.

I also hate vomiting so I'm not very good at first tri!

Pixie - I'm on my scary week this week. I was 7+5 when I had my mc but was bleeding from 7+1 and spotting for 2 weeks before then. So far no spotting or bleeding.
Button no way!My head put my colleagues pg in the school newsletter before her 20wk scan. She was furious!
My scary week no1 was 9 weeks but we've had the scan to reassure this time. The big one is 14-15 weeks as we'd had a scan at 12 withe twins then the next one was 14+5 so am thinking of asking for an extra one at 16 wks. Although in the uk we have a midwife appt at 16wks. Do we hear the heartbeat then uk girls?
hugs for your scary times button and pixie.x
Hi again ladies. I was wondering where everyone had gotten to as well---always makes me nervous.

Had my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Was hoping she would schedule another scan, but no luck. She asked me about the nuchal scan and I agreed to do it just so I could get another scan! Won't be booked until after 11 weeks, so I still have lots of waiting to do. She is also referring me to a high risk OB and we're hoping to get the appointment around the same time as I will have to fly to Vancouver for the appointments.

So, not really good news as I was hoping for more scans. Fortunately the spotting has stopped the last few days, but I'm still terrified and get mad at myself when I get slightly optimistic about this pregnancy. I'm going to try my hardest to get the high risk doctor to order me lots of scans. I'm also going to ask about cerclage as I'm supposed to be at risk for cervical incompetence. If they would just schedule ultrasounds every 2 weeks at least we'd know if there was a problem. Just a little pissed off. Can't stop thinking I might have made it this far and then I'm going to miscarry because they're not taking my case seriously enough. Having a gloomy day.
Mowat do you know if they're identical or fraternal yet? With my identical ones the schedule was growth scan every 2 weeks with the consultant. Am pretty sure that the other type had more scans than normal tho not as many as identical. Hopefully when you see the high risk ob you might get more info. I understand your worries. X
im still here ladies im just to tired when i get home to do anything at all!!!! I eat everything under the roof then crash!! Everything is going well i just heard the heartbeat today on my doppler. Iv been trying it but didnt use the gel. I had a freak out today just because so i am glad it worked!!
How is everything??
Hi ladies :hi:
Hoping how awesome to hear babies heartbeat! I want one but DH says it'll make me crazy. Lol

Mowat what is a nuchal scan? I hope the high risk OB includes multiple scans for your sanity! You aren't wrong for having positive thoughts about being pregnant! You should try your best to stay positive:hugs: you've made it this far!

Button Fx that this week passes quickly for you! When is your next appointment?

Nessaw are you a teacher?

AFM 9 weeks today with 24 hour sickness still around :wacko: had my prenatal registration appointment today, just paperwork and 6 tubes of blood drawn! My next scan will be next Thursday along with a pap smear:growlmad: and a physical exam. Then my appointments will be at 16-20 weeks, 18-22 weeks, then it's every 4 weeks until 40. As terrible as I feel I'm so grateful to have made it this much farther than last time. I was at 8 weeks but baby had stopped growing at 6+5...and my symptoms were gone. The Triage nurse did tell me I could take Immodium for diarrhea, but it tastes like melted toothpaste. :sick:
Pretty sure they're fraternal, but I'm not sure when we'll know for sure.

Nuchal scan is a scan they do around 12 weeks or so to look for birth defects. I didn't have one with my DS----I think they only offer it to us old ladies!

Will try to stay positive! A lady from another thread said she'll mail me her doppler so I'm hoping once I get it and can hear heartbeats regularly I'll calm down a little. But probably not!

Have you guys gained any weight? I feel enormous, but I don't think I've gained yet. Just feel like my abdomen is distending by the day and is so incredibly heavy!
Wow ladies. You have been a busy bunch! Sorry I've been AWOL, I've been reading most of your posts but I think I've just been busy and tired. Evety minute I get to myself I just crash out, and that's not many minutes!!

Praying pixie - sorry about the progesterone, must have been really worrying but I'm sure now you're getting further on it's not so crucial to absorb it all. I'm up at least every couple of hours to pee so I wouldn't manage it at all!
I can't believe your oh, I would swing for him!! My oh tries the 'I'm so tired' thing but he gets short shrift, especcially when he stays up late watching tv and I can't get to sleep then I'm up early with dd whilst he snoozes. He's also continuously got 'a funny head cold' so he dies moan but pregnancy sympathy symptoms would drive me nuts!!
I understand your anxiety getting past the last loss time, but remember this is a different pregnancy!

StillPraying thanks for your kind words the other day. I still don't know how they can be different, in my late loss she was still very much alive when she was induced, but it makes me feel a but better. Why don't I just keep off google?!?
No idea on the diarrhoea as I'm completely the other way. Once I get past 12 weeks I'm going to ask the dr for something because it's getting ridiculous! I look huge and I'm sure it's just 2 months worth of poo!

Akn I've been getting up in the middle of the night for bananas and milk! Although apple sauce sounds much more fun.

Button yay for your booking apointment although that does seem like ages! What will they do at that apointment?
Sorry about the sickness :(

Nessaw glad your new class are nice, must be a huge relief. What age do you teach? I keep thinking about doing a pgce. I used to do private violin and music theory lessons and loved it and the hours would be sooo much better for kids but I'm not sure I could cope with a whole class!!
I had to tell the admin lady at work before my 7 week scan because I had to get out of work for that and my 8 week apointment and now 2 days in a row for 12 week scans! We're in an open plan office and she keeps asking how I'm feeling and saying I'm looking well (lie!!) she's only being nice but there's no way I want anyone to know.

Last time I announced on Facebook etc about 13 weeks but obviously lost it and had to tell everyone. Don't know what I'll do this time. So far only oh and the admin lady know other than you guys and a dear b and bump friend on Facebook who watched the line get darker with me! I think I'll see what they say at the cardiac scan about how much they can rule out at that stage.

Mowat I hope they sort your scans for you, I think you deserve that reassurance. I've always dreamt of twins and it would be unbelievably exciting but I think I'd also be twice as terrified and need extra attention xx I daren't weigh myself at the moment. I have days when I hardly eat anything because I'm so bloated and bunged up but when I eat I'm eating junk! And I feel huge. I'm fully in maternity clothes and I'm sure people have started to spot the belly now!
I had a big health kick before this pregnancy so it's quite depressing seeing the bloat. When I get a proper bump I'll be happy but this is just horrid bloaty fat :(

Hoping I haven't dared try my Doppler again :( I think I found something but it was really stressing me out. Might try again at 11 weeks.

AFM I'm ok but yes constipated and bloated and horrid nausea/indigestion. I've got bottles of gavisgon in every room and my handbag! I just don't know what to eat to feel better. I'm so full then 2 seconds later my tummys rumbling, I eat some rubbish then feel terrible again. I'm trying to have fruit and water but it's just not going down well. I'm waking all through the night too and awake before 6 which isn't fun! It's the weekend now though so I'm scheduling some naps :)
Yup I teach year 1 which is 5 turning 6 year olds. All good fun!
Mowat you put in 2 embies yes? Likely it is fraternal. Did they look at the placenta at your scan? You said it was 2 sacs? Could still be identical if only one placenta. How long till you find out? They saw it at 8 wks with ours.
Hopefully we will all get through this sicky and knackered stage quickly and be glowing in 2nd tri asap!
Mowat - hope you get more scans.

Stillpraying - my next appointment isn't until October and that's just the booking in, although I should have a scan around the same time.

Munchkin - the booking in is just filling out the green notes with all my information, medical history, height, weight etc. it takes an hour and a half with blood tests as well. For constipation you can take lactulose in early pregnancy, also I'd lay off bananas as they make it worse.

Nessaw - a class of 5-6 year olds sounds exhausting!
Thanks button. I think I'll try and get some lactulose. I've just been sooo paranoid about taking anything, I haven't even taken paracetamol. I think now I'm so late in 1st tri it wouldn't cause any damage. I'll lay off the bananas too although that's the only healthy thing I'm eating :dohh:
Lactulose is fairly gentle, my LO was prescribed it when he was 1 so you'll be fine.
Have any of you ladies started thinking about names yet?
Munchkin, you can try prunes and pear juice too. Both will help with the constipation and neither will hurt the baby. :thumbup:

Mowat, f'x that the spotting stays away and that you get a reprieve from seeing it and worrying. :hugs:

Button, aww that must like feel forever from now. :( I can't believe they offer so few scans to high risk women in first tri there in the UK. :nope:

Nessaw, right now I just hope to actually make it to 2nd tri! [-o<

AFM, I am planning to go get my doppler outta storage prolly on Monday and start trying to find the heartbeat this week and praying I can find it and have a little reassurance here at home. :haha: As for names, if this is a girl (and I suspect it is, call it instinct) we are planning to name her Mallory. <3 I just hope we didn't decide too early on and jinx ourselves! :dohh: As for a boy name, we haven't come up with one we agree on yet (DH is very picky :roll: ) but I'm sure we have time for that yet. :winkwink: Symptoms wise, I felt sore when getting outta bed this am and had a hard time just getting outta bed due to extreme sleepiness and tiredness. I'm still counting the number of times I use the bathroom each day. :blush: Today I'm also having off and on queasiness/gagging, and total lack of energy. I'm also becoming increasingly paranoid and worrying about this baby. I'm sure it's due to this being the exact time that we lost our last one. :cry: Ugh. I really need reassurance of some kind. Friday (my next scan) still seems so far off. :wacko: I'm trying to think positive though! I really am! :blush:
I hope you all are having a nice weekend! :flower:
Pixie - I'm not considered high risk as I've only had the one miscarriage. If I have any spotting or bleeding they will do an early scan but otherwise I'm sat waiting. Mallory is a pretty name. I think this one will be another boy. I hope Friday comes quickly for you.
Oh ok Button. I'm sorry, I forgot you only had one (and please don't take that wrong). Even though I'm sad that you had one at all, I'm glad you've only had one. I wouldn't wish going through that on anyone! :nope: As you know, its awful! But hopefully we will both see 2nd tri soon! :hugs: Meanwhile, any chance you can get at least one private scan in the meantime for a little reassurance to help hold you until your later scan? I dunno about there but here, even a quick peek reassurance 2D scan people charge like $50 and $75 bucks for! It's insane!! :wacko:
Of course I won't take it the wrong way. I'm well aware that most of the ladies on this thread have experienced more heartbreak than I can even imagine and I'm relatively lucky. I could get a private scan but right now I don't feel desperate for one. At the moment all I can really focus on is my nausea, I don't have any energy to think about the pregnancy at all.
Stupid spotting is back. Absolutely refusing to panic---take that body!

Mallory is a great name Praying! I'm thinking about names in my head once in awhile, but I can't talk about it yet. Probably won't be ready until 20 weeks or so. When is V day? Think 24 weeks. Maybe then. Yes, I'm paranoid.

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