Mowat I like history so I know some random "useless information" as my husband says
lol I recently read a lot of books based on ancient Egypt and mother was spelled "Mawat", "Mowat", and "Mewet". I think that's based on different time periods. sorry lol
I've seen some crazy pics of women pregnant with twins! I think it all depend on how you're built and then how your body carries them you know?
PrayingP yay for it turning brown! you have a follow up on Monday?
Hoping how funny that he moves day/night like that! At my last U/S my little one was laying at the top facedown
AFM: Spaghetti turned out okay...but didn't taste very tomatoey lol it was good with cheese though. Since today is Friday we have to wear our dress uniforms....this morning I put mine on wont button
I had to do the rubberband trick and hope no one notices
13 weeks today! last week in first tri for me =) (I'm going off of day 1 of week 14) honestly I feel like there should be 4 tris, 10 weeks each. would make much more sense.