April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

I've got a sore arm again! I had my booking in appointment and the midwife wasn't very gentle about the blood tests. She did put in my notes about me having a home birth though and said at the moment there doesn't seem to be any reason why I couldn't have one. Obviously it depends on bubs behaving though.
I wrote a huge message this morning where I made sure i replied to everyone, I don't know what happened with my fatty fingers but it's all gone!

I'll try my best to reply.

stillP: yay for girl! I know the feeling. I was abit diappointed for my 2nd, because I thought 1 of each would be good. But in the end it doesn't really matter, especially for us having been through losses.
As for symptoms, well, everyone was telling me ds2 was a girl because. I had been so sick all along (maybe that's also why I was disapointed when finding out the gender). Whereas with ds1, I was nicely cruising all along, except for 2 weeks of really strong ms and spd in the end.
This time it feels more like the 2nd time but a bit tougher. Hopefully it will stop soon.
It's reassuring to know that cravings have nothing to do with gender. Because I can't stand sweet stuff atm. Also I really have no clue of what I'm having, though dh reckons it's a girl (wishful thinking maybe?)

Akn : hi! Nice to see you pop in! Being busy is great, it makes those weeks go so much faster.

Button: sorry for your arm.

PrayingP: yay for the doppler!

Sorry if. I missed anyone.
Hi everyone. I just got back from my post bleed re-check appt. The bleeding is gone (thank God), and baby is fine. Measuring on par and hr of 158 bpm. But I do have a new concern. :dohh: :blush: On the scan they did today the sac around baby didn't look like the usual round/oval sac and didn't look like as much amniotic fluid around the baby as usual too. :wacko: I'm afraid that somehow in this bleed since it started out so watery that somehow baby lost some amniotic fluid. :( But IF that was the case, wouldn't that kind of thing been confirm-able on ultrasound when they did it there that night and wouldn't there of been free fluid in the uterus at the time too if that was the case? All the ER doc said is that they didnt see any blood in the uterus nor behind the placenta and that baby looks fine. :shrug: What do you think? I'll attach a pic for you to see from today's ultrasound at my dr's office. She's also positioned strangely and I cant find any other pics online of baby positioned like that at this point. :wacko: It's like she's standing up. Thoughts?? :blush: I'm now worried that either something is wrong with her that we don't yet know about or that something is wrong with the pregnancy that we don't know about yet either. :-/

Also, the dr asked before the scan if we're doing the first tri screen and I said yes, on Wednesday. Then after the ultrasound tech was done scanning me today, she asked the same question. :wacko: Is that strange? I'm worried that her positioning her amniotic sac looking strange like that might be indicating that she thinks that something might be wrong but she wouldn't or could say for sure. :shrug: I guess I'm feeling like we made it through the bleeding event, and because today's scan looked a bit bizarre that something else might be wrong. :( Ugh! Thoughts? :blush: Please keep us in your thoughts/prayers for wed morning when they do the nuchal scan that everything will look perfect then. Thank you all SO much and thanks for putting up with my fretting. :blush: Just when I had finally stopped worrying for a few days once my doppler had arrived and I had found baby. :dohh: Sigh. I truly do NOT like worrying. :nope:

Button, I'm so sorry that you're still sore and that the mw was rough with you. I'd of asked her to use the other arm due to the jab. I also hope you get your home birth! I wish they'd let us do that here but drs don't like it. :roll:
Button they're never all that gentle when drawing blood are they? I have a high pain tolerance but last time my arm was bruised! Did they do it on the same arm as your flu shot?! I'm happy so far you can hope for a home birth. Hopefully everything goes smoothly so you wont have to change that! =)

Ummi that's what I'm saying! I don't think symptoms mean anything as far as gender. Proof that old wives tales are really just for fun lol I was the same way and this pregnancy has just about been the death of me! You are totally right tho, while I was momentarily disappointed I'm just happy to being having another little one :cloud9: Although I am a little unsure because many have been telling me 13 weeks was way too early...:shrug: Guess I'll see again at 15! lol Are you planning on finding out the gender?

PrayingP glad your bleeding has stopped. Your Drs, even ER Drs would know if you were leaking amniotic fluid, or if the levels looked low. If it looked like there was less to you, it can be the angle they did the U/S or, more likely, you aren't drinking enough water. The sac doesn't stay round or oval hon, it actually starts to shrink and go away and is replaced by the placenta. So if you could see the yolk sac and it looked odd shaped that's probably because it is shrinking/dissolving. So you know they actually refer to them as "pear shaped." There is nothing wrong with how she is positioned either. :hugs:This little one has been in a different spot/position every time, last U/S she was laying face down! Her HR was 158 at the gender scan! :winkwink: You really should consider some Zoloft or yoga. I don't say that unkindly either, I hate to see how much you stress yourself out. :nope: you need to BREATHE. :hugs: I'm glad you have another scan on Wednesday.

Munchkin did you have your second heart scan yet?

AFM: Today I was able to go exercise. I feel so much better, all though very sleepy as I haven't been working out since August :blush: Man I missed it! yay for endorphins!:thumbup: I'll be going through my boxes upon boxes of baby girl clothes tonight. I have way too much so I'm sending some to my sister who's have a baby girl in Nov :happydance: Baby clothes make me happy:haha:

Hopingwaiting, Tasha, Nessaw, Mowat, Sis, Akn, where are you ladies??:friends: Hope you all are doing well :kiss:
Praying: Hopefully everything is okay, and for whatever reason it just happened to look off today. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything looks good at the scan on weds. I don't think it is odd that they both asked if you were getting the additional screening, probably just a normal question they ask.
Still here, just suffering from bad headaches most days. Can't say I mind though! So worth it.

We're having our nuchal scan on Wednesday too, Pixie! Pretty excited to see the babies. Also have an appointment with the high risk doctor that day. I'm flying out tomorrow, so I think I'll try to hit some maternity stores tomorrow evening. Hope I don't curse myself for the scan---whatever!

Hope everyone is well!
Hi I hope you don't mind me popping in. I had my follow up scan at epu yesterday. Mc is complete. Lining is 6mm and follicles growing. We haven't decided whether to try again yet. We have the recurrent mc consultant and tests back on the baby at the end of the month. Am keeping an eye on you all. Take care.x
Nessaw - it's lovely for you to pop in. I hope the consultant can give you some answers.

Pixie - I'm sure the Dr would have said if there was something wrong with your scan and they probably both asked just because one didn't listen to answer you gave first time.

The midwife did do my blood test in the opposite arm to my flu jab. I spoke to my mum after and she said I probably didn't drink enough water beforehand so she could get a good vein. I have been bad at drinking enough because I've gone off pretty much every drink. I will try and do better though.
Nessaw thanks for getting in touch, lovely to hear from you and glad the miscarriage was as uncomplicated as it could be :hugs: take some serious time out, this whole process is so physically and mentally exhausting especially after multiple losses. You may feel differently in time but just be kind to yourself xxx
Still: yes I'm planning on finding out, but it's only going to be at the 20 weeks scan. My original plan in life was: 1 boy, 1 girl and all the other babies that would come afterwards would be surprise! Lol! I guess it doesn't always work like that. ;)
It's funny how our symptoms look the same. I had more energy lately (though I still need my nap and would still happily go to bed at 9 or even before!). I was surprised that I managed to do lots of housework this week end and not being too ill.

Nessaw: glad you came to give us some news. Take it easy hun. Ttc can wait. I'm hoping that you get some answers from the tests. Your bfp might just be around the corner.

PrayingP: I'd say there is no need to worry about the shape of the sac and even less about the position of your baby. Remember he/she is unique! I'd suggest you drink more water though as that helps rebuild the loss of amniotic fluid. I know it's a pain because that means we do more trips to the loo, but if that's what it takes... I also need to follow my own advice.

Button: I'm not going to take the flu jab. Never have, probably never will. Hope both of your arms feel better soon. Thanks for the advice about the link between drinking water and the nurse finding a good vein. As I said above, I really need to increase my fluid intake, but most of the time I don't feel like it due to the queasiness. Infound out that sparkling water and lemon juice did great for me though.

Munchkin: how are you?

Mowat: will be thinking of you tomorrow. If you have an intrrnet connection there please let us know how it went.
Thanks Ummi, my flu jab arm is fine now. I couldn't handle sparkling water, tried it and it reminded me too much of soluble tablets! I've got a sports bottle to sip from and I think that's helping a bit.

My 12 week scan is next Tuesday and my 20 week will be on the 8th December and I'll hopefully find out what I'm having then as well. The 20 week one I'll have to do with a full bladder which is annoying, they must have an older machine as everywhere else has always said you don't need a full bladder.
Im doing great. I read everyday but dont comment as much because i feel bad. Iv had a perfect preg so far and dont wanna gloat about it on here with so many ladies are having troubles. I am so happy my body is behaving now. We picked out the colors for the room and my mother in law is coming to help me with other things in the house. I have baby fever right now so i go window shopping and touch everything
Thanks everyone! :hugs: I am chocking it up to baby's strange position at the time. Apparently she is already proving she's gonna be a handful lol! As for the amniotic fluid, I am already drinking so much water that my urine is almost clear and peeing 14 times a day!! :blush: I don't know how much more I can drink without floating away! :haha: Tomorrow is the nuchal scan though at the HR doc so we will get to have a close up of the baby then. Please pray that the nuchal fold looks perfect and a perfect nasal bone! :blush: I'm praying we leave there afterward completely reassured and excited! [-o< I'm also having blood test done on me to look at baby's genetics and find out the gender! I'm so excited about that! Results will likely take a week to come back! Then we will know for sure! :thumbup:

Hoping, that's ok! I'm so happy for you that you've had it so easy! That's always a good thing! :thumbup: I'd much rather you have it so easy than the opposite! :hugs:

Button, so glad to hear that the arm is doing better! :thumbup: Good luck for your scan! :hugs:

Ummi, I look forward to finding out what you're having! :flower: I should know what I'm having for sure in about a week (hopefully wont have to wait longer than that lol).

Nessaw, we don't mind you popping in at all! :flower: Glad to see you in fact! :hugs: I hope you get the results from the test that you need and that you do whatever is best for you. If you need to, take all the time needed to heal from this emotionally before ttc again! Otherwise. as my dr told me, if heaven forbid the worst was to happen again, it would be twice as bad. I took the time to heal after my last mmc before ttc and I'm so glad I did! Please make sure you are both physically and emotionally ready first, for your sake! But if/when you do ttc again, I with you HEAPS and HEAPS of EXTRA sticky baby dust!! :dust: :hugs:

Mowat, WOW! Both of us on the same day! :thumbup: That's really exciting! I cant wait to hear all about yours! If you can please get a pic to share with us! I'd love to see those precious twinsies! :hugs:

Akn, I hope so too. But when I was checking on baby with the doppler this morning I was having to chase baby all over as she kept squirting out from underneath it lol! So surely if there was a fluid level issue she wouldn't have such an easy time of moving so much and being so active. So hopefully it was just her being in a weird position that was making it look strange is all. And I did have a bit of a full bladder at the time too so I am betting that might of caused the view to be somewhat distorted like it was. Hopefully everything will look totally normal at tomorrow's nuchal scan. Meanwhile, how are you doing at this point? I pray everything is going smoothly for you! :flower:

StillP, thanks. I have a bad habit of worrying is all. I am trying to do better about it though. And I was relaxed for a few days after my doppler arrived! :haha: As soon as I get into 2nd tri here at the end of the week (just a few more days) hopefully I'll be allowed off of bed rest, off of the prog and will feel up to taking a little walk once or twice a week to get out and see some pretty fall scenery and relax a bit. Actually hard to do when stuck in bed, especially due to an event like I had. Oh and DH ratted me out to the ob/gyn about the doppler! LOL!! :blush: Maybe I can even let myself buy something for the baby soon! :haha:
Button: have you tried ice water? I throw 2 or 3 ice cubes in my glass of still water when I don't have sparkling. It helps too. Just sharing what I found helpful in case it can help someone else.

HopingW: it's great! We're all so lleased for you. And it's reassuring to know that pregnancy can be kind too! Lol!

prayingP: will stalk for tomorrow's update. Lol @ your dh about the doppler.
Don't forget to make a list of all your questions and worries. The doc will be able to reassure you. I'm sure being able to talk a walk will help alleviate your stress level too. We're all here for you. Never worry about complaining/worrying. It's better to share it than keeping it all inside.
So glad you stopped in Nessaw---I was just wondering how you were doing the other day. Make sure you get some good answers from your doctor and a plan for TTC. I know there are some fabulous doctors in the UK. The recurrent miscarriage thread has some great info that might be helpful as a bunch of the girls are from the UK and recommend a couple of places to go for further testing.
Ended up in Emergency today as my headache got so bad. Had an IV that helped enough that I was able to get on the plane. Hope the doctor can give me some help tomorrow.
Praying for everyone! I read, but am having a scarily easy pregnancy so not much to talk about. But after so many losses, I'm not exactly excited because I expect everything to go bad.
Hey ladies. I feel like today is the first in about 3 weeks I've had 5 minutes to read stuff!! I went on my first weekend away without dd this weekend which was lovely. I told the 2 girls I was with and they were great. They'd both been there when we lost Rowan although we live at the other ends of the country! They understand why I'm still not bouncing about in excitement! I did get a horrid tummy bug though which scared me, proper vomiting. One of the ladies is a gp though and sge kept saying 'you'll be fine, baby's fine!' Which is what I needed. I went to the midwife on Monday and she heard the heartbeat so that reassured me too :) after being convinced this is a boy (I really wanted another girl but had come to terms with a boy) the mw said it sounds like a girl! We're not finding out though,

Mowat - horrid headaches. :( poor you. Hope dr can help xx

Hoping - I feel quite lucky too, so far no major scares. It's nice to feel like things are going well too.

Prayingp - glad it sounds like baby has a swimming pool in there!! I never drink enough water, trying to pick it up a bit now. Hopefully you'll be able to get out and about soon :happydance:

Button I had my flu jab on Monday and it really hurt the next day! Feel like a right wimp! It's getting better now but my throat hurts so I think my body's fighting something :( good luck on Tuesday. I still thunk the 12 week scan is amazing cos baby can move round so much and you can see it all!!

Vampire mum it seem to have totally missed you!! What's your due date?

Anyone else had a due date change? Mine's now meant to be 30th march but I ain't moving!!

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