April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

That's a nice way to announce it Ummi. I think I should get a cake when I give birth as well, what a fab tradition.
Aww thanks Ummi! :hugs: Yes, I am using my doppler and thank god for it! It's helped me stay sane throughout this bleeding junk. :blush: My dr appt went well. The dr listened to my feelings and my thoughts on this spotting and she agrees that it could very well be continuing due to the prog capsules irritating the vagina and cervix as well as the fact that my blood is just a little bit thinned due to them having me on baby aspirin for a while now. She also said that since no blood has been seen on ultrasound with the baby and no sight of SCH nor low lying placenta that she doesn't believe this is putting the baby at risk at all and that it's not coming from my uterus and that's it's coming from below and likely my vag and/or cervix. She told me at this point the placenta is in charge of prog production and that me being on the prog supp is of no benefit at this point and that it might even be part of all of this. So she wants me to either stop cold turkey today or finish what little I have left (I will have none left come monday morning) and then no more but continue on the baby aspirin until birth. I'm both ready to come off of it but also nervous about it, too. :wacko: So not sure which way I'll do it. :shrug: She also said that she doesn't feel at this point that my spotting is keeping me at a higher risk of mc since it's not coming from uterus nor baby and that since I'm 13 weeks now that my risk of mc at this point is less than 2% which is really good news to me! :thumbup: I told her that I REALLY just wanna be able to finally relax about all of this but that it's hard due to still seeing this blood even though it's brown. She said that at this point, the fact that it's brown means it's old blood and that whatever caused this is healing up and that your just draining the remaining older blood. She does want me to still kinda take it easy as in no lifting things and no intercourse (which we haven't been DTD for a while now) until this stops and that it should taper off and quit in the next week or two. She also said that normally at this point they wouldn't see me back until 16 weeks but since I am still spotting and it's got me so on edge that they will see me back in 2 weeks to make sure it's quit and reassure me which is SO good of them! Baby's hb at the dr office was 145-150 but I could tell she wasn't having to chase the baby around to get it and that baby was staying in one place so I'm pretty sure that the hr was that low because she was sleeping. When I've had to chase her around with my doppler, each time I'd find her again it would be like 155-160s. But the dr said baby sounds great. So that's good and that's what matters most! <3 Thanks again for listening, everyone! :hugs: You're all the best! :flower:

Does anyone else also find that the hr (heart rate) tends to be just a lil lower when baby seems to stay in one place (sleeping)? Just curious! :flower:

Ummi, that is such a neat tradition! I like that! :thumbup:

Mowat, any scan pics you can share with us? :blush:

StillP, HopingP, and Munchkin, I'm on the brink of joining you ladies in 2nd trimester! :thumbup:

I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful friday evening! :hugs:
Button, Yay for 12 weeks!:happydance: Are you considering 13 or 14 weeks 2nd Tri?

Ummi what a lovely and scrumptious tradition! That cake seriously sounds delicious. You'll have to post a recipe or something! :cake:

PrayingP sorry your spotting hasn't stopped but I'm glad you got reassurance from your Dr. I think it'll help when you stop the prog since your body doesn't need it at this point:thumbup: And even though I don't have a Doppler I do know that babies, just like adults, have lower heartrates when sleeping or resting:flower:

14 weeks today:happydance:I'm considering myself officially in 2nd Tri now:dance: We started what we did with our DD, in buying a package/box of diapers each paycheck when we go grocery shopping. I got so excited buying a package of NB diapers:haha:
I'm glad your appoitment was so reassuring and that you have Nother one in two weeks time. When I see my doc on sunday, I'll ask her about stopping the progesterone, because I know it's foing to be time, but I don't want to go cold turkey either. So I'll ask to reduce the dose for a week or so. I'm taking 200mg atm, so I think 100 mg is ok before I stop completely. I don't know if she 'll agree, but th's a thought.
yayyy im happy for 2nd trimester!!! I cleaned out the whole nursery this week and have the baby items in there that i have so far!!! Im in love
Posted at the same time Still!
I will try and find a recipe on the net, it's easy but I never measure what I use so wouldn't be able to tell you the quantities. And hopefully there'll be some pics too.

I think in the uk they say 14 weeks is 2nd tri too.
So happy 14weeks, enjoy 2nd tri!
I love the idea of buying a packet of nappies eaxh paycheck. They go through them so quickly! I still have my clothes nappies from ds2, but will buy one or two lackets for the hospital and the first few days. Just the time to get into a sort of routine.
I'm also thinking about saving the money up, see what what sort of budget I end up with, and buy everything in 2 to 4 times maximum. I mainly will need clothes cause I gave almost everything away, a pushchair, nappy bag, cot and travelling cot. I think that's it. I still have all the big items from ds2 (like highchair, changing table. ..). And if there is some money left, I may indulge myself into buying more stuff. Oh my! I already have a baby fever I think! Haha!
Sorry it looks like I'm spamming the thread, but I'm not (really!! :D)

Here is the recipe:
Im having my baby shower a little early in January one reason is due to my cousin being preg and having hers in February. I am also having a baby shower for my boyfriend a beer and diaper party. I want to have everything good to go by march 1st. My bf is funny and thought that the due date was the day the baby was coming! I had to inform him that no no dear the baby could come any time after march 1st.
Trying to figure out how to share a photo, but I've only ever shared on Facebook from my phone. Anyone have any ideas---it's a samsung galaxy 3.
On the forum Mowat? You click the "Go Advanced" and beneath that there is the image option. You may have to resize it to share it on here.
Stillpraying I'm counting 13 weeks and 3 days as 2nd tri as it'll actually be a third of the way through then so makes sense to me.

Today we're going to tell my dad and brothers over the phone/FaceTime and the inlaws are coming for lunch so we're dressing LO in a best big brother t shirt.
I just downloaded the photo bucket app and then used the link that they provide that is the IMG Code … hope that make sense.

Glad everyone is doing well..

Mowat - Glad the doctors were reassuring about the twins, can't wait to see pictures :) Hopefully your headache has died down!

Praying - Hopefully pulling you off the progesterone will help stop the spotting.

Ummi - I want cake as well when I give birth!!! I might have to put my request in now :haha:

I had my NT Scan on thursday, everything looked good… Heart Rate was 140. The baby didn't want to sit still and was constantly moving. Everyone is now changing their prediction from girl to boy now because of my scan pictures and the heart rate…

Here are the pictures :)


Aknqtpie, so happy for you that your NT scan went well! :happydance: I think I'd agree that it sounds like a boy! :thumbup: And such cute pics! What a long arm there! Maybe a future baseball player! :haha:

Mowat, I use free online image hosting then copy/paste the direct link into the box that pops up when you click the square shaped insert image button. Hope you can get it figured out! :hugs:

Button, that makes sense and if that's what works for you, then do it. :thumbup: I don't think there is a right or wrong way to go about this. I just choose to go with the way my dr office does which is 13+1. :)

Hoping, that sounds like a good idea! :thumbup: I'd like to have a baby shower but I kinda doubt anyone will throw me one and I don't feel comfortable throwing one for myself. :blush:

Ummi, I think I'll have to do that too! Get DH to either buy or make a cake for us to take to church and share with our friends and church family to share the news and celebrate the birth of our new baby! :thumbup:

Hoping, awww! I think we're gonna start buying and stockpiling diapers and wipes with each paycheck, too. That way by the time baby is born, we wont have to worry about that! I've already got a onsie that I bought back during st patty's day and its got a rainbow on it and the words "I'm the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!" Isn't that perfect for a rainbow baby? :) I cant wait to get more excited and start buying stuff! To be truthful, I've already been looking online for baby things and I found a diaper bag that I love and plan to buy hehe! :blush:

AFM, spotting is looking lighter today. :thumbup: Praying that this is the end of the spotting! [-o&lt; I went ahead and used prog last night since today makes me 13 weeks exactly. I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna finish the prog on Sunday, if I'm gonna quit as of today, or self ween down smaller doses of it until I run out of it as I've been on 300 mg a day all this time. :shrug: Really not sure how to go about it. Cold turkey makes me nervous though. :wacko: Has anyone else gone off of it cold turkey? Just thought I'd ask. :flower: Baby seemed fine this morning when I checked with doppler and had average hr of 150. But wasn't moving around a whole lot. There were definitely some wiggles though as it would fade from the doppler for a couple of seconds and then come right back and when she'd move the hr would jump up to 155 and 160 lol! :haha: Btw, I'm 13 weeks today! :happydance:
Thanks pixie, mainly it's just because I can't remember when they count 2nd tri from here!

I wouldn't stockpile nappies/diapers as you don't know which ones will suit bubs until he/she gets here. Also brands that may suit as a newborn may not work as well for older babies. Best to stick some money aside for them instead. I've tried some with my LO that everyone raves about but on him I found they leaked.
Aw, what a perfect onesie PrayingPixie! I've gotten a few things second hand, but I'm holding off on anything else for now.

I stopped my progesterone cold turkey simply because I had run out, and because the doctor had said the placenta had taken over and it wouldn't be doing anything. I did taper my other drugs, but only because I had read going cold turkey could cause a reaction (for me, not the babies). I haven't had any bleeding since I stopped my progesterone so I suggest being brave! Really enjoying no bleeding!
Thanks Button and Mowat. :hugs: I think I'm just gonna ween off. I took 200 mg last night and have been quite gaggy and nauseated off and on today. I'll do 200 again tonight, then 100 then 100 again and then be done. While I am ready to be done, I just can't help but be nervous about going cold turkey so weening feels right for me. :thumbup: According to my dr office today is the first day of 2nd trimester! :happydance: I made it!! :yipee: :wohoo: :dance: lol! :blush: Sorry had to celebrate! lol!
We stockpiled diapers/wipes when I was pregnant with DD and got a variety of brands so we could see what we liked. So this time around we'll just be getting the brands that worked best for us :) I wish I could try cloth diapers but it just isnt practical for me being in the military :(
We did this last time, worked really well cos they definitely get through them in the early days! Also had loads of discount vouchers so used them. I don't think you can ever have too many wipes, we still get through loads and dd is potty trained!!
We started using cloth with dd at about 1 so got lots of birth to potty cloth nappies. I bought some newborn ones when I was pregnant with Rowan too and bought a few more tiny ones early on on this pregnancy. I've got cloth wipes too but I think we'll use a mixture as they're a bit of a faff!

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