April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Eek exciting! Good luck xx

I'm ok, a bit paranoid cos I've not put on hardly any weight recently and I think my bump is shrinking :( could be bloating and constipation going down. I think I'm getting some movement but it still might be in my imagination or just wind!! Also getting really nervous about the 20 week scan - which is over 4 weeks away! I'll be going nuts by November!!

My gran asked me today when I was stopping work. Last time I stopped at just over 34 weeks and as dd was born at 42 weeks I was going nuts!! I'm tempted to work til the end of feb so 36 weeks, luckily dd's nursery place will be free from January so I could stop on the 11th January and still get mat pay!! What's everyone else planning? Xxx
It probably is bloating going down.

I stopped at 37 weeks with ashley and had him at 38. This time I'm not working but OH is dropping some of his work when I hit 37 weeks and not picking it up until end of May so I kind of get maternity leave anyway! Or at least he'll be around a bit more to help with LO.
Hello ladies :wave:

Button how did announcing go? I love those big brother/sister shirts. We saw one yesterday that said "Dear Santa, my sister did it." Cracked me up!

AKN yay for a good scan! My computer wont let me see the pics for some reason:growlmad: Are you hoping for a boy?

PrayingP Glad your spotting has tapered down. Yay for making it to 13 weeks! :happydance: Are you off of your prog completely now or still weening off? I know how you feel about the whole baby shower thing :nope: Being a female Marine means I don't have a lot of female friends that live around me, and both DH & I have families that are far away. I'd feel really weird throwing one myself:blush: It does make me pretty sad though:cry: I'd love to have one.

Button did you have your scan?

Munchkin don't stress about the weight. I gained quite a bit right away and then it's just stopped. My bump is there one day and not at all the next! I wouldn't worry about that:hugs: Is 20 weeks your next appointment or do you have one in between?

AFM we aren't allowed to stop working until the week prior to EDD, unless the OB/MW thinks there is a reason we should stop. With my DD I went home at 39 weeks and had her at 40+2 days.
I have my 15 week gender confirmation on Saturday!:happydance:
Is anyone else feeling sluggish? Not just sleepy, but just slow, like you have no energy?:sleep: I'm getting so frustrated with not having any energy. I get home from work and I don't want to walk my dog, play with DD, or clean my house :dohh: And I haaaaaaaaaaate it!:growlmad:
Stillpraying it went great thanks, took the inlaws an hour and a half to work it out which gave us a good giggle.

I'm sat in the waiting room at the moment, so bored!

I know what you mean about no energy as well.
Scan went great, low risk for everything and baby was having a lovely wriggle. The tech took a guess based on nub and said girl, we'll see in December...
Oh and wondering whether to change my ticker, they put me at 13 weeks.
Glad your scan went well! Great news :) aww maybe you'll be joining Team :pink: Are you hoping for either one? How far off is your ticker? My computer at work doesn't show them for some odd reason :growlmad:
Hi ladies!

StillP, I take my last dose of prog tonight (100 mg). I've been self weening because it just felt right to me to do it that way. Each day baby still has good strong hb so that part isn't as worrying now (thank God for the doppler haha). I am STILL spotting brown. ](*,) But the amount of it does seem to be small and I'm waiting to see if once I'm off the prog supp 100% if it will quit then. As for energy, I too still feel completely drained and no energy. I don't know when I will start to get energy back or if I will at all. But if it's not any better by the time my next appt day arrives, I'll ask the dr about it for sure. Just wanted to let you know I can relate and am dealing with it too! :hugs:

Button, lol that must of been funny with the inlaws and YAY for a great NT scan and measuring ahead! :thumbup: Any pics to share? :blush:

Munchkin, don't you have a doppler too so you can reassure yourself? I'm sure it's just bloat going down is all. :flower:

AFM, I already mentioned to StillP what is going on with me lately but I guess I'll add that we haven't told my in laws yet either. I'm sure we will soon though.The only reason there is no rush to is that they're getting up there in age and they are apt to forget us telling them about it anyways. God bless them. We've told folks at church so they know and are happy/excited for us. :thumbup:
Woohoo Button! Congrats on the scan.

Think you need a celebration for the last progesterone PP. I bet it makes a difference with the spotting.

That's tough Stillpraying with having to work so long. I was doing contract work when I was pregnant with DS and I finished a week before my EDD. I gave birth right on my due date. I had a really easy pregnancy so it was fine. The high risk doctor I saw last week thought I might need to finish work at the end of January because I'd have so much trouble getting around this time. I guess only time will tell.

We ended up telling our parents this weekend. My mom was way more excited than I expected so that was nice. She did start talking about something else right away, but did come back to the pregnancy fairly quickly. Mothers! When my DH called his parents I heard him tell someone and get no reaction. It was actually his dad and he doesn't think he understood what he was telling him! Oh well, his mother was super excited. Has everyone else announced to close family?
A quick update, copied and pasted from my journal (I'll read you all back ladies):

I'm just back from my scan.
It's mostly good news as baby was moving and jumping around, measuring right on track and the nt scan was all clear. Thank God for that, I'm relieved.

However, I have some fungal infection (I think it's the thrush, but I'm not sure) and it's causing my cervix to be open at 1. She gave some pessaries (again!) and told me to continue with the progesterone at the same time, but obviously taken separately.
I also lost 2.5kg (I think roughly 5 lbs), which she seemed a bit worried about but saying it was normal considering how sick I've been. Also blood pressure was quite low too (same thing, due to the sickness) and she strongly advised me not to carry or even push anything heavy.
But on the whole I'd say as long as bubba is ok, then I'm ok.

Here is a pic (sorry if it's sideways):


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Glad your scan went well Ummi. I hope you can take it easy for a bit to sort out your own health. I got thrush all the time when I was pregnant with DS, so annoying.
16 weeks today!!!! Iv told pretty much everyone. I was scared to tell his partents just but he told his mom at 9 weeks and his dad this weekend! His mom is over the moon excited. Nursery is already painted! I have my next scan on the 11th of next month to find out the sex that we already know.
We only get 6 weeks too for leave which stinks very much so!!!! I will be working untill the last day!
Thanks button. Yes it is really annoying to say the least. Hope it goes away soon.

Happy 16w Hoping! We told dh's mum too at 9w. Now I'll need to tell my dad. That 's another story! Amd I also told 2 of my friends. And that's pretty much it.
The system is quite tough on you US mums and mum to be. Hope you'll manage easily!
Good Morning Ladies (or whichever time of day it is for you lol):flower:

PrayingP yay for last dose down! I hope that stops the spotting.

Mowat how fun announcing! it's weird the reactions you can get though isn't it? "oh yay! new baby I'm so excited for you...so did you hear it's supposed to rain?" :dohh: I imagine with twins you probably would want/need to stop work earlier. probably will need more rest and off of your feet time. Glad the Dr is looking out for you:thumbup:

UMMI yay for a good scan and lovely pic:cloud9: Sorry you've been sick (I know the feeling) try not to stress over the weight, I'm sure you'll gain it once the sickness phase passes! Glad she was able to catch the infection now, will they give you antibiotics? Try to rest as much as possible. Be lazy!:winkwink:

Hoping what colors did you do your nursery in? Will your next scan be your 20 week one?

AFM: Found out we wont be able to get a bigger house until March at the earliest:growlmad: we were supposed to get one in November/December timeframe. this really stresses me out because I'm due beginning of April. So this means we'll be moving when I'm like 9 months pregnant and of pretty much no help and nothing will be ready for baby :cry: Plus what if I have her early?? then we will be moving with a newborn!:cry:
Sorry StillP for such bad timing about the house. Try not to stress about it right now, that just won't help. Keep a bag with the essential baby stuff you'll need, they don't need that much at the beginning, and then you can prepare slowly her room in the new house. With ds1 I had to move 800km away unexpectedly when he was just 3 weeks old. It's not easy but doable. Hopefully you'll get plenty of help and you'll get the house sooner rather than later.
Yes i will be 19+6 days on the day of my scan. The nursery has on blue wall and the rest are grey with a blue closet. The picture is a panoramic view. You will see white area by the blue wall but thats just bc i haven't painted that corner yet.


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Grey is a great colour. Love!

We might be moving at a bad time too, Stillpraying. We've been looking for a new house, but the only thing we've found needs some major work and an addition. Still need to talk to the bank about whether we can do it. We'd really need to live in our old house while we had the renos done---not sure how that would work with two mortgages! Agh!

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