April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

That's great!
You never know! Ds1 was 2 weeks early, and I was overdue with ds2 (41+4)! I hope to be somewhere in the middle this time??
I'm hoping to be a bit early again, I was pretty comfortable right up to the end, don't fancy getting to the I'm fed up and just want it out now stage!
Hey chatty ladies!!

Button my friend was 4 weeks early with her daughter and 11 days late with her son 2 years later. I wouldn't count your chickens ;) although i'm sure i'll be late again this time, i was 42 weeks with my daughter. I wasn't physically too uncomfortable though, i wasn't sleeping well and had indigestion etc but i was only going mental in my head not in my body!!
I'm hoping for a girl too but everything in me screams boy! I keep putting salt on my food and my bump's a different chape to my girls, more spread out. I think after losing a girl i feel like we should've had 2 girls so if we end up with a boy it won't be 'right' if you know what i mean.
Yay for second tri!!

Can everyone please tell me if their due date has changed so i can change the front page? Mine's been moved to 30th march but i'm staying here anyway if no one minds :)

Prayingpixie so sorry about the spotting still :( so horrid and un nerving but it's been going on a while now and it's been fine so try and stay positive xx Yay for your test results. Always makes me feel happier when i see that 1 in 100000 number or whatever!!

Ummi sorry the morning sickness is sticking around. Mine ended sooner than the last two pregnancies this time and i've been mainly fine since about 11 weeks but i know you had it bad in first tri too :(

I've bought a few second hand maternity clothes but buying from new look is so cheap it's hardly worth bothering!

I'm busy planning my daughters 3rd birthday party on Saturday - it's a frozen theme so i've got her an elsa dress and we've got loads of balloons and glitter snowy stuff and i even ordered a Mr Frosty slushy maker today. I think i'm more excited than she is :)

On a less happy note i'm having to do lots of caring for my gran at the moment, she's 91 and losing her marbles a bit but she looked after us a lot when we were young, and since, and she has no surviving children and i'm only a mile away so i look after her. She's got her own house but has a room at ours too but she really wants to move in at the moment and i used to think it would be a great idea but now i really don't think i could cope.

She came this weekend and was lovely but i was an emotional wreck because it's the first weekend me and oh have had for months and i just didn't want her there and i felt sooo bad :( My hormones and emotions are quite up and down at the moment and i think i underestimate that. Not sure what we're going to do with her but i defninitely need our home to ourselves a bit at least and i'm pretty sure i can't deal with 2 young children and her at the same time, i'm ratty enough with just dd and her!!

In other news, Kate the Duchess of Cambridge has announced her next baby is due at the end of April so you might all be breeding future princes or princesses there! She's still a thunder stealing witch mind you :haha:
For me, this one might be early no matter what. :wacko: I don't think I have mentioned yet to you all that after my last mmc that my dr discovered that I have the anti c antibody. He said it had to of happened during the miscarriage before last. The only reason I haven't told you ladies about this until now was that I wanted to make sure we were gonna make it through the first trimester without losing this baby otherwise there'd be nothing to tell and it wouldn't matter. I hope you all understand. :blush: Basically I'm Rh +, DH is Rh - and we are 99% certain he is the carrier of the Anti C antigen (they drew his blood yesterday to check/confirm this, we're waiting on results from it) and when I had my mc before the last one that baby's blood mixed with mine at the time of mc and my body built up antibodies to it which is Anti c antibody. So now this is important because IF this baby is Rh - and because I'm Rh + my body will see this baby as an allergy and will begin to attack her red blood cells in mid to late 2nd tri and in 3rd tri. So my dr drew Anti c titers on me yesterday (which we're also waiting on results for) to check my levels. If they are low, then the threat to baby is low. But if they are seemingly rising, I will need to be monitored much more closely and more scans and might even have to have a scan of baby's brain done to see if they can determine if baby is getting anemic. Now the risks to baby all depend on my anti c levels. They run from low risks with no intervention to medium risk with intervention and possible treatments for the baby to high risk. The worst case scenario is the unthinkable. :( So yeah, unfortunately even though I'm in 2nd tri my worries are not over. :dohh: But I knew that if I let myself think about this during first tri I'd overwhelm myself, so during 1st tri it was one goal at a time, one week at a time in hopes of just making it to 2nd trimester. Now that I am here in 2nd tri, I have to start being concerned about this. But I AM trying to think positive that everything is going to be ok and that my dr will stay on top of it and now my goal (for my own sanity) is make it to 20 weeks, then to 24 weeks (viability if they should have to intervene very early to get baby out of hostile environment). I'm praying though that my body will be good and be nice to baby and let her stay in there to as close to term as possible! I could detail all of the things that I 'could' be facing ahead of us but I don't want to think about those. I just want to think positive and pray for the best case scenario. Whew. So that's what is going on with me and another reason for my grumpiness about my spotting because you can imagine how all of this is playing on my nerves. :( They also took blood yesterday from me to check for anemia in me since I'm showing signs of it so once I get any of the bloodwork results for me or DH back, I'll let you ladies know what they are. In the meantime. I keep using my doppler every day and hearing baby's hb keeps me sane and calm and I'm trusting in God to look after baby and I and protect us both from any bad outcomes. [-o< It's all I can do and most of the time, it helps. :thumbup: Sorry for the long post. :blush:
Meanwhile, I'm focusing on the good/happy parts which is a genetically healthy baby girl/princess! :cloud9:
Pixie I'm sorry you're going through so much stress with this pregnancy. I hope your baby girl stays snuggly and comfy for as long as possible.

Munchkin I don't know if you've already seen mine's changed to the 21st.

I may have to have a talk with this baby about when it's allowed to make an appearance, it worked with DS!
PrayingP welcome to Team:pink: Hopefully your next bloodwork results come back with good news also:thumbup: At least as the others have said, the spotting hasn't affected baby :flower:

Button WOOHOO it's officially official being in the 2nd tri! We're almost all out of 1st!:happydance: sorry but did your due date move closer then since it's the 21st now?

Ummi will you have a follow up soon? I was only overdue with DD by 2 days:haha: I'm hoping this one comes earlier just because march would be better timing :shrug:

Munchkin you gotta start adding :pink::blue::yellow: teams! My due date is somewhere between the 8th-10th. ive been going by the 10th since that's what my MW gave me. I'm having a girl and I've been eating salty foods a LOT. I don't believe in the midwives tales anymore as I've had two completely different pregnancies and both :pink:! Maybe because you lost a girl having a boy may help you heal:shrug: Either way I know you will completely love your baby and he/she will heal the hole in your heart:cloud9: I'm sorry about your issues with your Grandmother, is there someone you could hire to stay with her or check in on her? :hugs: not wrong to want family time to yourself, but I understand the struggle as you obviously love her too.
I do not understand the obsession with celebrity/royal babies. :dohh: All I know is they tend to ruin names for me or name their kids things that make me believe they truly have no common sense:growlmad: *North West* *Apple* Blue Ivy*.

AFM...Disneyland was AWESOME. DD had so much fun! She got to meet Captain Hook (her hero these days) Captain Jack Sparrow, as well as Goofy & Donald Duck. She was in heaven:cloud9:
StillP, Thanks! :hugs: And I agree, Munchkin needs to put :pink: :blue: :yellow: beside each person's name as they find out or don't plan to find out! Then we can keep track/count of who all has what! :haha: But I'm sure that also depends on when she finds a free minute to do so! :winkwink:
Stillpraying it was the 24th. Glad you all had fun at Disneyland, although I'm still very jealous!
I have b- blood and also have to be looked after because they found anti body D in my blood. They said it was a very little trace but have to have blood drawn starting at 5 months to make sure my bodys not acting the baby.

My due date is still april 1st and i hate telling people that. they say oooo haha april fools baby!!!

I am having a 3d ultrasound saturday to look at the baby with my mother in law!! cant wait
Hmmm. Dunno if this will work.


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Hey ladies! Praying pixie so sorry about your issues. My sis had to have anti d injections because of her blood type, is that the same thing?

I'm adding team blues and pinks, I've got praying pixie and still praying in team girl so can everyone else tell me what team they're in? I have a sieve brain so please help!!
hello my lovely friends :kiss: My DH commented the other day "I think you like your babyforum friends more than me!:haha:

Who all is staying Team:yellow:? I'd love to but just don't have that kind of patience lol :dohh:

Button always nice to have your date moved closer isn't it?

Hoping my sister also has b- and had to have testing. fx it doesn't affect you or baby. haha April Fools baby, goodness. that would get old. Well most (I say MOST, not all) women go past their due date with their first so maybe it will be April Fools for you lol Hope not! Love 3D ultrasounds!

Mowat lovely bump! Not bad at all for twins! I've seen some crazy bumps for twins :shocked: Yours is very cute though!

Munchkin lol "sieve brain":haha: Totally know the feeling.

I have a prenatal checkup this Friday, hopefully the MW will give me something for this constant sickness/headaches. Thinking I may have HG which would be awful:nope:
I'm definitely not staying team yellow if I can help it! I'll find out on 8th December if baby behaves.

I hope the Dr can give you something Stillpraying.

Lovely bump Mowat.
Aww cute bump mowat! :flower:

Munchkin, thank you! I totally have a brain like a sieve these days too! :blush:

StillP, I hope they can give you something for your headaches and that your appt goes well! :flower:

Button, I hope baby cooperates for you! Make sure to eat or drink something with sugar in it right before the appt! :winkwink: I cant wait to find out what you're having! :flower:

HopingW, awww 3D scans are so exciting! :happydance: Make sure to share with pics with us! :hugs: The anti D is different from anti C/c. Basically if my body detects anti C antigen in the baby, it will see her as an allergy and attack. :( If my body is about to do that then my titers (levels) will increase as a sign and if that happens they will need to monitor her via scans to check her cerebral artery for signs of anemia. Now, having this does not guarantee that baby will be in trouble. It will all depend and we will have to wait and see. It could be nothing comes of it and that's what I'm praying for but we will have to wait and see.

So I just got off the phone with my dr's office and my results on my anti c titers and anemia check aren't back yet. Ugh! :dohh: At this point I feel like the anemia is a safe bet. I felt sooooooooooooooooo weak and tired/drained, and lifeless yesterday and after bleeding so much for so long (remember brown blood was once red) and bleeding so heavily that first night that it happened, I don't see how I wouldn't be anemic. So DH fed me meat last night and bought me some iron pills and the pharmacist showed him which ones I need and I took one last night (it cant hurt at this point) and today while I still feel REALLY REALLY tired, I don't feel as weak and drained as I did yesterday so I think the little bit of improvement shows I'm right about the anemia. Now I just hope the dr office gets my results later today or tomorrow and my titers (levels) are low too! [-o< Sigh. Anyways, gonna think positive! Also, there is a chance that I MIGHT of felt baby move a little while ago! :) It felt like a little kick but it was only once and only for a second and I didn't pass gas afterward :blush: so I have to wonder if it was baby! :cloud9: Thoughts? :haha:

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