April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

So nice that we are all in the second trimester. I often think of the ones that didn't make it and I feel so bad. I remember having to drop off lists a couple of times and it was heartbreaking. Hope they all get rainbows soon.
Awww yay! We're all in 2nd tri now! :happydance: Such a relief!

Ummi, I think for me the insomnia is frustrating because I'm already so tired from the anemia then not being able to sleep well at night is not helping it any. :dohh: Hopefully it will get better. It's supposed to be beautiful weather here on Monday and I am hoping that maybe DH can get me out to a park to at least sit and enjoy some sunshine in case I'm too tired to walk any. I'm getting tired of being cooped up inside but when you're too tired to do much else, it makes it difficult. Sigh. Hopefully all of this is going to get better soon. I really want to enjoy 2nd tri and this pregnancy!

I also will spare a sweet thought for our beloved ladies who didn't make it this far. :cry:

:hugs: and [-o< for them that next time around they will make it and will be joining us again as 1st tri very soon! :flower:

Munchkin, if you haven't yet, please put an angel beside nessaw's name on the first page. I sure hope we see her back here soon with a healthy extra sticky bean in the oven! I miss her being here. :flow:

AFM, I'm still so very tired and haven't decided if I'm going to still serve tomorrow at church or not. I'll go to church regardless, just dunno if I'm gonna feel up to doing my job or not. I guess we will see tomorrow. :shrug:
Praying and ummi - I don't know why I didnt put an angel for nessaw :cry: she was in my July angels group too where we both got angels :(
I finally managed to hold my friends baby that was born on Rowabs due date yesterday. I've seen her lots if times but usually try and avoid the baby every time but I managed yesterday. My other friend was there too with her little boy who was born when my mmc was due. It's like a display of 'what ifs??' The only thing that keeps me going is knowing by the time my rainbows here they'll both be back at work and it'll be me with the gorgeous newborn. I'm still so gutted about the big age gap, I need to find ways of keeping them close despite that.
It was my dd's birthday party yesterday and it was lovely. We had a frozen theme and all the kids had a great time! Got another one to go today and I've woken up far too early as usual. The clocks went back last night so my body clock thinks it's nearly 8 but it's really nearly 7 and I've been up since 6! Dd and oh are still sound asleep. Not fair!!
If that can make you feel better. I'm awake too! Haha! In Algeria they dont change the clocks. So in winter it's the same time as france and summer same as uk. I will have to change once we're back in less than 2 weeks i think.

I know the feeling too of seeing friends having babies around your due date. One of mine announced her pregnancy when. I had my first mc, and when I saw her with the baby I was having my second loss. I don't know why I went to our homeschool group that day! I thought I'd cope but thruth is I came home devastated.

Please don't worry about the age gap. It's not that big. It's bigger than what you hoped for, but the kids won't even realise. As I said before, my children have a 6 1/2 year gap, and they are really close. Yesterday the little one slept in the big one's bed, because ds1 was not feeling well. They have plans for the future of living together, and having a huge collection of toys!! Lol! I think closeness is more a question of personality than age gap.

I am more scared about myself and not being able to care for a baby! I know I've done it twice, but it feels so far away! When I started ttc #3, ds2 was barely 18 months, breastfeeding and still in nappies. So while I was at it, I thought I'd better not change scenery and start for another little one! The thing is when I saw my friend the other day, I was holding her baby girl, and she vomited on me. And I had the reaction of handing her straight back to her mum, just like what you see in movies! Lol! I never ever done that in my whole life even before having kids! And God knows I've had babies puking on me! Lol! We had a right giggle with my friend, but ho my! I'm now thinking am I ready for a baby? Crazy thought isn't it?
That's lovely ummi, thank you. I just have such great memories of me and my sis playing together, sharing dolls houses and dolls and shouting for mum together when we were ready to be tucked up in bed! Of course that was when we weren't trying to kill each other ;) we get on great now too cos we've both got little kids (hers are 16 months apart - I REALLY couldn't have coped with that!!)
I think on the puke thing, it's totally dufferent when it's yours and maybe the novelty before you had kids meant you felt like you couldn't just hand them back. My fruends baby started crying yesterday when I was holding her, i didn't know what to do with her and honestly I don't even think she's cute! It was proper whingeing and I was just completely detached from her. I think it's ok not to like being puked on even if it's yours ;) I can imagine how scary it is though after 5 years, my dd is out of nappies now other than night time and set did a big poo last night and as oh was changing her he said 'I can't believe we'll have to start this all over again soon' it's like we've nearly made it to the end of all the crappy stuff and we'll be right back at the beginning again! You'll be fine, it's like riding a bike I'm sure! Did you feel the same before your second son was born?
No bizarely I was ok with it. But I was younger too. No that I'm that old, but still.
Hello Ladies :hi:

:flower:To the ones who aren't with us in second tri:flower: I wish them the best of luck and pray they're here again soon!:hugs:

Praying is the fatigue getting any better? I was anemic with my dd and had to take iron supplements. bleck.

Munchkin I know how you feel about other friend's babys with similar due dates:hugs:I'm glad you were able to hold the baby! healing in progress! And the age gap too:cry: i still get so upset over that as I did want my babies to be close in age. Woohoo for birthdays! DD's birthday is in January but I don't know if she'll still want Frozen by then:dohh: Glad her party went well :flower:

Ummi you'll be fine! It'll all come right back when you hold your little one. I've been rereading about newborns and doing research like I did with DD to refresh myself!:coffee:
Whatever happened to Abilou, Tasha, Small bliss, MrsPat, Futrbabymaker, Chippyslady, and Lynn98?:shrug:
Thank you ladies. Glad you've moved into second tri. We've got the rmc consultant tom. Will let you know how it goes. Hugs x
Hi nessaw :hugs: I hope the rmc can give you some support. How are you physically? Has hcg gone? Has the bleeding stopped? When do you think you might try again? Are you waiting for the rmc results? I still can't believe it when I read your signature :cry:
Hi ladies!
I'm still here, stalking! :winkwink: I'm doing a practicum in a high-school (as a high-school teacher), with a one-year-old, and a husband who works a lot, so I have hardly any down time! This week marks the 10th week, 5 more to go! :thumbup:

Nessaw: I too was so surprised at your loss, I'm so so sorry! :hugs: I only saw it this weekend. I really hope your consultation goes well tomorrow, and I pray for hopeful news for you. We are definitely here for you! xox
So glad you're getting some help Nessaw. Let us know if they give you any answers.
Not much to report ladies. They didn't have the report from the last mc so no nearer to knowing what went wrong. They took a history and did a load of bloods. We go back in 6 weeks for results. Bit of an anticlimax tbh.
Ugh, the waiting sucks. Hopefully they will have some answers the next time you see them.
I'm so sorry, Nessaw! Hang in there! :hugs: And you have your wedding to look forward too! :kiss:
What a pain Nessaw, hope they have answers for you soon.
Spoken to the lab today. They sent the report to the hospital a month ago. Am waiting for epu, bereavement office and consultant secretary to get back to me. We're ntnp. Still haven't had 1st af post mc yet.

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