April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

:witch::juggle::ninja:Happy Halloween Ladies! :munch::lolly: IDK about you guys but having all of this candy around is not good :wacko: I know it will make me sick yet I cant STOP eating it!!

Nessaw I hope you get results back soon! :hugs: Have you stopped bleeding? I'm glad you're NTNP...you have enough stress trying to get these answers without the added insanity of TTC:wacko: But still NP:thumbup: Keep us posted hon:hugs:

Tasha glad to see you're still around:winkwink: How is your pregnancy going?

AFM: I started feeling baby move the other day:cloud9: but then yesterday nothing and so far today nothing:growlmad:I don't like it. Makes me nervous.
Hi ladies I've started feeling movements. I felt a ticklish feeling on my tummy yesterday and pressed on it and felt a teeny nudge back.
I am hoping to give away all my halloween candy tonight. What I don't give away is being brought to work for the candy dish lol.

Still haven't felt anything, hopefully will here in the next few weeks! I can't believe I am at 15 (almost 16) weeks!
I literally have an entire bucket. What the heck am I supposed to do with all of it? We don't really let DD eat much candy and I Def don't need it!!
Hi everyone. Sorry I've been a little absent again lately. Good news first. The spotting FINALLY FINALLY stopped! THANK GOD! lol! And I am feeling a little bit better. Last 1-2 weeks I've spent resting and in bed pretty much due to severe fatigue and anemia. But iron pills and iron loaded foods has me gradually getting my energy back. I'm still tired and not energetic at all but since there is improvement, I'll take it. I THINK I finally felt little bubbles in my belly the other day but nothing since. :shrug: Hopefully I'll feel proper nudges and kicks here soon! [-o< Meanwhile I do still hear baby's hb on my doppler each day and that helps. I just hope she's growing well and at a normal rate. This in between phase is rough haha. I am still having gagging/nausea episodes each day and today I've been hungry and eating off and on all day (even more so than my normal grazing lol). Wondering if baby (and I) are on a growth spurt. Also is anyone else having off and on yellow discharge? No smell, no odor, no itching. It's like a creamy consistency at times and at other times its ewcm consistency and sometimes a little small glob of it. Sorry TMI :shrug: Anyone else have this? I hope it's normal! :blush:

I hope you all had a wonderful halloween! <3

StillP, that's why we didn't buy any candy. We know better lol! :haha:

Yay for you ladies feeling movement! That's exciting! I've tried gently prodding but so far no response that I can feel. :( Hopefully soon!

Nessaw, I'm so sorry that you're not getting answers in more timely manner. :( I hope you hear something soon and fingers crossed for next time around with a healthy extra sticky rainbow bean! :dust:

Have a great weekend all! :flower:
Where is everyone these days?:confused: Missing all you ladies!!

PrayingP glad your spotting stopped:hugs: When is your next appointment? The discharge sounds normal to me. As long as it's not bothering you or a weird color like green. I've had constant white and watery discharge bleck.

Munchkin when will you be having another scan? Will you have anymore checks for baby's heart?

Mowat how are those twins treating you?

Hoping have you finished your nursery? I'm so jealous of having a baby room to decorate!

Button yay for movement! I've been having similar feelings! Very exciting.

Has anyone had their 20 week scan yet? Or have it booked? Just got mine booked for 24 November! :happydance:
Hey ladies! It's been a bit quiet on here :) Hope everyone's doing well. I just never seem to stop at the moment. My gran broke her hip so we've been moving her bedroom downstairs and re organising her house so she won't keep falling, and organising hospital visiting for the 4,000 people who come out of the woodwork but don't realise she always needs. I siting not just when she's in hospital! I spent the weekend at my sisters looking after her kids who are 2 and nearly 1 as well as my dd who's A big 3 now!! My never ending cold is still here and I had another diarrhoea and vomiting bug at my sisters then had to drive 3 hours home that day, really not good! Worked most of last week and this is my first day 'off' for ages and I've just got to do lists running around my head! Phew. My 20 week scan (incl cardiac scan) is a week today. Eek. Maybe being busy is a good idea!!

How's everyone else? Finished the Halloween sweets yet?? Ooh my sis lives in London so for the first time ever I had trick or treaters (they don't bother coming out to the bag of beyond for us!) so my dd and my sisters ds dressed up on Friday night so we could welcome all the trick or treaters with sweets and a 'happy Halloween' then all day Saturday every time the doorbell went whether it was the milkman or the postman or whatever they ran to the door screaming with excitement! I felt so sad for them it was always someone boring ;( but the postman had a great reception! :rofl:
That's so cute Munchkin!

Glad the spottings stopped pixie

My scan is booked for the 8th December but I've got lots going on between now and then.

Had my 16 week appointment yesterday and the midwife found the heartbeat and got very excited about me wanting a home birth.
That's great button! I'm sure a home birth would be amazing, totally not for me but amazing nonetheless :lol: I tried to go to a midwife led centre with my dd but I was too overdue (42 weeks) when I got there and my contractions weren't regular enough so they sent me to be induced at the hospital, by the time I got there half an hour later I was 6cm dilated and in established labour!
I'm glad though because we would have been blue lighted to the hospital anyway. This time I'm hoping for a water birth at the hospital. We'll see!!

Exciting about hearing the heartbeat too. I'm looking forward to seeing the baby next week but I've decided there will be SOMETHING wrong, I'm not even dreaming there won't be, but just hoping it's not too serious.
It must be hard for you munchkin, hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit once you're past the scan.

I laboured in water with DS and it was amazing for the pain so I hope you get to have a water birth. I ended up slowing down so I had to be transferred for a ventouse but my midwife assures me that lots of women go on to deliver their second with no problems after a ventouse with their first.
Eurgh I had lovely forceps and a 3rd degree tear with my dd. They offered me a c section next time but I feel normal down there now and want to have another go!!
Good Morning ladies:coffee:

Munchkin so sorry about your grandmother, I hope she heals quickly:flower: I agree being busy is the best, makes us stress and overthink things less! Yay for upcoming scan!:happydance: Just try to relax. Fx that everything is perfect!

Button will your midwife come to your home for a home birth or how does that work? Sorry I don't know anything about them. Are you finding out the gender still?

I don't know if they have a Veterans day in the UK but it's on Tuesday which means we get a 4day weekend this weekend! :happydance: So happy lol
Hi everyone! I'm back home. Here is a quick update from my journal, I will read you back ASAP. Hope everyone's ok and our beanies are wiggling around nicely.

Homesweet home!
We came back yesterday, and are happy to be home! France was not as expected (we stayed in the family, at dh's cousin who was really nice, but the rest of them no comment )
We did go out a bit but I was so exhausted in the end.
We booked a ryanair ticket, but forgot to print the tickets (I thought you just needed the ref number just like They use to do, but apparently they changed the rules), we arrived just 15 min too late to print at their desk at the airport (but were on time for check in), and had to pay &#8364;70/person (children included) to get our tickets and leave in the plane we booked. So much for a cheap flight! It's all my fault should have printed them, but quite gutted. Well, I guess worst thing happen and we did arrive safely and had a pleasant flight home. Dh took it better than I did, poor man just paid the thing and said nothing. he was upset for 10 min and then it was ok. I guess he is getting older and wiser, cause had that happened 15 years he'd have gone nuts! Bless him.
Kids didnot care that much as long as they were having fun!

Anyway, it felt really good coming home.

I phone the surgery this morning, and I could get the only appointment with a doctor on 26th nov!!! Argh! I should have called them from france at least.
I've got enough meds to last until then, and 12 days after that. I'm sure they won't prescribe them for me anyway, and I'll have to have some more brought here.
My worry is for my 20 weeks scan. I don't know if they'll be able to book it on time.

Does anyone knows if the doc can book it before I see the mw? Or does it have to be done specifically by the mw?
Another question, I'm 15w now, can I go and see the epau for a quick check up or will they refuse me? Because I thought that maybe the doctor there could prescribe the meds for me?
I'll try and call them tomorrow probably and see how it goes. But maybe 15w is roo late for the epau? And I don't want to lie to them either as I will have to explain them about the injections and all.
Stillpraying - whoever is on call from the community midwife team will come out to my house when I'm in labour. There will be two here for delivery, one to look after me and one to look after the baby. Afterwards they clean up the mess.

Ummi - epau will normally only see you if there's a problem. I would see if your Dr can refer you for the 20 week scan, mine referred me for my 12 week at the same time they referred me to the midwife.
Awww I want a water birth really badly too! I hear it's wonderful and it just makes so much sense to me! :thumbup: But I know my dr will make me deliver in the hospital and they do have laboring tubs so I'm hoping they will either let me give birth in it or oopsy I stayed in too long and now I cant get out! :haha: My next appt is the 17th of this month. We don't have 20 week scan booked yet but at my next appt I will be 18 weeks so I'm sure they will have me back 2 weeks later at that point for the anomaly scan. I am looking forward to it as I'm really eager to see baby again. I THINK I felt a couple little kicks last night! It was 2 in a row in the same place. What do you ladies think? Think it was gas bubbles or baby kicking? It was also in the area where I find the hb so I'm thinking/hoping it was baby. <3

Ummi, so glad you're home safe and sound. :flower:

Button, I'm so happy for you that you get to have a water birth. I am hoping and praying that I get to have one, too. :)

Munchkin, awww I hope you get the birth you want this time and that it's a positive experience. I'm also crossing my fingers and praying that your scan shows that baby is perfect and you can have that wonderful peace of mind! :hugs:

StillP, I hope all is going well for you, too. :flower:
Still here, just super busy and tired. I've been reading everyone's updates---glad to hear you're all well. I've got my 20 week scan booked for November 21st.

Anyone have a painful feeling in your crotch? Not sure how to describe it. Some days I just feel it when I crouch to get something (and it feels like I'm about to rip open), other days it feels like someone kicked me in the crotch. Never had anything like this with DS. I'm assuming it's just the extra pressure or two.

Just feel like I've exploded this past week---I feel enormous! I'm already having trouble getting up if I'm sitting on the floor or crouching. Beached whale!
Mowat we need pics of that twin belly!
The receptionist at work (I still haven't announced) was commenting on how big I'm going to be the other day. Thanks! Now b****r off.
I am doing the groaning when I stand up thing though!

I've not had the crotch thing mowat. Early on I felt like something was coming out a few times cos everything was so low but that's gone. Nowadays I get random cramps when I roll over in bed, like leg cros but at the side of my bump and very painful for a few seconds.
Yay for your 20 week scan! 6 days til mine. Terrified!
still here getting big and fat. 20 week scan on the 11th. Nursery almost done!


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