April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Yeah I remember my oh first feeling my daughter moving and we were just giggling, he couldn't believe how crazy she was! Still can't!!
The verdict's in: I'm joining Hoping with team blue!!! :blue: But I had disappointing news too. I have marginal placenta previa (they call it marginal, but the side of the placenta is completely covering my cervix). If that doesn't change, I'll need another c-section. They said I have a 50/50 chance. I just really don't want a repeat c-section, my first was a nightmare experience. :wacko: Here's to hoping that as my uterus expands, the placenta uncovers my cervix!
Yay for team blue Tasha!! Exciting. Sorry about the placenta :( apparently mine is posterior bad very low so they're keeping an eye on it but the scan lady said it will most likely move higher but they need to just keep an eye on it. Hopefully yours will be the same?? Sadly nothing you can do though! Why was your c section such a nightmare? My sis had 2 planned c sections and sailed through them xx
Munchkin: Thanks! :flower: My last c-section, the nurses didn't keep up with my pain medication after the operation. They are supposed to give you medication every 3-4 hours. I woke up in excruciating pain after 7 hours of no medication. It was too late to bring my pain back to a normal threshold after having lost control, so I was put on narcotics. I spent my hospital stay high. :haha: Also, I started hemorrhaging, and they almost had to perform bedside surgery to stop the bleeding. So freaky. I was sent home after 48hrs because the ward was overcrowded. The drive home was so painful with all the bumps (not to mention getting into the vehicle to start with!), and the recovery was long and hard.
Sorry you had such a rubbish time :( sounds awful. Why did you have to have a section last time? I was offered one this time after my 3rd degree tear last time but I'd rather do it naturally if I can.
Munchkin: Ouch! Did you heal alright?? My baby was breech, hence the c-section.
Yeah it was ok. Birth was horrific and first few weeks wasn't great but I was on good pain killers and everything's fine and dandy now. She was only 6lb 9 but had the cord round her neck so every time I pushed she bounced back up! Had forceps in the end. Dudbt mind labour at all til the pushing bit. I'm hoping it's cleared the way a bit for the next one ;)
Congrats on a blue bump Tasha. Fingers crossed for you that your placenta moves.

Munchkin same thing happened with me, that's why I ended up with ventouse. The cord being around his neck was also making his head come out at an awkward angle. Luckily it wasn't bothering him in the slightest but I just couldn't push him out by myself.
Congratulations on team :blue: Tasha!
So that makes us 2:blue:/2:yellow:/2:pink: right? So exciting!
Sorry about your placenta news, Fx that it moves or if you do have a csection that it'll be a much better experience! !
Button what is ventouse?
Ventouse is similar to forceps but it's a suction cup on baby's head to pull them out
Congrats Tasha on baby boy!
Hope the issue with the placenta resolves itself.

I haven't got much to report here. Still waiting for my appoitment with my gp on the 26th. Can't come soon enough!
I've been very busy reorganising the house lately. I'm almost done, but everytime I think it's finished I realised there's something else to do/put away.
I took all the big baby stuff feom the shed, like the highchair, baby bath etc.. (Well, dh did) and I now need to clean them too.
Only thing is the crotch stap of the highchair is damaged like it's been cut or something (it has been stored for 4 years almost), and I can't find any replacement. I've been to the Obaby website, but they are out of stock :(
Don't know what to do and I surely don't want to buy a new chair just because of that!

How's everyone?
Can you find one of another make that'll fit? Or make your own?? It does seem a shame. I need to find the strap for ours too!! I'm desperate to get my babybay co sleeper crib out of the garage. It's got bedding and mattress etc and it's been sitting in their brand new in the box since March! It turned up a few days after we lost Rowan :( got to get oh to clear all his rubbish out of the nursery first :( we're currently selling loads of stuff because I've decided we need a new kitchen before baby arrives, oh has finally given in but we're trying to raise some cash so it duesnt cost us much!!

Now I'm not moaning .... But I feel so uncomfortable tonight :( my back hurts, my boobs hurt, my nipples itch, when I yawn or cough my tummy hurts and I've got horrid indigestion :( my tummys starting to feel massive too. My poor dd got short shrift tonight cos I'm so irritable and now the cat is mithering me. GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!
Thanks. I will try to find something that'll work. My sewing machine is broken. Never got dh to fix, but I'm sure it's not a big deal. I think your right, I'm going to try to make my own by hand, and fix it to the original plastic parts. Way easier and cheaper than searching on the internet.

Me too I'm trying tonget dh to help as much as I can when he's not working. Tomorrow we (well -he) are going to move boxes downstairs) and I'd like to ging a place for his tools. This house is good, but lacks of storage space.

Nothing than a good moan sometimes! We all have days like that. I have days like when I'm on the edge, especially with the kids. I even had tomapologise to my ds1, because I've been unfair. And I hate it! (Not apologising but being unfair).
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
How's everyone doing today?
I'm starting to get paranoid about changes in movement now :( I've been getting lots in the evening but last night I had hardly anything, just a few high up kicks just as I was falling asleep. When should you start worrying?
On a very happy note, a lady in a thread a started after my first mmc has just got her bfp after waiting forever and having loads of issues. Please give her your prayers and thoughts for a sticky one, she so deserves it! It's JRepp if anyone knows her. Button??
Name doesn't ring a bell but that's great news!

I'm still just getting flutterings but I have an anterior placenta this time. I've also had a stuffy nose forever and it's driving me mad! Off to art class today which is always fun.
Maybe I'm getting confused! I've got a posteria one this time and last 2 times they were anterior but I don't think I'm getting any more movements this time.
It could be someone I recognise by signature or avatar, there's a few whose names I don't recognise because something else catches my eye! I'm just impatient for DH to start feeling kicks, I want him to be able to start bonding with bubs. Also looking forward to when DS can feels kicks, o think he'll find it funny.
I'm glad I'm not the only one not to feel too much movements. I still only feel flutters too from time to time and even then I'm not always sure. It's frustrating becsuse I used to feel full kicks by then with my sons. But i keep hope that everything is ok. I still have ms from time to time. Not as bad as it used to be, but I'm stil sick at least 2-3 times a week. So that gives me a clue that the pregnancy is doing well.

I dreamed that dh could feel kicks too. And he woke up in the middle of the night and asked me when he could feel the baby move!
i feel movement everyday now some more then most. I freaked out at 1st but just like we get tired the babies do to. I went almost 2 days with out hardly any movement but thats because he moved so much the day before he was just tired.

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