April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Yeah i am getting some movement but not the lovely proper kicks :( just need to not be freaked out. SOmeone on another thread said to drink a cold drink and lie on your side for 2 hours and you should get 10 movements. I'd love to go home tonight and tell OH that's what i'm doing for the next 2 hours instead of putting DD to bed and making dinner and doing the washing!!
I think that's the problem with subsequent pregnancies, you just don't get time to sit down and feel movement.
Hi ladies :wave:

Ummi sorry about your high chair strap, that would make me bonkers! I'd definitely give making your own strap a go. Worth a shot at least. I bet if you pinterest DIY buckles or straps you'll probably get some ideas.

Munchkin I totally understand your paranoia. :hugs: I typically only feel her move in the evenings when I lay on the sofa on my back. But I go a day or two without feeling her and I get nervous. From what I've read, you're supposed to be concerned with kick counts and such at 24 weeks.

Button I agree, I think it is harder with subsequent pregnancies.

AFM, counting down until Monday as that is when my Anatomy scan is as well as when my vacation starts! :happydance:We're going to spend Thanksgiving with my family (they live about 12-14 hours away).

Anyone else so unbelievably tired ALL of the time?:sleep:
Thanks Still. I will have a go at mending it myself. I'm too bad at sewing so I should be ok with that. Just need to find the right material.

Yay for some holiday! You deserve it. Everyone on here does deserve it really, but they did drive mad at work! Didn't they?
I too find myself very tired and irritable too, less tired than first tri, but I can only achieve in a day half (or less) than what I'm used to usually. Ah! Well! We'll get so much to do in a day when baby is here, we'd better get some rest anyway!
All I want to do is sleep. I cant hardly wake up in the morning and am typically late for work. I have to force myself to go to the gym. By the time I get home I don't want to do anything but sleep, then I go to bed as soon as DD goes down around 830. I'M SO TIRED :cry:
Hi everyone! :hugs:

Omogosh I'm still soooooo tired too! I go to bed at a decent hour, deal with insomnia and frequent waking during the night and the night time/early morning getting up to wee, and then I cant drag myself outta bed in the morning. :nope: I stay tired all day. I am beginning to think that the 2nd tri energy isn't gonna happen for me. :shrug:
I'm also not feeling much in movement yet either. The occasional odd bubble popping (just one single sensation each time), the very occasional twitch/painless spasm feeling and a little bit of off and on slight nudgy feelings from down low. Now this morning EARLY (I don't know what time I forgot to check the clock) but I swear I felt 5 movements! They were nudgy/bubble popping type of feelings but I didn't pass gas afterward so I think it was baby. I also had my appt yesterday and that went well. I've gained like 5 lbs in 4 weeks. The dr asked if we knew what we're having yet, and we said yes, it's a girl. He said oh ok, I didn't know if you guys believe the hb/gender theory but this would be a girl hb (it was 155). :) So it was neat to hear him say that. I told him I'm not getting much movement for which he said he's not worried about that yet as it still is early but if I don't pass gas after a sensation it's likely baby moving. :thumbup: And the biggest news is that my 20 week scan is on December 1st! So add me to the list! :flower: I cant wait to see her again and get to see her up close this time! <3 Hoping the next 2 weeks go by fast! :winkwink: I was hoping he'd measure me but he said that doesn't start till 28 weeks. Sigh. Oh and had another anti c titre drawn. Waiting for results on that. :coffee:

StillP, I'm so glad you finally get a vacay/holiday! You def deserve it! :hugs: I'm exhausted and tired all the time too. I wonder if it's a girl baby thing! :shrug:

Munchkin, I'm not getting proper kicks yet either but I heard that is supposed to start around week 22-23. I too have a posterior placenta so I thought I'd feel more movement by now. :shrug: It does have me paranoid as to whether or not she is growing well and normally at this point. Ugh. Two more weeks to wait to find out.

Ummi, wow. I'm still having bizarre vivid dreams. Some make sense some don't. Oh and my boobs still ache a bit in the mornings.

Button, I feel the same way. I want my DH to be able to feel her move. Right now he cant really bond with her yet. :(
I started feeling some movement/fluttering around 12 weeks and I had a lot even a couple of weeks ago. The last week I haven't felt as much. Every little things makes you nervous.

Have a great vacation Still!
I've gone past tired to dead this morning! LO had a nightmare at 4am and I was in his room for an hour. This is on top of yesterday when he was on the go non stop.
When ds2 has a nightmare, he comes straight to my bed. Way easier than me trying to calm him down and help him fall asleep in his bed. I'm glad it doesn't happen often though.
Unfortunately my DS won't come in our bed anymore, sometimes I wish he would.
My LO comes to our bed EVERY morning at 4AM! :growlmad: She's potty trained but still wears pull ups for night time, so maybe that's why she wakes up idk.
WHERE IS THIS 2nd TRIMESTER ENERGY??????? Im so tired!!! and today i am swollen because i ate pickles yesterday!!! i feel like a mac truck hit me today!

Rant over thanks for listening
Sorry you're not feeling well today Hoping. :hugs:

Silly and tmi, but yesterday evening I had the scare of my life. My tummy started to be very painful on and off. To the point that I thought it was contractions! I was terrified. It lasted just a few minutes, after which I realised I needed a bowel movement. I had been eating a bit too spicy lately! Silly me!!
Ummi I've been doubled over in pain with constipation, it's getting a lot better now but my bowels still aren't working properly!
Hoping I'm totally with you - exhausted isn't the word. I've now got another cold too, ive not been illness free this whole pregnancy.
Well I've now finally made it past my big milestone! I'm 21+4 today and Rowan was born at 21+3 in March. The last week or so I've been reliving those days in my head from when we found out there might be a problem, to having the specialist scan, to going into hospital and having her, and today we left her there. The worst day of my life. We were so she'll shocked. We went away on holiday that day just to escape and I cried and cried. So happy to still have this one kicking about, but so guilty and sad Rowan wasn't allowed to make it this far :(
That must have been such a difficult time to say the least. And to relive this week too. :hugs:
This baby is okay. You'll have your rainbow. Rowan is in your heart forever.
I need to have a little grumble. I've picked up a sickness bug at playgroup and I've been sat in the bathroom all night. I feel tired and rotten, just hope DS doesn't get it.
Goodness looks like everyone is feeling a little under the weather!:-({|= Cheer up ladies, we've made it this far!:hugs:

Hoping I'm with ya hon, I'm thinking that "2nd Tri Energy" is a myth. :growlmad: I get off of work and usually fall asleep on the couch, leaving DD & DH to fend for themselves :blush:

lol Ummi:haha: that wasn't where I expected your story to go! I've had the same problem. Idk if they have it where you are but I've found that Activia Yogurt really does help with constipation.
I had diarrhea my first tri now constipation in the second! :dohh:

Munchkin yay for getting past that milestone but I'm sure it is very bittersweet:hugs: I'm sorry you've had to relive that this week as I'm sure that is both stressful and emotional :flower: Just remember this is a different pregnancy, a different little miracle, and you have made it this far:hugs:

Button ugh so sorry, I hope your family doesn't catch it. That really is the worst. Those bugs seem to latch on to everyone, and it's even worse when you're pregnant.

AFM I am at 20 weeks today:happydance: Half way. All though I know anything can happen, I'm so grateful to have made it this far and thank you to all of you wonderful ladies for your support!:flower:
20 week scan today and everything looked good! Can't believe it. I think I still won't believe it even when I'm in labour!

Thinking of you Munchkin.
2nd Trimester energy is a myth&#8230; I am always tired, and I am not sleeping either :(

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