April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Great news about your scan Mowat! Did they give you pictures?

Akn I'm the same way. I always wake up and then just lie awake:growlmad:

20 week Scan today at 230 Pacific Time....I'm so nervous and trying to drink a lot of water:wacko:
StillPraying have you had your scan yet?

Yay Mowat great news :happydance:

Button hope you're feeling a bit better hon. I'm so fed up of being ill. I've just had back to back colds and tummy bugs since 12 weeks. I've got a horrid cough keeping me up all night. I usually have a glass of milk before bed to help with heartburn and keep me full but apparently it causes mucous so i had orange juice last night and had horrendous heartburn. I had a bottle of cough medicine and a bottle of gavisgon on my bedside table i was jut alternating all night!
Good luck for your scan Stillpraying!

Thanks Munchkin, feeling a bit better and out of quarantine (shut up in my room so DS and DH don't get it!). Had a headache and a bit tired today but on the mend. On the plus side I don't have a cold for the first time in a very long time. Remind me why we're incubating another little germ factory?!

OH felt baby kick last night which was wonderful. We've also come up with a middle name for if it's a girl, Cordelia Agnes, first time my OH actually said he liked a middle name.

Munchkin I remember the heartburn with DS. Have you tried propping yourself up in bed with lots of pillows? Gaviscon is fab stuff, I had to get a prescription for it last time because it was costing me a fortune.
Papaya is really good with helping heartburn. I got some papaya enzyme (they sell them where the vitamins/health food stuff is) and some dried papaya fruit to eat. I am normally not all natural.. but I just can't do tums... and zantac takes a bit to kick in.

Good luck with your scan today StillP! Mine is on Wednesday. Can't wait to find out if I am team Pink or Blue! Then we fly out that night to go elope in Vegas :) Going to be a busy week.. hoping the next two days go by quickly!
How was your scan Still?

Button: yay! For dh feeling kicks. My dh also felt kicks 2 days ago. He only told me the next evening, because I was fast asleep at the time. I was so emotional and pleased when he told me.

I hate heartburn. I used to have with both boys, which used to make me cry at some point, but this time so far so good. But I don't know what tomorrow will bring. However I have some terrible reflux (is this english???) at night. It's not heartburn, but it's bile (tmi) I think that comes up. It can even make me choke. I sleep with 2-3 pillows, I'm all propped which helps most of the time. But sometimes I do slide down and that's when it comes back. Ah well. If that's what it takes to have my rainbow!
I have my gp appointment on wednesday. Hope things will go faster with booking my 20 weeks scan.

How's everyone else?​
Ummi I think I'm getting that! I wake up choking and can taste vomit. It's horrid and sticks in my throat for ages!

I've got the gavisgon on prescription by the bucket load. The same with all my pregnancies, I drink it straight from the bottle! I'll try the papaya too.

Akn really excited about finding our if you're blue or pink. I think we're even Stevens at the moment so you'll tip the balance.

I have only just started feeling baby from the outside and it's hard to catch so I think it'll be a while before oh feels it.
I've found a great trick for getting baby to move though when I'm paranoid. I lie on my front with a bit of weight on my tummy and baby always responds by having a little fidget ;)
Sweet! I love tipping the scales!

I haven't felt it from the outside yet.. but I know baby doesn't like me leaning forward. I was leaning forward and got a couple swift jabs...
How was the scan Still?

Yes, I got some photos, but they're not super great. Oh well, more time for that.
Ummi - I had acid reflux with DS and am starting to get some now if I lie on my right side sometimes. I'm going to buy a precautionary bottle of gaviscon just so I have some when it hits.
StillP how did your scan go? Inquiring minds want to know! :winkwink: I hope all is well! :hugs:

6 more days till my 20 week scan. Excited and nervous since I'm only feeling a little bit of movement from baby. Are you ladies' baby kicks feeling like very small kicks/pokes from inside? Or am I the only one that it feels like that for? :wacko: I really hope she's growing ok! :blush:
No heartburn here. Just still have daily gagging and some nausea.
I hadn't felt a lot of movement for awhile, but after my u/s I've been feeling a lot more again. Weird.

So I peaked at my u/s results. One heartbeat 152, the other 167. What do we think?

It also mentioned that my cervix looked okay (I was worried about that), but that the placenta was very low lying. Anyone else have this? Just something else to worry about.
Are all you US ladies going shopping this Thursday/Friday? I can't even imagine the crazy!
Praying pixie i feel flutters low down and kicks all over the place but not all the time or very strong. I've slightly felt it from the outside once or twice. I'm getting regular movements at least evety couple of hours now though.

Mowat my placenta was low down at the 20 week scan but they're hoping it'll move. If I didn't already have more scans booked they'd have scanned me later to check. I really don't want a c section but to me it was such a minor thing after the worries before the 20 week scan I've barely thought about it!

StillPraying come on honey, talk to us!!
Thanks Munchkin. I was checking on her with doppler this morning as I hadn't felt any kicks yet and that is when I start feeling the small poking feeling off and on and then at one point it felt like a small quick momentary swipe type of feeling (guessing a knee or something) moving across but it was all down low. Above my pubic but low abdomen for sure. And her HR was 140-150 BPM and I could hear her moving as it would be loud and strong and then fade and then come back loud again haha. I cant wait to see her again on scan on Monday. I'm just praying that she is measuring spot on and growing well! :wacko: That's my biggest worry right now. :blush: Any thoughts on that that might help set my mind at ease? :haha: :blush: Oh! And I am having round ligament pain daily. Sometimes a couple times a day. Had one this morning and yesterday morning that doubled me over temporarily but it quickly eased upon laying back down. Owchie! haha.

StillP, where are you? We're starting to worry about you! Please update us! <3

Mowat, I have to run a few quick errands this evening after DH gets off work but other than that, no shopping for us until Saturday evening at the earliest and yes it will be insane and neither of us wants to contend with that! It always blows my mind how people who just got done being grateful switch so quickly to me me me and even violence ensues in stores that night and/or the next day! :wacko: It makes NO sense to me :shrug: and I refuse to take part in it! I'm just not that kind of person. Thank God. :winkwink:
The HR at 12 weeks was 140, 16wk was 120 and then today was 137.

I am tilting the scales on Team Pink :)
Yay for team :pink: akn! And I'm hoping it means I've still got a chance at :pink: too. My girls heart rates were 160-170 but this ones usually 150ish so I thought it might mean :blue: honestly I'm not that bothered but I'd live a little sister for my daughter. I'll put you on the list on the first page!!
Oh My! I accidently unsubscribed from this thread! How did that happened??!! I missed 2 days of posts!

Still: hope everything is ok with you and baby and that you've just been a bit too busy. :flower:

Akn: really? Pink? Yay!

I had my gp appt today, so I thought I would update.
It went quite well . The gp booked me in with the hospital, and requested I see the consultant because of my RPL history and that fact I'm on Lovenos and have only 12 days supply left. She cannot prescribe it for me unless she gets a letter from the consultant, which I already knew. She put in bold on my form the I'd be seen as a high priority, which I'm happy about. She also managed to fit me in with the nurse who did a quick glucose prick test. And it's fine. She also weighed me and I'm the same weight as last time in Algeria (which means with many layers added!!). So I may again have lost a bit.
I could also have done today the blood tests she requested, but that was in another clinic and ds2 was not well enough (he's running a temperature today) to take another bus, walk, wait and go home again.
So I'm back at the surgery on friday.

I'm now waiting for the hospital to contact me with scan and consultant appts. Hopefully it won't take long.

Also the nurse suggested I did the flu vaccine and the whooping cough vaccine too. I'm not too sure about the flu one, but will probably do the other one.

How's everyone?
Mow at Black Friday is migrating here too :( a lot of the online shops and places like asda are on it. Not impressed, as if we need another excuse to mindlessly splurge!

Ummi it sounds v confusing! What's rpl?? I've def not lost weight, I feel like a big pie at the mo :( my bump has gone a wierd shape too.. Really what a nice round bump but mine goes from my hips to my boobs at the moment, feeling massive!
Rpl: recurrent pregnancy loss. Sorry for being so confusing. After re-reading myself it does sound confusing! I'm exhausted today. I had to go back and forth to thesurgery because Ihad my appt at 8.30 andds1 had another at 3.30 pm! And ds2 is running a temperature too.
In short I saw the gp who filled some forms and referred me to the consultant gynae as a high priority. I also saw thenurse at the surgery who did some more check ups. And finally I should be back at the surgery on friday for more bloods.
Hi ladies! Sorry been absent, drove 12 hrs to see family then had a day of recovery and Thanksgiving :wacko:
My ultrasound was great no obvious red flags so hopefully they won't find any on review. She was measuring ahead, the us tech thinks the 7th, so we will see! Lil thing refused to open her legs but still pretty sure she's a girl. HR 152!
Yay for another Team :pink: !!
Mowat I say boy/girl twins!
Sorry about the heartburn/reflux issues ladies. I had heartburn terribly with DD and then she had reflux, so I know the pain!
My sister has a newborn here and then my sil is here and she had a 2ndtri loss, then I'm pregnant and it's all just....weird and uncomfortable.

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