Oh My! I accidently unsubscribed from this thread! How did that happened??!! I missed 2 days of posts!
Still: hope everything is ok with you and baby and that you've just been a bit too busy.
Akn: really? Pink? Yay!
I had my gp appt today, so I thought I would update.
It went quite well . The gp booked me in with the hospital, and requested I see the consultant because of my RPL history and that fact I'm on Lovenos and have only 12 days supply left. She cannot prescribe it for me unless she gets a letter from the consultant, which I already knew. She put in bold on my form the I'd be seen as a high priority, which I'm happy about. She also managed to fit me in with the nurse who did a quick glucose prick test. And it's fine. She also weighed me and I'm the same weight as last time in Algeria (which means with many layers added!!). So I may again have lost a bit.
I could also have done today the blood tests she requested, but that was in another clinic and ds2 was not well enough (he's running a temperature today) to take another bus, walk, wait and go home again.
So I'm back at the surgery on friday.
I'm now waiting for the hospital to contact me with scan and consultant appts. Hopefully it won't take long.
Also the nurse suggested I did the flu vaccine and the whooping cough vaccine too. I'm not too sure about the flu one, but will probably do the other one.
How's everyone?