April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Congrats on a pink bump akn!

Glad your scan went well Stillpraying. It does sound a bit awkward with your sister and sil, poor girl.

Ummi glad they've referred you as high priority.
Still! Glad to know everything is ok and you were 'just' busy!! Sorry for your sil's loss. I hope the atmosphere there gets better for everyone's sake.

I had my blood test today, went in this morning, hopefully getting the results on Monday.
And in the afternoon, I took the kids to their swimming lessons. Because I take public transport, we didn't go home after my blood tests, took another bus to the town where the swimming is and spent the rest of the day there. We had a nice time but that was exhausting! I did a lot of walking too, hope that will keep me fit throught the pregnancy.
When I was at the college (swimming lessons are in a college), I needed some change. But everything there was closed: the café, the canteen, finance cashiers, they all closed at 2pm! Argh! I asked a lovely receptionist who advised me to try the shops outside. I was already tired by that the thought of it! And then she looked at my bump and said: "I understand why!"
I did not think it was that obvious, especially because being a muslim I cover myself with a long dress on top of my clothes and a long hijab that comes down to my knees. And she asked me when it was due so I said I still had time until April. To which she replied "ah! Is it twins?!" Lol!!! Bless her, she was really nice. I did not get the change i needed though!

How's everyone?
Hi ladies.

StillP, so glad the scan went well! Very relieved to heat that! :thumbup:

Akn, congrats on team :pink: So I guess that's 3 of us now. :)

Ummi, Wow I didn't know that! And that does sound exhausting. Sorry you didn't get the change you needed. I hope the bloodwork comes back with good news.

AFM, I have my 20 week scan on Monday which I'm both excited and nervous about. I'm still not feeling much movement. Only a little in late evening when laying on my back so I hope she's growing ok. :wacko: Oh and my blood work from last appt came back looking great! Said my anti c levels are so low that they are barely countable! :thumbup: So that is great news and they will recheck again in 4 weeks from last appt (2 weeks ago). Please keep me and baby girl here in your thoughts/prayers that Monday's appt is only good news and that baby cooperates for the measurements and let's us see the money shot lol! :haha: We know she's a girl from blood work but I still wanna see the famous "3 lines". :winkwink: I'll let you all know how it went after I return from the appt. :flower: Hope you're all having a blessed weekend and to my fellow american gals here, I hope you ladies had a very happy thanksgiving! :hugs:
Aww thanks Mowat! 2 hrs and 30 mins till scan time. I'm excited but nervous. Night before last dh got to finally feel baby kicking when he put his handon my belly but last night I only felt a couple of kicks and that was it despite eating something sweet to try to get her moving. So I got out my doppler to easemy paranoia and hear her loud and clear at 145 bpm. So I'm really hoping that maybe she's just lazy sometimes haha. But I need them to tell.me today that that's normal and that she's measuring spot on and growing and developing normally. Also last night dh and I dtd :blush: and despite earlier in the day seeming to have an abundance of discharge, I had a bit of vaginal dryness and had to use ky (water based one). Has anyone else experienced this? :shrug: Shouldn't dryness not be a problem at this time? :wacko: I guess I'll ask the dr today. Ugh. So I guess I'm nervous about my scan today for those reasons. Also the tech we always get stuck with likes to hurry through scans and I'm afraid she will do that again this time when I know they are supposed to basically go over baby amd everything with a fine tooth comb so to speak for the 20 week scan. So I hope for once she takes her time this time. Sigh. Well plz keep baby and I in prayers/thoughts today and I'll let you all know how it goes when I get back. Thank you! :flower:
I'm counting myself more than halfway because they said they'll induce me at 37 weeks. Woohoo! So exciting.
PP: how was your scan? Hope you had another tech, or that this one was more patient.

Yay girls for being halfway through!

Sorry I have been MIA, but I'm finding myself so busy since I came back. We are still trying to get back to a good homeschool routine, and I'v booked the kids to lots of activities. Yesterday they had a first aid course (2nd part in two weeks time). Only troubl s that we had to wait 1 hour in the freezing cold for our second bus to get home!!
Anyway, I called the hospital on Monday about my appointment. They didn't have a clue, but they told me I could come in for a self-referral! It's totally new, and had I known about it, I'd have come way earlier. Anyway, now it's done and yesterday I received a text saying I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on... sunday! Wasn't expecting that really! Well at least the process is getting going now.
I should also receive a letter for my scan soon too. I did receive one saying I was due for a scan and asking me to take part in a study, but no appt yet. Well I guess we'll see on Sunday!

How's everyone?
Hope you get your scan appointment soon Ummi.

My DS made me a bauble at playgroup today, I was so proud as he doesn't normally join in with crafts. I've also booked myself onto a pregnancy yoga class on Saturday which I'm looking forward to.
Waited for over an hour at my doctor's office for my appointment and then I had to leave to get my son from school. Too busy for this! Buying and selling houses this week, working extra---no! Rebooked for Monday. Stupid doctors.
I hate when doctors can't get you in on time… It's frustrating!!

I love prenatal yoga! I can't wait until I get to go again!!
Hello ladies :xmas8: Man this time of year is so busy!

Ummi I had to google what a hijab looked like lol Why do people always ask if it's twins?? Sorry you haven't been able to get your scan appointment, how frustrating! Maybe your MW will book it at your appointment?:shrug:

Praying I think as far as dryness goes everyone is different. I go through different phases of really wet and then not so much.

Button glad your enjoying prenatal yoga. I attend a regular yoga class and I absolutely love it:thumbup: Yay for halfway!:happydance:

Akn Yay for halfway! Are we all passed that 20 week mark yet?
lol Mowat I have to say I'm jealous you don't have to go all the way to 40 weeks:haha: Sorry about your drs missing your appointment, that's so irritating!!:growlmad:

AFM....Had a scare yesterday. I tripped on hose and fell. More on my side then my belly, but I didn't feel her moving after the fall so I went ahead and went in to my Drs. The triage nurse looked kind of annoyed but checked me out anyway. As soon as she put the Doppler on my belly baby girl kicked it! lol They got the hb right away so that was reassuring. Now I'm just walking funny cuz I wrenched my back in the fall. :dohh:
Today is DD's first dentist appointment....wish us luck:flower:
Hope you're ok Stillpraying after your fall. Good luck at the dentist, I've got to take DS on Monday, last time I took him he was a bit less freaked out so hopefully the dentist might get to look in his mouth.
Hi everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't mean to. This week has been rough for me. I'll cut to the chase...went to my ob/gyn on Monday for the scan and baby was all balled up and the tech (same one) started with her head and stopped and said "I'm gonna go get the dr. Baby is in a difficult position." and walked out of the room. Meanwhile I tried turning onto my side to get her to unball herself but that didn't work. Then the dr came in and took one look at the screen and said we have a problem and I am concerned. He pointed out the darkness and said that is fluid and there is more of it than I'm comfortable with. I'm not sure what it is or if we have a condition here that is incompatible with life but I'm sending you right now across town to the perinatologist and he will work you in and find out what is going on and then pretty much left the room leaving both DH and I in shock and me distraught and in tears. So he calls the peri who says he will get me right in and sends us over there. So we get there and we sit in the waiting room while I'm in shock and fighting back tears. They finally call us back about 30 minutes later and have me on the table scanning me. Thankfully we see much more brain than in the scan at my ob but the baby was still curled up in a ball at this time. However she was moving and wiggling and moving her hands and arms and such. They looked her over closely head to toe (at one point she hid one of her legs up under her but we finally got her to free that leg so they could make sure that was ok). After what seemed to take forever the dr came in and looked and said that the lateral ventricles in her brain were dilated to 15mm and 17 mm and that the baby has hydrocephalus. :cry: He tells us we don't really know the extent yet so we cant make an accurate prognosis just yet. First he said we can terminate if we want to. I told him no, I'm a christian and I am pro life. That is NOT an option! Then he tried to push to do an amniocentesis but after that he realized we did the first tri screen which came up clear he wound up pretty much saying the amnio wasn't needed but he did want us to have a fetal mri done. So that is booked for next Tue evening. In the meantime as you can imagine, I've been busy researching and learning all that I can about this and want to know what I'm looking at, what the very best treatment options are so we can give our baby girl the best start in life possible and we want to make her first hours in the world as easy for her as possible since she will likely have enough to overcome to begin with as it is. But I AM encouraged by what I've been reading that other babies with worse measurements than mine have done better after birth than predicted and after having shunts put in and cord blood infusions that these kids are living pretty much normal lives and are doing beautifully and even ahead of their peers on milestones and intellect. :thumbup: So now at this point we wait for MRI results and pray that this does not worsen between now and 36 weeks (which is when they will likely deliver her by c-section). If it doesn't worsen then she will be stable and her prognosis improves even more. So we will see but it's been a tough emotional week and my feelings aren't even for me really. They are mostly being heartbroken, concerned and worried for my daughter's health and long term well being and happiness and abilities and her own feelings about things she might or might not be able to do like her peers so my feelings are more me being her Mommy and feeling very protective of her and wanting her to be able to be healthy and happy. I do know that no matter what she looks like at birth (including if she has a big head) that she will still be perfect and beautiful to me and I will love her no less for it! <3
So I ask that you all please keep her in your thoughts and prayers on Tuesday that the MRI goes well, they are able to get the images they need and that we get good news from them that the dilation is smaller than what it seemed to be on ultrasound (which I have read has happened with the cases I read about). So I feel hopeful but at the same time guarded and fearful. Sigh. And I have another ultrasound to check on her in 4 weeks. OH! Good news is that I'm finally feeling her move and kick everyday a few times a day. It's mostly in the evening/early night when I lay on my back but a couple times when on my side so that's a good sign too.

That's about it for now since I've written you all a book. :blush:

StillP, so glad baby was ok after your fall! I hope your back feels better and heals quickly.

Button, yay for halfway and good luck with DS.

Akn, that sounds wonderful!

Ummi, I hope your appt goes well and you get to see baby on scan soon and that all is perfect!

Mowat, oh no! I am so thankful that my dr's office always gets us in and out usually in about 45 mins time, total. Poor you having to wait till Monday but hopefully will be worth it!
OH Praying!:hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry to hear this:nope: I am also Christian and Prolife so I can say I'm very proud of you that terminating isn't an option for you, and I do truly believe you will love your baby girl no matter what happens:flower: I will continue to keep you and yours in my prayers, my mom does a prayer chain in church if you'd like me to ask her to put you on it? :hugs:

DD did wonderfully at the dentist and I'm so very proud of her. But basically her teeth are destroyed :cry: We don't give her soda/candy/sugary snacks so I was very confused. Turns out she already has all 20 of her teeth, which is unusual for her age apparently. I know hers came awfully early, but because she had GERD until she was almost 2 she threw up daily and apparently that destroyed her teeth:cry: Plus we always let her go to sleep with a bottle:blush: which did not help things at all. Even with the insurance helping us it's going to cost almost $3,000.00. *sigh*. Always something right?:growlmad:

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