April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Oh PrayingP. I'm sorry that news was delivered in such tactless way. Your such a strong mummy. Wish I was there to give a huge hug. I hope the prognosis will be good. To second Still, I'd have done the same thing and refused a termination. I don't really understand the reasonning of the doctors offering it in the first, especially if the mother's life is not at risk. I'll be thinking of you and hope you get answers.

Still: thank God baby's ok. Falls are terrifying when pg. that's not nice of the nurse looking so annoyed! At least you both are ok now.

I got a txt this morning, and my scan is on saturday, just when I'll be 20 weeks (I'm the last one apparently). Hopefully baby will cooperate and will let us see which we're in!
A busy week end ahead, with the mw appt on sunday. But I'm glad they made it so quickly.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, PrayingPixie! :hugs: I'm glad the numbers look good and am hopeful for your little girl! I can't imagine how difficult it must have been/is to go through something like that. As parents, we always want what's best for our children. Sometimes things don't turn out the way we would have hoped, but that means God has other plans for our children's best. Life is such a mystery, and yet such a miracle. xox
What a roller coaster Praying P. Feel so bad for you. Good luck at your scan next week---hope things aren't as bad as they appear. We'll all be thinking of you!
OH Praying!:hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry to hear this:nope: I am also Christian and Prolife so I can say I'm very proud of you that terminating isn't an option for you, and I do truly believe you will love your baby girl no matter what happens:flower: I will continue to keep you and yours in my prayers, my mom does a prayer chain in church if you'd like me to ask her to put you on it? :hugs:

DD did wonderfully at the dentist and I'm so very proud of her. But basically her teeth are destroyed :cry: We don't give her soda/candy/sugary snacks so I was very confused. Turns out she already has all 20 of her teeth, which is unusual for her age apparently. I know hers came awfully early, but because she had GERD until she was almost 2 she threw up daily and apparently that destroyed her teeth:cry: Plus we always let her go to sleep with a bottle:blush: which did not help things at all. Even with the insurance helping us it's going to cost almost $3,000.00. *sigh*. Always something right?:growlmad:

StillP, I would really appreciate that (being added to prayer list)! All prayers mean so much to me and I believe in the power of prayer. :hugs:

Thank you all for your kind words! They truly help me know I'm not alone. :flower: I will keep you all posted as I find out more. Now I just want to protect her and hold her close and let her know her mommy loves her no matter what! She has no idea just how much I love her and how she's already captured my heart. <3
PrayingP.. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and send all kinds of positive vibes your way that the MRI will show more hopeful results.
Praying I am so so sorry. I know what it's like to receive devastating news like that and it's indescribable. When I had the news about my daughters heart we were told not to google but of the course that was the first thing we did but it really helped when we had the specialist apointment. We did terminate but only because we knew the prognosis and that she would be lucky to survive the first year and it would've been constant operations and every night knowing her heart could stop. And then if she'd got through that she'd have needed a heart transplant and in the unlikely event that had worked she'd have only had about 10 years before rejection. We couldn't have put our family through that. I don't know a lot about hydrocephalus but I know people live pretty normal lives with pretty normal life spans and medicine is improving so so quickly. My cousin has a shunt and she is fine, she's in her 50s now and has had to have it changed a few times but she's fine. Also my niece has spina bifida and at one point they thought she might have to have shunt and shes got very reduced mobility in one ankle and foot and has to be catheterised 5 times a day because her bladder duesnt empty properly. She is nearly one and is the must amazing girl, I know she'll do brilliantly in life and her spina bifida is just part of her. None of us use hushed tones about her condition because it isn't a disaster it's that her. The hospital appointments are ongoing for her parents but otherwise they're just a gorgeous happy family :)
Sorry for blathering irrelevant stuff but I'm trying to say it duesnt have to be the end of the world and with proper support you'll learn more and more and it'll just be part of your life as a parent. I reallg hope you get positive news on Tuesday. Pm me if you what :hugs: :hugs:
I'm sorry you're going through this pixie. I hope the scan on Tuesday will bring you comfort and show that it's not as bad as seems at the moment.
Munchkin: I was thinking about you today. Thought it was a while since you last posted (I may be wrong though).
That must have such a difficult decision you had to take. Please forgive my comment earlier, it seems rather unsensitive. I obviously meant in case where there is good chances for the baby.
Ummi i understand what you meant to say, :hugs:and it is true they do automatically suggest termination if anything is wrong with the baby, even if there are good odds that the baby may have a normal life. Obviously there are cases like Munchkins that are different.
Munchkin I'm sorry you had to make such a hard decision like that. I cannot imagine.:cry:
PrayingP will they be doing more testing besides the fetal MRI?
Ummi don't worry at all hon, :hugs: I wasn't really being defensive! I was kind of saying I made that decision because the situation was so different. Also I am very aware that there are many pro life out there and I know someone who has decided to keep a baby knowing it will die soon after birth. It's incredibly brave but something I couldn't do, it would be the only thing harder than what we did which was indescribable.
Anyway this isn't about me it's about prayingp. I am away for the weekend after a very hard week when my beloved gran passed away.


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Thanks for being so understanding.
Those decisions are the most difficult to make in anyone's life.
I'm sorry for your gran. I hope she passed away peacefully. :hugs:
I finally had my scan today. Kids are in bed and I'm exhausted!

So yes, scan was great, everything in perfect order, except that when I came home. I read the report and at the end it says: the renal pelvis are prominant bilaterally but measure within normal limits. Ultrasound examination otherwise revealed no obvious fetal anomalies.
The first part is quite ambiguous to me, because it seems to say "it looks like there is a problem, but it's in normal limits, so there's no problem?"

And after that it asks to rearrange for a scan in 4 weeks. But the tech told it's just because it was my first scan in the uk for this pregnancy, so I need another one. I'm certainely not against it, but the way they put it is slightly worrying.

Also it says "living children:2. Gravida:3" it should say "gravida:7"

I'll talk to the midwife tomorrow about it all.

Anyway, baby was wiggling around, I was amazed at the quality of the picture. Technology improved so much so quickly! But... Baby kept his/her legs crossed the whole time!!!!
So, I'm still team yellow! Argh! Silly baby!! Even the tech said she couldn't even guess what it could be!

Hopefully I'll get the answer in 4 weeks time.

Also, it puts me 4 days ahead! So I'm 20+4 today, and due date is now. 21 april 2015! I think someone else on the thread has the same due date? Is it button?

Here is the pic, if anyone wants to have a guess at the gender
I'm so much in love with this little face.


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Forgot to add, the renal thing is annoying me especially because I myself have double kidneys, which were only detected at 16yo after I had one of the worst kidney infection ever, and had been having multiple UTI since I can remember without even knowing why until then.
Sorry ummi that's annoying but otherwise what a fab scan! It sounds like it couldn't be anything too serious but have you googled it? Dangerous I know but it's v tempting! It did say 'within normal limits' so it might mean it's fine but they'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't go out of those normal limits. At my 20 week scan they marked size of everything on individual lines showing each end of 'normal' and everything was pretty much in the middle apart from baby's weight which was low on the normal scale so I was worried because my dd was small for gestational age but the tech said so long as it's within those limits it's fine and they're keeping an eye on the weight anyway. Glad you're having another scan but I imagine if you were hoping to find out the gender then not finding outfit would drive you crazy!! I'm not gonna guess a gender I'm afraid cos it would be a 50/50 guess! There's lots of info on skull theory though if you wanted to check that out ;) I'll move your due date on the first page xx
You now share a due date with button and akn :) and that must mean we're now all past 20 weeks! :happydance:
Glad you had a good scan Ummi. I'm sure it's all fine if they say it's in normal range. That's annoying that baby wasn't cooperating! I have my scan on Monday and I think if my baby has his/ her legs crossed I'll pay for a private scan.
Brill so is it just you 2 we're waiting for team news from then?
Thanks ladies.
Yesterday evening I decided that I won't worry about it at all. I made it this far just to start worriyng now? No way. When I had my bfp I decided I'm going to use PMA all the way, so PMA it is!

That's what I thought about the private scan, until she said I'll have another one.

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