April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Thanks. Yeah to be fair baby won't be in there til at least September anyway and my sisters dd will sleep in there until then when they come. It's more about having all the baby stuff organised and somewhere to dress/change baby. It might also be in there for the odd nap so dd doesn't wake it up!!
The children's rooms here are both teeny but it means we get to keep 2 double guest rooms! They only sleep in there anyway cos we've got a big playroom downstairs. It'll be more of an issue when they're older and want to spend more time in their rooms but we'll have probably moved by then anyway!!
Yeah I really should organise the baby's stuff, with DS I think I had it all set up by now but I'm being really slow about it this time. I want to keep my guest room as well if possible so I'm hoping they'll go in together for a few years at least.
I am waiting until be buy a house to start setting stuff up lol. It's making me a bit batty that I don't have a place for her right now.
I don't think I starting getting baby stuff together til after 34 weeks with my dd when I went on mat leave. But this time I've already got all the stuff and the furniture came out of my dd's room so it seemed silly not to unpack!!
Akn I was also anemic with DD and had to take Iron supplements. Munchkin is so right, it definitely causes awful constipation! Be sure to eat lots of fiber-rich foods if you do decide to go the supplement route.
I could not stop laughing about the lady that had the cops called for screaming during a home-birth. can you imagine?? I'd be mortified! :haha:

Ummi glad your appointment went well, so sorry you're having the issue with catchment, that's very disappointing!:hugs: Hopefully you can find a way around it. I totally understand just wanting to stay cozy. When I went into labor with DD, they left me in this tiny BRIGHT pink room for about 2 hours waiting for my contractions to get closer together. This time I will stay home as long as I possibly can to avoid all of that crap.

Munchkin I've been thinking the same way with DD. I have loads of people that are willing to care for her but I want her to feel included so I'm trying to figure out the best way to plan it. I love your little nursery! Very jealous. Our new house has 2 extra bedrooms so I'm putting the girls clothes and beds in one and toys/guest bed in the other. But of course she'll be in our room for a while anyway. I think getting someone to come clean/pre-cook is genius! I would love to be able to do that!

Thinking since I already had one scare with preterm labor I'll go ahead and have my hospital bag ready:shrug: You never know right? What do you ladies plan on putting in your bag? Had my glucose test this AM. The drink wasn't too bad unlike with DD, but man did it make me feel yucky:growlmad: Have my check-up at 340 so hopefully all is well:thumbup:
Glad you're doing ok StillPraying and feeling a bit better. It's hardworking out what to do for the best isn't it? And mummy guilt is a killer! We have sorted the nursery using dd's bedroom furniture but her furniture only arrived today and it's stuck at my neighbours because he wouldn't let me carry it and he was working and my oh is away for the weekend :( so her and all get stuff have been living in a pile in the spare room for a week cos we were decorating and I feel awful that baby stuff is sorted and she's been kicked out of her room!! Hmm I'm sure we'll get the balance in time but I think being a mum of 2 will be a steep learning curve.
Yes, going from 1 to 2 is a huge step, but at the same time feels so natural. I'm more worried about going from 2 to 3 now!
Poor ds1, he was not allowed inside the maternity ward when I had ds2 because there was the swine flu around, and it was temporary hospital policy. He was so disappointed. That's also why I'd rather a home birth, so even if they go to my friend while I'm in labour, they can come back within an hour of the baby being born, or next morning if it happens in the middle of the night.

Munchkin: that's a lovely nursery. Don't worry, I'm sure your dd will love her new bedroom and it is all going to worth her patience.

Still: preparing your maternity bag may be a good idea, but tell this little miss that she has to bake a little longer in there!!

Afm: I think I am a baby clothes shopoholic!! Wednesday, I received my second eBay parcel, and today my BHS parcel. Oh my I just love it!! Also my friend just gave me a big bag of clothes, uk and French ones. So baby has everything she'll need until she's a year old. Then I told dh that she still needed some newborn clothes and he was like 'can't this wait a week?', but then when he saw the ones I received, he loved them so much that he said 'make an order tonight' haha!
If you're in the uk, I can't recommend enough the website La Redoute. It's French, and I really really love what they do. It may be a bit expensive, but it's really good quality clothes, and sales are soooooo worth it! (Promise, I don't work for them! Haha!)
Couldn't resist buying this!


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I guess the person that met the cops at the door just said "oh she's in labor and it's a home birth".. and the cops took her word for it and left. Didn't even ask for confirmation. Oh well.

Ummi/StillP - I am trying my best not to be a shopoholic... Zulily is so addicting!

I will be packing my bag in March. The last birth class has us all bring our hospital bags in to show off.. and my last class is march 3rd or 10th? I can't remember lol. So I will pack it for that, then probably not unpack it. We will be working on packing to move anyways, so it's not a bad thing.

I still need to figure out what her homecoming outfit will be. I am planning on having a plan A (newborn size) and plan B (0-3 month) just in case she is a bigger baby. DH was a 9lber and 23" long... I was normal sized..
Ummi I'm sure you'll be fine! I'd live 3 (I say that as a mum of one :haha:) but oh had drawn the line at 2 and after all this stress I don't blame him really. I see why you'd want a home birth, I'd just be too terrified. Last time I hated the early labour but at gone but once I was in hospital with drugs and people making sure all was ok I relaxed a lot. I'm just a massive worrier!! Yay for your oh getting into baby clothes. Mine has no interest at all!! I'm slightly obsessed with vertbaudet which I think is part of la redoute. They keep sendings discount vouchers to keep me hooked!! I haven't bought any clothes for this one yet but my sis has brought up all the 'family' baby clothes that went from my dd to her son and then her daughter so we'll see what's still wearable and what else we need.

Akn quick warning about the going home outfit. Have a couple of sets of each in case of poo or vom explosions, and be prepared to just bring it home in a baby grow!! We were so rushed getting out and dd was cluster feeding it wasn't a lovely relaxed homecoming at all. And oh had a massive tantrum about the car seat and cos we were rushing so much I was bleeding really heavily. I *think* dd came home in her coming home outfit but I'm not sure!!
Also one of the copies didn't make it to our last birth class because they'd had their baby the night before 3 weeks and one day early!!
Still - that is gorgeous. So exciting!! How are you feeling now? X
I hope your check up went ok Still. That is so cute!

Haven't really thought about what to have in my bag yet. I'll put bags together just incase I have to be transferred and also so I know where everything is. The only thing I know I'm putting in is lots of babygros and vests because I think I went through about 10 in 2 days with DS! Other than that just snacks, toiletries, something to wear in labour and after and a clean outfit to come home in.
Yes button I remember having to send oh home for vests and babygrows when I was in hospital and trying to explain the difference. He got v confused with the long sleeved vests! What was happening to them all?!? Not sure I want to remember!! I was only in 2 nights and I must have taken a million in!! Still trying to decide if I'm brave eviugh to do cloth from birth or not. Remembering poosplosions is putting me off a bit ;)
Ooh yes I remember DS projectile pooing all over OHs white t shirt when he was about a week old! Hopefully we'll be a bit more practised in making sure nappies are on right this time and I'm hoping that because I'm having a girl this time she'll have less of a wee range than DS!
Munchkin: with dh it's the other way round! When I was upset because of the homebirth thing, dh said to me "that's all right, you'll have it for next baby!" I was like "mmm..." I didn't say much, went to do a bit of tidying up and then came back realising what he had said: "hey! That's not you puking almost everyday! That's not you stabbing your belly every night with needles and swallowing all this pills (forgot to talk about the we put down there too!)!!!"
I haven't wrote in awhile so just wanted to let everyone know I'm still hanging in here. Been busy with holidays, baby shower, failing my glucose test, getting rear ended (we are ok) and now my boob leaked for the 1st time last night. Logans very active and loves to have one foot in each rib at all times. Hope everyone else is doing good. I haven't been on in so long I don't know where I left off reading in the thread.
Hi hoping, nice to hear from you and glad you're ok.
So nice to hear from you Hoping! Glad to know everything is ok. Come on here more often if you can, we like to hear from you.
Girls, I wanted to let you know that there is fantastic lady here on b&b who just started her own baby clothes business. She sews very nice pants, very original. She's got a fb it's called Cheeky Monsters. She is based in Canada, so delivers all over the country. She can deliver to the us, depending on the p&p you can afford. She doesn't do Europe unfortunately for me :(. The p&p is way too expensive from Canada. I love what she does, it is worth having a look at her collection at least. (I've 'known' her on b&b since. I joined a ttcal group discussion after my first loss in 2012).

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