April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

I get out of breath when she has growth spurts. I'll be struggling to breathe and then my bump will pop out some more and I'll be alright for a couple of days.
As I said on the other thread, I get it too. I have to stop in the middle of the stairs sometimes. And when I finally arrived at my destination, I feel I have been running a 100m race for the Olympics! I never had it that bad with the other two. Do get it checked though if it worries you (and for the swelling you mentioned on the other thread).
Hey ladies how are you all doing today? It's been a bit quiet on here but I assume we're all busy moving house, working or nesting!! As for me the nursery and dd's room are just about done and our new kitchen is finally booked! We start on 21st feb but because we're having new underfloor heating, tiles Etc by the time it's finished it'll be 10th March - when I'll be 37 weeks. Eek!! Gonna be fun refilling all the cupboards I'm sure ;) I'm physically ok. Bowels still a bit dodgy from the iron but I'm managing without the lactulose now. I'm not sleeping that well either and dd is up at 6.30 every day which is getting painful. Last day of work for the week today and we've got a cleaner coming in too so I'm looking forward to a nice clean house and a duvet day with dd tomorrow. Although I'm sure I'll think of a million things I need to do!!
Hope you're all doing well xxx
I had my 28 week appointment yesterday. All fine except the midwife was a bit concerned about me having a low lying placenta but I'm not as at the 22 weeks scan it had already started moving up and the person doing the scan told me they've seen loads of women with low placentas and most of them move up. She also was a bit concerned about my pelvic girdle pain which was annoying after my lovely reassuring Dr, I just hope this midwife isn't on call when I go into labour. I did have 4 appointments in a row though so could just be I was fed up and hormonal by then as she didn't really do anything wrong!

Got to go for blood tests on Thursday and then it's LOs birthday a week on Saturday so we're off to stay with my parents next week.

Well done getting your house all sorted Munchkin, I bet you'll be glad when your new kitchen is all done though.
Hey ladies!

AKN: A huge congrats on your new house!!!! So exciting!! :happydance:

Munchkin: YAY for a new kitchen!! We were doing kitchen renos when I was very pregnant with my dd, I can imagine what you're going to be going through! It'll be so worth it in the end! :flower: I would love to be sent links on how to flip a breech baby! Thanks!

Button: Ughhh, so sorry about the hip pain! :wacko: Pregnancy isn't easy, I hope you find something to relieve the pain. I also hope your placenta moves up!! You still have time! :flower:

Ummi: I'm bilingual (French Canadian), DH is French (Swiss), and we speak mostly French to LO. :winkwink:

AFM: I had my ultrasound yesterday, low lying placenta moved up!!!!!! :yipee: Baby was lying in a transverse position, the dr wants me to have an ultrasound at 36 weeks to check baby's position, other than that I'm clear to try for a vbac!!!!!! :kiss:
Yay for your placenta moving up Tasha. I'm sure your baby will move round in time and you'll be all systems go!

My friend has offered to give me and LO lunch before my blood test tomorrow which is nice of her as it means DS can play with her DD beforehand and she lives closer to the hospital where I need to go. She's also going to give me her birth ball so I can do some exercises for my hips, she says that it really helped her when she had the same problem.
Tasha: haha! I understand better now! That was so cute from your LO.
Great news about the placenta. I'm sure baby will get in the right position just in time. There is a website called spinning babies where you have loads of exercises to do to help baby get in the right position.
I saw the mw today and she said that right now baby's position doesn't really matter, until 36 weeks, so don't worry too much.

Button: just had my 28w appt today too, and the mw gave me some exercises for my hip pain, she said to use a birthing ball and a belt. Did you say that the gp could prescribe one in a previous post?

Afm: the appt went well. The mw reassured about homebirth, that in an emergency I'd be transfered to the closest hospital. But now dh is not too keen on it. I asked about the birth centre too, she said it shouldn't be a problem. A bit disappointed with dh now.
On the other hand everything is well. Bump is measuring right on track and heard baby's hb.
I have another blood test to do to test for anaemia. Next appt is on the 18th feb. Starting to feel tired of appointments though.
Ummi my gp said they don't prescribe them any more but my midwife said to ask at the hospital when I go for my blood test as they may have some.

I know what you mean about appointments. I'm too tired to be prodded and poked.

Shame your OH has changed his mind about the home birth, maybe he'll change his mind again. If not I'm sure the birth centre will be lovely.
Yay the hospital is going to give me a maternity band. The department was closed when I went so I'm going to pick it up on Monday.

Munchkin hope you enjoyed your duvet day with DD today, I'm having one tomorrow as I have to wait in for a parcel.
How's everyone doing? Anyone starting to feel massive!

I managed to get in to the doctor today as I've been having increased trouble breathing. She didn't seem too concerned but sent me to have testing done at the hospital. Had some heart rate monitoring, an ECG and a leg ultrasound. Everything seemed fine. These babies are killing me!
Hi Mowat, hope you're babies wriggle down a bit and give you some room. Mine's the same, loves to snuggle right up under my rib cage. Glad everything is ok with you.

I'm off to devon to see our families for DS's birthday, can't believe he turns 3 on Saturday!

I've also been checking out when the full moon is in April because there was a thread in third tri about it and DS was a full moon baby so I'm going to make sure I have everything ready for then just incase.
Ugh this pregnancy. Every think has been fine with baby but me not so much!!! The flu, car accident, borderline gd, and now steroid shots to get his lungs strong since I am also borderline preeclampsia. I have bad swelling and my bp is getting higher it was 130/80 today. Can he just stay in there?
Oh no hoping, hope baby can stay in a bit longer
Hoping! That must be tough. Take it easy hun. I hope baby stays baking a while longer.
Hoping - Tell him to stay baking!!!

I am starting to feel huge too... I went in for my 29 week appointment.. and the fundal height had jumped from 25cm to 33cm in 4 weeks... Dr said I would have to get a growth scan if there is another big growth increase.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies:hi:

Button I find it's not that I'm out of breathe, but when I'm laying down I literally struggle to breathe unless I prop up with pillows just so. I can do stairs and even chase DD just fine it's laying down that gets me!:shrug: Ugh sorry you had to see someone other than your regular Dr, I hate when that happens.:growlmad: Is there a difference between a birth ball and a yoga ball? Glad you were able to get a maternity band, is it helping? Our little ones are very close in age! Mine turned 3 on 27 Jan:kiss:

Munchkin yay for getting your nursery/dds room done! Nice that your kitchen should be finished right when you hit full term! We're almost unpacked...as long as you don't count the garage:dohh: lol For the Iron pills, do they have fiber bars where you live? I eat at Fiber One bars or a bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal daily to combat constipation, it does seem to help.

Ummi are you not doing a home birth now? I've heard wonderful things about birthing centers, I wish I had that option!

Tasha glad your placenta moved up, one less thing to worry over! :thumbup: I'm so happy for you to be able to try VBAC, I know a lot of women who wanted to and it wasn't an option for them:nope: My MW told me they don't worry over baby's position until 37 weeks, but I think it might be a bit different in your case?

Mowat I feel your pain on the breathing front and I've only got one in there! :hugs:

Hoping hang in there hon:hugs: you're almost full term! Glad they are monitoring you and went ahead with the steroids.

AFM I can definitely join the suffering party :wacko: I've started redraspberry capsules and evening primrose oil since I'm getting closer to full term and I really don't think she's gonna stay in there until April, as I get series of contractions that are more than BH. Plus It literally HURTS when she moves if I'm laying down. :nope: On a happy note, DD's Beauty and the Beast birthday party was a success!:happydance:
Happy birthday to your LO stillpraying! Does it feel like they're growing up too fast to you too? Her party sounds lovely.

Pretty sure the main difference between a birthing ball and a yoga ball would be the price, they can probably sell it for more if they stick the word birthing on it! The band is helping a bit thanks, that and making LO walk up and down stairs instead of carrying him. He's got little legs so I just allow more time.
Where is everyone? Hope you're all ok girls.

Nothing much to report here. Still between 2 baby clothes wash and ironing. I'm doing 3-6 months today. Next will be 9-12!!

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