April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

I'm dead. Between reflux, pelvic pain and DS being awake between 12 and 1.15 and then again between 2 and 5 last night I'm not sure how I've survived today!

I'm going to make a list this weekend of everything I need to do before baby gets here because we haven't actually got that long to go. Well done for getting your washing done Ummi, I haven't done any yet.
Well, it's not all done, but getting there hopefully.
I know what you mean about the reflux, it's horrible. I keep choking at night because of it. I'm counting the weeks tbh. I can't wait to be there with baby. Also, 6 more weeks and I should be done with my treatment!! Yay! I'm still pretty sick all the time, so I'm guessing I'll just have to wait it out until I give birth.
Hopefully those last weeks will go by quickly.

I believe the other ladies have even less to go now?! How exciting!
That'll be nice to be finished with your treatment. I've got a few things to countdown to up until our due date so hopefully that'll help speed things along. There's a nearly new sale on the 28th, my scan on the 9th and easter weekend as well as a load of birthdays in between now and then.
Hey ladies.. things are going pretty good here. Just staying busy at work so I scan through here briefly.

I haven't done much in regards to setting up the babies room or washing clothes, since we will be moving next month. We get to go do our home inspection on the 20th, can't wait to go see the house and get some more pictures. When we walked through it, they still had to put the carpet in, tile, and paint.. so it will be nice to see the house completely done! :)

Aside from the outfits I pack in my birth bag, I will probably wait and wash everything after we move in. I need to pull together a list and start packing my birth bag here soon. I am going to wait until after we tour the hospital so I can get a good idea of what they will have for me there, so I don't over pack.
That's exciting getting to see your house again. Will be nice when you're all settled in.

I'm waiting until after my scan to do my birth bags I think. I'll have a better idea of where I'll be giving birth by then and how much and what to pack. Hopefully if all goes well I can ask my midwife what I'll need for a home birth on the 10th.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you! My cousin is planning on a home birth as well.
<3Happy Valentines day ladies<3

well I don't have gestational diabetes but my blood results came back abnormal. Apparently my blood platelets are lower than the average and dropping :nope: If they keep dropping then I won't be able to get the epidural :growlmad: I know it sounds terrible but I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over :cry:
I hope they stop dropping for you Stillpraying, what are your birth options if they don't?

I'm with you on wanting this pregnancy to be over as well, fed up of not being able to breathe and not being able to get comfortable.
sorry to hear this Still. I hope it gets better though. (just in case you cant get the epidural -but I hope you do if it's what you wish- I'm reading HypnoBirthing by Marie Mongan, it might help).
Don't blame yourself for wanting this pregnancy to be over. I feel the same too, for different reason, but same feeling nevertheless.
I have enough of being sick everyday, I'm way too hormonal and emotional, and I'm counting the weeks till I stop my meds. But that doesn't mean we are not grateful at all. It is just tough and all we want is our rainbow in our arms.

Lots of :hugs: (help yourself, anyone who needs a :hugs:)
Hey ladies. Sounds like lots of us are struggling now!! I think I'm actually having a comparatively easy time of it!!

Ummi I'm super impressed you're ironing baby clothes!! OH has started forgetting what some of his shirts look like I haven't ironed for so long :dohh: sorry you're still feeling sick. I've bypassed that but my hormones are all over the place!! All my baby clothes have come back from my sister and I know how good they are about washing stuff I might not bother rewashing. I might get baby it's own going home outfit though so not all it's clothes are 4th hand +!!

Button I'm so sorry you're having such rubbish nights, it's hard enough yo sleep anyway without being woken up when you do :hugs: I'm feeling you on the reflux. I'm actually waking up choking with actual sick in my mouth!! Tmi :wacko::wacko: although I had horrendous heartburn with dd I never had this!!

Xciting stuff akn with the new house!! I don't envy you moving at this stage but it'll be lovely having it all new. I've not started my hospital bag yet, starting to feel like I should!! I ended up taking the kitchen sink to hospital last time so I'll try and limit it a bit this time, although I really want to take my birth ball.

Button so exciting about a home birth, really hope you get it. Where will you be giving birth otherwise?

Still so sorry you're struggling. Really hope the platelets hold up. I have to say though I only had an epidural to sew everything up last night and despite having horrendous forceps delivery with third degree tear I hated the epidural after labour and sill avoid it like the plague this time!! Gas and air and pethidine are far more fun ;) although if I have my hoped for water birth I won't get the pethidine!!

As for me, I'm ok but feeling big!! Had a growth scan last week and baby was nearly 5lb already!! It's head was super low so they couldn't measure that but it's looking much bigger than my daughter was. I'm only 5ft 1 and it's currently jammed up over my ribs on one side which is getting achey!! Our kitchens being ripped out next weejend and should be all finished the 9th of march when I'll be 37 weeks!! Hope thus one doesn't come early. OH has had the wrong end of my hormones lately, he got a total tantrum one night cos he'd left the breakfast pots out and I'd decided it meant he didn't life or respect me. Oops.m:dohh: he did give me a lie in yesterday and today and is being lovely. I think he's worked out I'm much less of a b***h when I've had sleep!! I'm still really nervous, have been back into hospital for reduced movement twice but they were lovely. I want thus baby to be well cooked but yes I'll be very happy once it's out so I know if it's ok!!
Munchkin I told OH I don't iron and he has to do it himself and now he takes his shirts over to the launderette and pays for them to be ironed. Safe to say I won't be ironing baby clothes either!

The only reasons I wouldn't have a home birth would be if I had to have a csection and that would be at princess royal in Orpington. They'll have a job to get me out my house once I'm in labour, then you'll see a grown up tantrum!

Glad your kitchen's getting started soon. Hopefully they'll be quick and it'll look fab.
Yeah my gran used to do the ironing, she died in December at 91 and I haven't ironed since!!
Wow, we're all struggling now, eh? Oh well, trying to enjoy the last weeks of pregnancy, as hard as that is. Not sure if the babies have moved down a little, but I seem to be able to breathe slightly better. Unfortunately now I'm having some intense lower abdominal pain. Pretty sure some baby or other was right in position on Friday and I wasn't even able to walk it hurt so much! Thankfully they moved over night, but now they seem to be dropping on and off again. Ouch! Hope they stay in a little longer as we haven't unpacked a bunch of stuff and we have carpentry, drywall, and painting happening all at once!
Just had a call from my midwife with my blood test results. She said my iron levels were 103 and I have to pick up an iron supplement at the dr tomorrow. I had low iron with DS as well so I was expecting it. Hoping it'll stop me feeling so out of breath but I think that's more down to her sitting so high up.

Mowat I hope they behave for you and let you get everything done, tell them they have to wait their turn!
Oh button you can join the black poo club!! I don't think that's very low,one was 106 and they said that was borderline. She's doing another test in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I can stop them then.
I've just been to the midwife and baby's head is nicely down and I have a number!! 4/5th engaged. It basically means she can still feel 4/5ths of the baby's head but at least it's a Start!! I remember those numbers making me feel like I was getting somewhere with dd!
She said it was only slightly low but didn't want it going lower.

That's a good start, hope baby stays head down for you now.
Good morning ladies, are we all past 30 weeks now?

Button I Googled the difference between the two balls and basically the birthing ball has more grip on it then a yoga ball:shrug: I'll just use my yoga ball since I already have it lol Have they given you anything for the reflux? I hope you're able to do the home birth, they'll give you the go ahead after your scan?

Ummi what are you having treatment for again? Yay for making progress on the baby clothes! I went thru my boxes and got out my newborn and 3 month stuff, not going to bother with the rest for now lol.

Akn how exciting to be getting your new house soon! We're still slowly getting more settled in, so I know the feeling of dealing with moving later in pregnancy.

Munchkin I think our OHs could share a good grumble about us as I've been similarly hormonal and cranky lol what is pethadine? I had a minor tear with DD so I'm taking Evening Primrose Oil this time hopefully to reduce the chances of tearing. My me recommended it.

AFM thank you all for your kind words. I had an epidural with my DD because I wanted a good/easier birth experience, being my first and that's what I got. Im not concerned about not having an epidural, it's just disappointing to not have the option since I am not willing to use any other pain medication. The scary thing with the low blood platelets is the possibility of needing a blood transfusion :nope: which I really don't want Obviously. On a happier note, a good friend of mine recently moved back to my area and wants to throw me a shower :) anyone else having a shower?
I would definitely use your yoga ball Stillpraying, saves you some money if you already have one. It must be annoying having your options limited if your platelets drop and I hope you don't end up having to go as far as a transfusion.

If my placenta has moved up then that's another step towards me getting my home birth, obviously things can still prevent it but that's the only thing causing issues at the moment and everyone I've spoken to says it's almost certain it'll have moved up.

That's lovely of your friend to throw you a shower, we don't really have them in the UK. I am going to a nearly new sale in a couple of weeks though and hoping to pick up some bargains, especially as I missed the last one when I had a sickness bug back in November.
i just have a few words for the day... GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear he just sits in there and finds ways to hurt me. All day today hes been stretching.. So that puts a head in my pelvis/bladder and a foot in my ribs and his butt sticking straight out near my belly button....
I feel your pain hoping! At least we're all in the last quarter now.

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