April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Babies are killing me again. Cramping on and off all morning and now diarrhea too. Really hoping they're not planning on coming too soon! Felt just like the start of labour with my DS.

Love the "black poo club" expression. Yes, it is enjoyable.
I feel you Mowat. I've had green diarrhea (TMI sorry) for the past week now along with nausea and this weird cramping/Braxton hicks combo *sigh* were almost there.
Mowat how long are they wanting you to go? I know it's earlier with twins. It might be time for a sweep stake of who's going to go first, and I'm pretty sure it won't be me!! X
I think Stillpraying will pop first. I think I'll go early again (although that may just be wishful thinking!).

I've been feeling out of breath and keep feeling faint the last few days. Could be because of low iron, lack of sleep or the fact she's been sitting up so high.
we started making a poll. I think march 18th which will put me at 38 weeks.. the other half says the 27th since its the day after my birthday!! im so miserable
My friend just had baby #2 on her birthday....I hope she doesn't come on my birthday. ..."happy birthday, now push!" Lol no thanks. P,us I'd rather she have her own day. I have a feeling for March 19th which is my angelversary for my last mc.

Will they be doing a c-section Mowat?

Has anyone heard from praying pixie?
Saw a new doctor today and she gave me a sick note without me even whining. She was not happy I was still working! Oops. I felt like telling her to talk to the other doctor who told me I was fine. She was pretty concerned about all my symptoms, but especially because I've lost more weight. Not much I can do, but at least my belly has grown so the babies are fine. Ultrasound on Thursday. I need to go to at least 35 weeks or I'll be medivaced to a larger centre. I'll know more about delivery plans after the ultrasound, but I'm still hoping to avoid a c-section. I've decided to hire a doula to help with labour too. Just hoping the painters, carpenters and tiler can hurry up and finish work at our house so I can really relax!

Green diarrhea! Sorry to hear that Praying. I've got the breathing problems/faintness too Button and it is no fun!

I'm hoping for 36 weeks for myself. So maybe March 16th? I don't mind going first!
Oh mowat that sounds rubbish :( everyone's having a hard time! My due dates actually my burthday, 30th March. I can't comprehend going any earlier than that but if I go 14 days over again I'll go crazy. My angel was born on the 9th March at 21 + 3 last year so that's the next milestone to get through!!
I'm starting to get really paranoid about movements etc. I've already been in twice but I keep waking up in the middle of the night panicking because I've not felt it moving :( thus baby just seems to move much less than my dd. Also I'm getting strong braxton hicks for ages and when that happens I cants feel any movement! I just keep thinking that thus baby's Alive and well at the moment and if it was born now it would pretty much be fine, I'm 35 weeks on Monday, so it just seems so worrying something could go wrong now in my tummy whe but would be safe out of there. I don't want it yet though because we're having our kitchen ripped out this weekend!!

My DD was really sweet today. My gran died recently and she and my dd were very close, saw her most days. We tell dd that grannies in the stars now and of we want to see her we can look and find the biggest star. She saw my angels scan pic on my bedside table today and said 'is that the baby' meaning the baby in my tummy, so I told her it was a baby that was in mummy's tummy but is now in the stars so she said 'granny's looking after the baby in the stars' I was choked!!
That's so sweet of your DD munchkin. Can't believe you're going to be 35 weeks on Monday!

Hope the ultrasound goes well Mowat.

I actually had a reasonable nights sleep last night so hopefully I'll feel a bit more alive today.
I slept like a log until..... 3.40. Eurgh. Got DD all day and need to empty all my kitchen cupboards. Roll on bed time!!
How sweet from your dd munchkin!

Mowat, keep us posted on the scan. Glad the doctor signed you off! Tbh I don't know how anyone could still work past 30 weeks, let alone when pregnant with twins!

Everyone seems to be busy with house moves and work in the house!!

I saw the mw yesterday, everything is fine. Bump is measuring average she said, not big, not small. My blood results came back and thank God I don't have anaemia. That's a start! She suggested that I drink more (my wee was soooo concentrated, but I got sick just before lunch, that may have explained it). And also that I drink tonic water to help with my leg cramps.
And I'm sooooo happy! Yesterday I won my dream changing bag on eBay! £40 instead of £130 new! Can't wait to receive it!
Ooh, I love a good deal---congrats Ummi!

Scan went well, except that I was so tired I kept falling asleep when she was looking at baby B! Oops! Baby A is head down and in position, but Baby B is sort of in a "C" shape with head only somewhat down. Guess we'll see what the surgeon says, although it still seems early days to me. The tech was estimating Baby A at 4 lbs 13 oz (I think) and Baby B at about 5 lbs 6 oz. Cervical length is still good. Hurray!
Wow that's a lot of baby mowat!! I'm sure when I went for my growth scan at 33 weeks they said baby was just under 5lbs. I thought twins were meant to be smaller, do they just drop off at the end? I don't really understand how twins are born because only one of their heads can be engaged and surely there's not enough room for them both to be head down?!?
Glad the scan went well Mowat. Hope baby B behaves themselves.
Congrats mowat. That's a good weight for twins, I'm really happy for you.
Ummi what's the changing bag you've got? I've got 3 already but I want a rucksack one!!
I've got the pacapod Portland.
They also make the Oban that you can either wear on the shoulder or as a rucksack, and another one that is a backpack. Have a look on their website and they eBay for them!
Happy Friday:flower:

Mowat you're brave to want to try natural with twins! Everyone I know who had/having twins is like "C-Section all the way!" lol Hopefully your babies cooperate so you can avoid a C. Great weight on those babies though! :baby:

Munchkin I know how you feel about the movement paranoia:hugs: I find myself downing orange juice trying to get her to move because I panic. How sweet of your DD, isn't it amazing how little ones put stuff like that together?

Ummi I have to work until 39 weeks and then they "might" send me home for my last week, totally depends on the Doc though:growlmad: Glad you had a good appointment with no anemia! Yay for a good bargain too:thumbup:

When you ladies say "changing bag" is that the same as what we US ladies call a "diaper bag"?:shrug:
Oh my! I cannot believe they are doing this to you!
Good luck really.

Yes, basically it's just what a changing bag is: a diaper bag!

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