Mowat they have specific yoga positions and stuff to try too if one isn't head down before hand in order to get them both head down! You said you are intending to hire a Doula?
Akn yay for being able to move soon! I'm glad your Drs are checking the arrhythmia even if they aren't concerned, better not to assume, you know?
Do they mean your belly is measuring big or baby girl is?
Goodness Munchkin, no fun having your house torn apart, but I'm sure it'll be worth it to have a new kitchen! Hopefully you can get your heating oil soon!
AFM, we did a 3D ultrasound on Saturday...Katie is still head down but she has her back to mine with her knees right under my ribs which explains why it hurts so much when she moves! A little worried about the back to back thing. Woke up to water diarrhea this morning. I just really don't feel we're going to make it to April!