April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Happy Monday Ya'll :wacko:

Woooo we are all getting so close! About time to start labor watch :happydance:

Mowat I hope your babies stay in until your mom can come, you'll definitely want the help with twins! HAHA love the toothpaste green color, isn't that in style now?! :haha: I agree with Button, you can tell people you're going for that "shabby chick" look lol

Don't stress munchkin:hugs: It'll all work out, hopefully you'll get the major pieces finished before baby shows. wooo 14 days late? I'd go nuts. My DD was only 2 days late. How far past your EDD will they let you go in the UK? Not sure about the whole US but I know my hospital doesn't like to go past 41 and they wont allow you to go past 42.

Button how early were you with your DS? I get through washing/drying the laundry...it's the folding/putting away part that never seems to happen:shrug:

Hoping glad you have everything ready, hopefully the dr will be able to see some progress in effacement at least! Are you taking EPO?

My next appointment is next Thursday, I'm hoping she'll check me but I don't think she will. They usually start checking your cervix closer to your actual EDD unless there's something that warrants looking at. I want to ask her to do a sweep as soon as possible as I am done done done. I woke up in such intense pain last night but it faded away eventually so I didn't go to L&D. Not sure how early I'll be but I just think she's going to be a March baby.
i havent started epo yet. I was kinda nervous to do anything untill 36 weeks because as much as i want him OUT i dont want to push him out to early. I pray pray pray im something tomorrow. I have been sitting on a medicine ball for a week now trying to do something. Yesterday i swore i was gonna be in labor today since i had loose stool and i felt like i had the flu. I just heard those were signs some people get. Then i swear i was having contractions last night in my back. It was pain that would be there constant but then get more intense for a few then repeat. Im so over it. Im walking about work going crazy. very crazy!!!!!! They boyfriend is now getting nervous and wants him to stay in but i need my body back. My feet are swollen and i have gone insane. Theres no more room at the inn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the pain stays away Stillpraying. I had DS at 38 weeks, same again would suit me fine.
I hope I go early, but not too early... We are moving exactly one month before my due date.. so I need that done, and I need to really step it up at work on getting stuff transitioned over to people.

We had our shower on Saturday... so now I have my list of the things we need to have before she gets here.

So ready to be done with all of this.. I am sore and tired.
Yep we are all getting to the "Im done" stage ha. I've been blessed with third trimester morning sickness...lovely.

Hoping I hope those are signs for you because I feel like I've had the flu since 30 weeks. Puking and diarrhea in the morning and soft stools and nausea through out the day.*sigh* Let us know how your dr's appointment goes!

Akn did you enjoy your shower? Hopefully you don't have too much more to get!
We are having our shower on the 14th but DH keeps teasing me that she will show up before we have it! ha I wouldn't mind, we don't really need anything.

I almost had a breakdown yesterday though. My mom bought me a cradle when I was pregnant with DD and I intended to use it for all of my babies. Somehow in between 2 moves (military *sigh*) the bolts to put it together got lost. No big deal, DH got it out and was measuring it to see what size we'd need so we could just get new bolts...only to discover that the metal threading the bolts go in to was missing, rendering the whole thing useless :cry: He says he can fix it, so for now we're buying a second hand bassinette until he can figure out how to do that :cry:
Still P .. I am sure he will be able to fix it :)

I don't have much left to get.. the Stroller/Carseat, which I am going to get with the gift cards we got.. and a swing (which I found a used one to pick up).. I need to look at my list to figure out what else we still need.. but I think we are pretty much set to go.. just need to move now!! less than 3 weeks!
Still: it seems we've been getting the same kind of symptoms from the start of these pregnancies. I may have hac a month respite from the sickness, and then it all started again! It's even worse than with ds2.
And it has been going from bad to worse since last week. Being sick 2 to 3 times a day. I went to see my gp today to treat the thrush I have that doesn't want to go away and I also told her about the reflux and sickness. She prescribed me some anti acid tablets for the reflux and told me it would help with the sickness too. And so far so good, I was sick before lunchtime but I managed to eat.
I also asked for being given weighed, and I lost 2kgs (the ones I put on at around 24 weeks).
Good morning ladies, just thought I'd update as I had my scan today. It was all good news, placenta is up, head is down, growth is on track and she is still a she (been a bit paranoid that she'll turn out to be a boy!)
Yay for a great scan!
I'm paranoid too! I also have a scan on Wednesday and I'm planning on asking for the gender again! Aha!

Akn: sorry didn't see your post when I replied last time. Have you been shopping since then?
Who's got their hospital bag ready? I need to make it and buy baby toiletries and newborn vests and socks and I should be done. I also would like a wrap, but we'll see about it later.
I'm almost done with the meds (well, I've got new tablets for the reflux which was becoming unbearable). But at least injections and aspirin should be over by 36 weeks!!! Got my consultant appt on the 23rd.
Great news about your scan Button!

Good luck with your scan on Wednesday Ummi. I've been having a bit of reflux too, but nothing like what you're dealing with---hope the tablets help!

Waves of nausea this morning. Really hoping this isn't early labour.
Good luck for Wednesday Ummi.

I'm going to start thinking about hospital bag/ home birth box next week. I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow so hoping to get some more info on what I need to have for a home birth. This week I'm going to wash all the clothes and sheets and blankets and my stretchy wrap.

Mowat I hope the nausea stays away and those babies stay tucked up tight.
Sorry you're all feeling rough ladies. I'm really struggling to eat at the moment but I'm starving all the time :( I'm waking at 4am every day unable to sleep so I'm gettung more and more grumpy :( kitchen still has a bare concrete floor but it's functioning other than my oven so we're still on microwave meals after nearly 3 weeks. I've been trying to clear out my grans house thus weekend whilst surrounded by kids so I'm exhausted but it's my first day of mat leave from work so other than arguing with workmen I managed a brief afternoon nap. Bliss!!

A year ago today my angel Rowan was born at 21 weeks. I went up to the crematorium where her ashes are scattered and took little cakes for her birthday.
On another note, it appears I'm full term today!! Eek!!
Sorry you're feeling rough Munchkin. Anniversaries are never easy. Somehow doing something every year does make a difference though. Be nice to yourself today.

WE've finished one round of renos and are now contemplating doing a few more things. Would be so much easier to do them before the babies, but it's hard to know how much time we'll have.

Babies seem to have dropped so I'm having an increasingly difficult time sleeping. Nothing like having to pee 5 times per night. I've managed a few naps since I've been off, but there always seems to be something more important to do.

Hospital bag, right. Last time I packed after my water had broken and I was trying to get to the hospital. Maybe I shouldn't wait until I'm fully dilated this time!
Munchkin: :hugs: must have tough, but I think it was a nice thing bringing the cake.
Would it be that you can't eat because you have enough of microwave meals? Hence why you're still hungry.
hope the kitchen is finished soon.

mowat: tell these babies to stay put! It's not the right time just yet.
Sorry sent it too early!

Btw munchkin: happy full term! Yeah!

Mowat: it would be so nice if we'd knew the exact date! Hope all your renos are finished on time. Must have been fun preparing your bags whilst in labour! I wouldn't want to try it though!

Button: I hope the home birth goes well for you. After having found a solution to arrange a home birth, dh is just not comfortable at all with it. Just discussing it is stressing him out. So I think I'll go for the birth centre instead (bit sad though, but better than the labour ward). I'll see the mw on Friday, so I'll ask her to write it on my notes.
KateMax: welcome on this thread, but I wish you did not have to join. I cannot begin to imagine such a loss. There is just no words.
I hope you find the comfort you need here.

I also hope you're pregnancy is going well and just like us you onto the final preparations before baby makes an appearance.

Hi katemax I'm so so sorry about your son. I have a 3 year old and that is just unthinkable, my heart breaks for you, especcially being pregnant. I hope honouring his memory with his little sister will be of some comfort to you. You are so welcome here and hope we can support you. What's your due date? I'll stick you on the front page xxx

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