April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Hi Kate, you're more than welcome here. I can't imagine what you've been through.

Munchkin sending you lots of hugs for today. I'm with you on the 4am wake ups as well, that's when my hips normally decide they don't like me any more.

Ummi I'm sure the birth centre will be lovely. I went to a birth centre with my first and it was really nice to not worry about setting up the pool and they had lots of stuff to help labour along.
Bags packed. Everything is ready to go. Heartburn is crazy crazy bad and swelling. I realm want to give birth soon. Everything I can think of is dine so I'm pretty much just waiting for labor to start. Since I'm new to this im just waiting fir any sign. On a plus side I get to see him tomorrow. Btw what's sleep??????
kate: I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: You are definitely welcome here!

Ummi: I haven't gone shopping yet, because I guess my work is throwing me a surprise shower that I am not supposed to know about. So we will go shopping for final stuff after that.

I am going to some what pack my birth bag tonight. We are supposed to bring it to birth class tomorrow and show off our bags. So I will pack what I have and make note on what I still need.

Spent saturday decluttering and packing some. I just want to move already!!!
Wow is that today hoping?? Gorgeous!! My scan today puts baby at 7lb 2 already and nearly 90th centile. Considering dd was 6lb 9 at 42 weeks and under the 4th centile, to say I'm bricking it would be an understatement!! Head was also way too low to measure and I can certainly feel it. They'll do a sweep at 40 weeks and induce 10 days later if necessary. The consultant says it shouldn't be a problem to have a water birth.
yes that was today. Hes 6lbs 8 oz today and in the 60 percent. I just need him here now.. They showed this picture around the office today. Everyone was commenting on how gorgeous my baby is!!


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Great photo!

I seem to be not seeing posts from Kate? What am I missing?
Cute pictures Hoping!

Glad your consultant is on board with you having a water birth Munchkin. Can't believe how close you are to due date.

Mowat it looks like her post had been deleted, don't know why.
Hmmm, was starting to think I was crazy.

Water birth sounds great Munchkin!
Just had my last scan today. Everything was well and baby's kidneys are back in thenormal range. Thank God! Such a relief!*

One of my friends crocheted a little rainbow blanket for baby. She didn't do it on purpose, but it's lovely! And she made a white one as well. I'm loving them!

What are your braxton hicks like girls?
I get mine quite often during the day now, maybe 10 times or so. I can't say they are painful as such, but sometimes I need to stop what I'm doing to get through them.
I don't get them. I sometimes have quite strong pain when I get back into bed after going to the washroom in the middle of the night (thought it might be Braxton Hicks), but nothing during the day.
I don't get them either. I didn't when I was pregnant with DS either.

Glad your scan went well
Lucky you ladies!

I've just had my son's oral exam date and it's 14 of April. Praying I won't go into labour that day! Dh is taking him, so Idon't know who will take him if my labour starts that day.
Hello ladies!

Ummi I totally feel like I'm in first tri all over again :wacko: I had diarrhea and was throwing up this morning. I wish I could hope them to be labor signs but I've had them all of third tri so far! Have you been able to get rid of the thrush with the medication? Sorry your DH opted out of the home birth, I know mine would do the same. I'm sure the birthing centre will be lovely though! Glad baby's kidneys are as they should be, how nerve-racking! My BH feel like I'm pushing my stomach out as hard as I can and flexing it so it's hard as a rock. Sometimes theres a little cramping with it lately but not painful just uncomfortable.

Button glad your scan went well and placenta moved up!

Mowat I sympathize with the nausea waves and peeing a million times a night!:hugs: I know I have to pee every other hour now that she's dropped, I cant imagine 2 of them pushing on my bladder! I get those pains also, my MW said it's because our joints are so loose:dohh:

Munchkin :hugs: for your angelversary, I know those days are hard, I hope visiting her ashes brought you some peace:hugs: Yay for starting your maternity leave though! And reaching full term:happydance: A waterbirth sounds awesome! Do you think you will go past 40 weeks?

Hoping Happy Full Term to you also!:happydance: If it helps at all, my horrid heartburn went away once she dropped down, hopefully it will be the same for you. Lovely Pics:cloud9:

Akn have the classes been helpful? BH are annoying but not much else. lol

AFM I have a checkup today and I'm going to ask when is the soonest she will do a sweep because I really cannot tolerate much more of this. I'm physically worn out. lol This little one has been hard on me! We're supposed to be having our babyshower this Saturday, with a St Patricks day theme :baby: I'm more excited that we're getting a kiddie pool for all of the little ones since it's supposed to get super hot this weekend!
I hope the weather holds out for your shower. It would be lovely for it to be warm enough for a kiddy pool, we're still in coats and jumpers and the temperature is due to drop at the weekend.

I'm looking forward to Saturday, OH is taking LO to a party which is 2 hours away so I'm not going. I get to have a day to myself which will be lovely as DS has been pretty full on today and I'm losing the will to live. So glad it's bedtime!
I'm originally from Oregon and DH is from North Carolina,it's raining/snowing and freezing in both states! But it's been in the 70s here in California, and supposed to be up to 80/90 this weekend!

On an unhappy note....my MW thinks I may have preeclampsia :cry: my fundal height was also measuring 2 weeks behind :cry: Not a good appointment:nope:
WHat? No, not a good appointment at all! What is she going to do? Will you be getting another scan?

Pool! Oh my, we just got fresh snow!

Renos continue at our house! Had our stairs ripped out yesterday and had to use the outside steps that lead up to our deck and go in the patio door. Not so fun to do when you're big and there is fresh snow! Stairs were usable after supper tonight---such a luxury!
Glad you guys are doing ok, it's crazy how different the weather is!! We've had a couple of warmer days but it's just chucking it down now :( welly day for me and dd!! Kitchen done other than the floor so been unpacking boxes with the inlaws. Last night I did think I might be on my way. Baby is soooo low I can feel it burrowing down there. My bumps def dropped too, and it never did with dd! I also felt reallg sick and hormonal and a bit hyper and I've been getting slight period pains and pain in my bum and down one thigh. Slept reasonably well other than getyjg up a million times to pee!
My braxton hicks aren't painful, just my bump goes rock hard. I often don't even notice them.
What time are you ladies making it to bed? Every day I threaten to be in bed by nine but it's usually 10.30 and last night we stayed up watching a programme til 11. I find it hard to go to bed before oh but I really need more sleep esp With dd being up just after 6.
I've managed to clear out the airing cupboard and wash all the sofa covers last few days so feeling a bit more organised.
Still got my co sleeping cot to put up but it's right at the back of the garage and I can't get it out and oh is working horrid long days :(
Still that's rubbish :( what tests are they doing? Are they giving you a scan? You are having a really rubbish time of it :(
At my growth scan on Tuesday they said baby is 7lb 2 already, nearly 90tj centile, and considering dd was 4th centile and less than that at 42 weeks I'm not sure what to believe. A quick check of forums says growth scans are a load of baloney so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt!!
Still that's poop news. Sorry. I hope they do something quickly to check if it's really pre-e or not, and if it is that you get taken care of properly.

Mowat: arch! It's not the time to have no stairs! How is it going to take to get the new ones in place?

Munchkin: hope you get that floor done quickly. At least you can use the kitchen and have everything put away nicely.
that's good signs you're having there!

Afm: talking about stairs, I saw an advert the other day for a stanna lift (you kknow the company that does the chairs to go up the stairs). Well I just saw that they now do lifts that you can install in your house. I know it's advertised for the elderly, but I want one! Looool! My house is a bit quirky, so I've got the kitchen downstairs on its own, living room, bathroom and my bedroom upstairs, and the kids bedrooms on yet another level! I could definitely do withone of those llifts! Haha!

I also found something that helps with sleep quality (in between 2 wees!), and I wake up less often for the loo. 2-3 times compared to 5-6 or more usually. I have been using hypnobirthing relaxation techniques before going to sleep, and I'm listening a track a YouTube. If you search for 'hypnobirthing rainbow relaxation' you'll find it. It's just a lady talking you through the colours of the rainbow. It's a technique you can use while in labour, but I also find it great to fall and stay asleep. The track last 14 min, but I never make it past the orange colour!
Got my mw appointment today.

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