Oh no hoping. Really hope everything's ok xx
Mowat sorry you're struggling hon. How much longer are they letting you go?
Sounds like everyone's struggling
Still - we're all thinking of you. Hope you're ok xxx
I've been feeling a lot better today. Slept reasonably well til 6.30 when dd came in, then I escaped to the spare room and dozed til 8. Managed to do a few little jobs without collapsing this morning. Took dd to nursery where sge was a lot happier to be left than last few times then had yummy belated Mother's Day lunch out with oh where I actually managed to eat a reasonable amount!! Hurrah!!! Then got a nap in, picked up dd and I'm off over to see a friend who's back home looking after her mum.
Also after my water birth workshop on Monday I've been planning my labour a bit more. I think this is the first time I've dared!! I've bought some battery powered candles for the labour room and an inflatable bath cushion and I'm going to dig out some oils later and look at some music. I figure even if I end up being induced or can't have my water birth for whatever reason a nice calm atmosphere will be nice anyway, including some dimmed lighting and music. My dds birth was so hectic and stressful, I was totally exhausted before we started, we had to leave the birth centre for the hospital, and I ended up screaming in stirrups with forceps for the delivery and about 10 people in the room. She was whipped away to be checked so oh couldn't cut the cord, and I refused to hold her straight away because I was so traumatised. Poor baby must have had such a horrific first sight of the world!!
The birth of Rowan was calm and peaceful and beautiful and although she was obviously tiny and born sleeping I had the process of a proper although mini labour and I'm so glad we could give her that at least.