April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

thats no problem i will let you go 1st since you are 2 days ahead of me. If i go on a kill all my coworkers spree can i blame it on pregnancy??? Im so uncomfortable that everyone is making me so angry. If i hear the joke ohh hows the twins coming along im gonna freak out!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah ive had lots of 'are you sure it's not twins?!?' Comments too. F off!! I don't know if I mentioned on here but I had a growth scan last week which put baby on the 90th centile and already weighing more than dd did at 42 weeks. I'd decided that it was rubbish but my midwife did an estimation today before seeing the scan and she said the same :( I'm 5ft 1 for goodness sake, I can't push out a 9lber!! Get-it-OUT!!!
at 37 weeks he was in the 60th percentile. I am not that big at all compared to other people i have seen!!! Someone yesterday asked me if i was preg and i told them no!!! seriously people i dont have time for your jokes!!! I pray i have some progress tomorrow at my doctors appointment even though dilation doesnt really mean anything but in my head if i am not dilating it means something is wrong!
I feel massive but I don't think I ever got that big with my daughter. They don't do internals til 40 weeks here I don't think. I've got a sweep booked for 2weeks on Wednesday, although I had 3 with dd and they did nothing!!
I'm also still 3/5 engaged like I was 2 weeks ago. They call that 'head well down' and it probably won't get any lower until labour but I want to see progress damn it!!!
Ugh I had a rotten night last night. I'm really struggling with her being so high up and making me short of breath and I also have a stuffy nose so that makes it hard to breathe as well. I spent a good couple of hours sat up straight in bed just so I could breathe properly. I feel so rubbish after last night I haven't got the energy to go to our art class today and it's the last one. It also means I'm stuck inside with LO all day.

Sorry for the grumble, I'm not enjoying this pregnancy at all.
Sorry button :( I know how that feels. It's ok to have a good moan on here. I try to avoid pregnancy moaning in real life but here we all know how grateful we are to be pregnant but it doesn't mean we're not allowed a good moan!!
Thank you. I feel guilty moaning to OH all the time. I know it bothers him that there's nothing he can do to help.
I'm terrible. And I know I do it even more to her help/attention. If he was wandering around telling me to put my feet up all day and bringing me peeled grapes I'd be moaning at him for smothering me and telling him I'm not an invalid!! Poor man can't win.
Same here. I keep telling him the only way he can help is by taking his turn at being pregnant.
Ugh, barely slept last night. Moan, moan, moan!
Sitting in labor n delivery getting monitored due to Bp being 152/110 ohhhh the joys
Oh no hoping. Really hope everything's ok xx

Mowat sorry you're struggling hon. How much longer are they letting you go?

Sounds like everyone's struggling :(

Still - we're all thinking of you. Hope you're ok xxx

I've been feeling a lot better today. Slept reasonably well til 6.30 when dd came in, then I escaped to the spare room and dozed til 8. Managed to do a few little jobs without collapsing this morning. Took dd to nursery where sge was a lot happier to be left than last few times then had yummy belated Mother's Day lunch out with oh where I actually managed to eat a reasonable amount!! Hurrah!!! Then got a nap in, picked up dd and I'm off over to see a friend who's back home looking after her mum.

Also after my water birth workshop on Monday I've been planning my labour a bit more. I think this is the first time I've dared!! I've bought some battery powered candles for the labour room and an inflatable bath cushion and I'm going to dig out some oils later and look at some music. I figure even if I end up being induced or can't have my water birth for whatever reason a nice calm atmosphere will be nice anyway, including some dimmed lighting and music. My dds birth was so hectic and stressful, I was totally exhausted before we started, we had to leave the birth centre for the hospital, and I ended up screaming in stirrups with forceps for the delivery and about 10 people in the room. She was whipped away to be checked so oh couldn't cut the cord, and I refused to hold her straight away because I was so traumatised. Poor baby must have had such a horrific first sight of the world!!
The birth of Rowan was calm and peaceful and beautiful and although she was obviously tiny and born sleeping I had the process of a proper although mini labour and I'm so glad we could give her that at least.
Hoping I hope everything is ok with you and bubs. Keep us updated.

Munchkin I'm glad you had a better day today, you deserve a bit of a break. I'm also looking into ways to make labour as calm and peaceful as possible, I don't have an oil burner at the moment but I might pick one up. What oils are you thinking? I know I have a few relaxing ones but not sure what's good for labour.

I've made a good start on lists for hospital bag, home birth box and DS's bag so I'm going to try and get them all packed this weekend.
Ughhh he needs to come. It went down after a couple hours so pretty much I need bed rest. Possible induction next week but idk. Blood work is declining so I need him out so its not a emergency to gert him out
Hi ladies sorry I haven't updated, I unfortunately did not have a lovely birth as hoped, but all is well now. I will post my birth story in that section since it may be rather long. Short version: Had to have pitocin to induce and magnesium for blood pressure and then the epidural finally. I had to do this crazy rolling back and forth thing cuz her heart rate dropped and ended up pushing while on my side. Didn't take many pushes but I was hemorrhaging so bad and lost too much blood and they had to do all of these "sweeps" to make sure I didn't have a hole in my uterus somewhere (super painful I don't wish it on anyone). I was on so many drugs for my blood pressure and bleeding that I was swollen like the Michelin man. Looked like I'd been in a car accident. so I had to have a transfusion but it took the whole damn anesthesiologist team to find any veins with blood left in them.
Miss Katie MaryEllen was born Sunday March 15th at 1220pm: 5lbs 6oz 18 in long ♡ 36 weeks & 1 day


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