April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

I'm with you mowat!! Me and OH know the 'plan' and where we'd like to go with pain relief Etc. I was concerned about things like delayed cord clamping and the injection to get the placenta out but we'll see what happens. Dd was so stick that when she came out a team of drs just cut it and whipped her across the room in seconds to check her and because of bleeding they got the placenta out to check immediately, I really didn't care at that point!! My main aim is for the process to be calm whatever happens so I'm aiming at that!!
Button I've been getting a hard bump for weeks. I presume it's braxton hicks but duesnt hurt. Just very tight. Last couple of weeks I've been getting very painful movements from baby like shoulders right down though that give me horrendous period cramps and back pain and I always think 'this is it!!' Everyone keeps telling me this baby will be early but it's not got much time to be early now!!
I was trying to work out what to do on my birthday which is my due date. I think we've settled on leaving dd with the inlaws so we can go for a meal and to the cinema. I have no idea what I want as presents either, can't think past baby stuff at the mo.
They stopped about midnight, didn't help that baby was having a good wriggle while they were going on, I think that's what was keeping me awake more than anything.

I might not do a birth plan either. The only thing I can think of to go on it would be that I want to give birth at home, but they'll know that seeing as I'll be booked in for a home birth! I found last time they asked me everything anyway. I remember being annoyed when I had to put the gas and air down in the middle of being stitched up to say yes to the vitamin k injection when I'd already put in my birth plan I wanted him to have it.

I'm rubbish at thinking what I want for birthdays as well Munchkin. The one just gone I got a Kenwood food mixer which I'm madly in love with. I also got a thomas kinkade disney puzzle which has been fab stress relief during pregnancy.
Glad it has stopped Button. This is just your body preparing for birth.

Hoping: I was thinking of you, I thought you might be having your baby!

My birth plan will be bullet points of things I find important. But in the end I'll just want to make sure baby will be safe, whatever it takes. And just like munchkin, I'd like the process to be as calm as possible. And I really want to use the birth centre since I am not going to have a home birth, so I'd better write that in red!!! Haha!

Has anyone heard of Still? I hope she and baby Katie are doing well.
No baby here. I was in the nursery last night and told him I was time to come. He went crazy and said no! I dont think he's coming on his own. I had a rough night sleep. Please baby come please!!!!
Give it some time hoping. You just never know. Do came justthe day before I was supposed to be induced. There's hope!
Yeah dd came naturally the day of induction!! Went in to be induced and I was 5cm dilated!!
Those babies! They really do what they want!

I have a question for you ladies. When you pack some snacks, what do you take? I thought cereal bars, but at some point I thought dh might want something more savoury and not sugary. What could I take?

I've got my consultant appointment tomorrow, he should confirm that I stop my meds and that I'm all good for the birth centre.
Great news ummi! I've packed cereal bars but yoh could put in cheddars or a savoury snack like that? Healthy food really doesn't matter at that time! Also if you're in a birth centre they might feed you anyway or your oh might have easy access to a kitchen to make toast or something? You could take cuppasoup or throw some baby bel in on your way out? Or maybe breadsticks??
Good luck at your appointment today Ummi. Ue got my 36 week midwife appointment today as well and I officially get booked in for my home birth, they'll arrange a home visit after that where they check access and bring me all the info I need, so exciting how close it's getting!

Can't believe you're 39 weeks now Munchkin. It's all seeming a bit more real now.
Good luck today ladies at your appointments! I had yet another rough night with pain and pressure but yet when I wake up its gone. He's tricking me!
Sorry you're having a rough time Hoping, try and catch up today.
How was your appt button?

Here is an update from me, copied and pasted from my journal:
Just finished with the doc. She gave me some meds for the vomiting to try out. If it doesn't work out she said to come to the triage mw and get "properly" assessed. I hope it works. I'm sick of being sick! My urine Sample was a bit weird so it's been sent to the lab. And I had a swab taken for the thrush that came back again!! Argh! Otherwise, baby is fine, but wad hiding so it took ages for the doc to find the hb. I'm glad she was moving so I knew she was ok. Doc confirmed that according to the last scan the baby's kidneys are ok. And she gave me the green light for the birth centre.

Only one thing is that she seemed to be annoyed that I had so many questions and was taking so long. I already had to chase everything since the beginning, so I think I should be the one who is annoyed!! At least I am taking charge of my and the baby's health! I'm glad I met very good people on my other appointments.

Next appt is in 2 weeks time with the mw.
Yay ummi that all sounds positive. Annoying that they weren't being co operative though :( take all the time you need. I sometimes feel rushed though and it makes you forget what you needed to ask!!

Hoping I feel like you, loads of pains and keep thinking I'm sure I'll go tonight but then I wake up and nothing. Been really uncomfortable all day with pains but my stomach is a mess cos of these silly iron tablets and I'm taking lactulose to counteract the constipation but my body doesn't know what's going on!! Any news on induction?

I can't get in my kitchen AGAIN because the floors being tiled and I've sober the day running about looking after workmen at various houses. House is a tip again. So much for nesting eh?!?
They can sometimes make us feel rushed, isn't it? That's exactly what happened at my booking in appt. And the more she rushed me, the more I was getting confused (I bizarrely became all mixed up with the dates of my mcs). And the mw was really looking annoyed by that, telling me she had to see other patients!
Now I just come in with my list of questions!! Haha!
However I can't fault the community mws I've seen, always telling mw to take my time with my list! Hehe!

Sorry about the kitchen. That's a nightmare. Hope you wake up from it very soon.

How's everyone else? Hoping? Akn? Mowat?
That's bad that they were annoyed by you asking questions Ummi.

My appointment was fine, fairly standard and she said my midwife would call me to arrange a home visit and then once I hit 37 weeks I'm good to go for my home birth. My DS did steal her tape measure to play with when she was trying to measure my bump but she let him have it and got out another one. She did say baby is starting to engage so that's good news, I may be able to breathe soon!

Sorry your kitchen is out of action again Munchkin.
Now we've got no boiler :( is there a rule about not bringing a newborn home to a house with no heating or hot water?!? Engineers can't come til a week on Thursday when I'll be - 40+3!! Oops.

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