April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Appointment is tomorrow at 9am. I pray and hope they induce me this week. I swear hr has to be sitting In mu rectum or something because everytime I sit up I have to go. So annoying. My stomach itches but there's no rash or anything. Birthday is Thursday but all i care about right now is getting baby out. I seriously do nothing all day since I got everything ready early!
Had my ultrasound today and babies are looking good and measuring on track. See the doctor tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see if she wants to do a sweep or not. I guess there are some dangers with waiting too long to deliver twins---some doctors insist on getting them out before 38 weeks. Feeling fine so I'm not really in a rush.

Finally got the diapers washed! Bag not packed though.
Oh no Munchkin what a nightmare! Did you tell them you could have a newborn baby any minute?

Hoping hang in there, it can't be long now.

Yay for a good scan Mowat, now pack that bag!!
Yes mowat. Definitely pack the bag! Yes it was quite funny, the wife of the engineer said 'how's your availability next week??' So I said 'we'll I've got a baby due on Monday but other than that my diary's pretty empty!!' To be fair that was when I didn't think it was that urgent but now she knows it's not working at all she's sending someone out later!! Just washing all our white bedding and baby sheets today. We set up the babybay co sleeper on Sunday :)image.jpg
It looks lovely all set up. I need to do all the bedding as well.

My home visit from the midwife is tomorrow, bit annoying though as she said it'll be between 10 and 4. Also got a call from the pre school offering DS a place from September.
Lovely Button. Everything is falling into place nicely.

Munchkins: it looks great!
Hope the boiler gets fixed quickly. Glad the lady understood and sent someone.

Afm: I'm sick again today. :( that's just horrible. I took a tablet when I woke up, but still felt sick and I was feeling dizzy. I had to lie down. Just been sick before lunch.
I'll give those tablets a go for a few more days and if it doesn't work I'll have to go to the triage to get assessed properly. I hope it won't come to that and if it does, I don't understand why these steps haven't been taken earlier as I told them (especially consultant) many times how sick I was!
I planned on starting my bag this p.m. But right now I don't know how I'll feel in 10 min!
I didn't even cook for lunch, I just sent ds1 to buy some pot noodles! And asked dh to bring some pizzas for the evening.
I don't know how long I can do this for!
Mowat: yay for great scan! I can't wait to see a pic of your babies! It's going to be soon for you! Eeeeek!
He would induce me if I was dilated to 3 but im maybe a one and my cervix is facing my rectum like I thought. So if it doesn't happen next week then hell induce me at 41 weeks since my bp is down and swelling. Im gonna carry him to his high school graduation
At least your bp and swelling have gone down Hoping, that's good news.

Ummi I hope your tablets kick in soon.
Hoping: Glad to hear your BP and swelling has gone down. Hopefully baby will make it out before 1st grade starts :)

Munchkin: Glad they are getting someone out there sooner to fix the boiler, nothing like having more stressful things happen when you are uber pregnant!!!

Gonna work on trying to pack my bag this week.. also going to start on baby laundry. Now that we are moved into the new place, I need to take some time to work on that and getting the house unpacked.

Oh and as far as a birth plan, I decided I am not going to do one.. No point, I am winging it.
Glad you're getting your hot water fixed Munchkin. Bag is partially packed now---does that count?

Sorry you're feeling so bad Ummi. Hope you can get something that works.

Congrats on the move Aknqtpie. So exciting! Our carpenter finished one project today so I think that's it for a couple of weeks (we're waiting for some wood so we can finish our stairs). And then we're taking a break.

Well, I thought I might have babies by tonight, but everything stopped---boo! Woke up at 4 am to pee and started having cramping off and on. Kept me awake for a couple of hours, but by my doctor's appointment at 10:30 it had stopped. The doctor I saw today thought there was no need to do a sweep until next week (38 weeks), but she's sending me for non-stress tests just to check on babies. Oh well, my mom arrives tomorrow so hopefully the babies decide to show up shortly afterwards.
Hurrah mowat! I still think you've done amazingly to make it this far. I've got a sweep booked a week today but not sure whether to do it or not?? I think if there's no dilation or ripening it won't do much anyway so you've kind of got to be 'ready'. I'm not in a massive rush but I know if I don't go by the 9th I'll be induced so if like to avoid that if possible, partly because it'll mean no waterbirth and partly because you have to sit in a room with loads of other women being induced until it gets going and I was in that room last time but luckily I was already 5cm when I went in got induction so missed all the depressing bit and went straight to delivery!!
Man came round last night and heating ran for the evening but it's stopped again this morning. I'm trying not to be too bothered cos it's not freezing here and baby can snuggle up in a sling with me if necessary. We've got electric showers and a dishwasher and other heaters so we'll live, but every time anyone comes to look at it they empty my tidy airing cupboard which is in the nursery and can't he arsed to put it back and they trash my utility room. I feel like I'm chasing my tail!! Just want my house straight. Kitchen floor should be finished today so I can get that straight again. I had to go diem to my grans house to steal her microwave last night (she died in December, I'm not that mean!!) because we couldn't get in the kitchen and I'm so sick of takeaways!! Do you think other people live in this sort if chaos with babies imminent?!?
Just been to see the midwife. Baby is now 1/5th engaged and she wanted to do a sweep today but I wouldn't let her!! Stay in a bit longer baby. Also I've got some sort of infection, probably urine, so that might be why I'm feeling light headed and wierd.
Hope you're ok.
Baby needs to stay put until you get that boiler repaired and the floor done!
Yay for being 1/5 engaged Munchkin, I reckon as soon as all your house stuff is done and you relax you'll go into labour.

The midwife came round but she said she needed to do a blood test before she can book me in for a home birth to check my iron levels. She was lovely though and did the blood test at my house and said she'll chase the results on Friday so she can do my booking visit on Monday. She was lovely and reassuring and said even if my iron is low they will help me get it back up and I can still have a home birth if I want, just have to have a call from the supervisor to say she's told me the risks.
Believe me as soon as the kitchen is back in use I'll try and get this baby out ;) re packed all my labour bags this afternoon so we're good to go!!
I'd give anything to get this baby out. I keep telling him he will have more room on the outside but nooo he doesn't wanna listen! Tomorrow is my birthday 🎂 even though I dont wanna share the day it would be a great gift!
Hoping I was surprised that they offered me a sweep at 39 weeks so might be worth asking ;) yes this baby is getting stroppy at my internal organs too so I'm sure it'll much happier on the outside!!

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