My update from yesterday, copied and pasted from my journal:
Sorry I was too tired to update on my appointment yesterday.
It actually went quite well. I saw my usual consultant, well, one I already saw previously, when the ones I saw on Monday and Friday last week were from a different team of consultants. So he did not understand either the reason why they would need to induce by 38 weeks since everything is fine with baby and I had normal deliveries before. Thank God! So he told me to stop the meds again and wait for baby to come on her own. I also have an appointment with the chief consultant from that same team that was following from the start (if that makes sense) on the 10th of April to make sure she's ok with that plan too. And anyway, in between baby might just be here!! I told the doctor that it was very confusing ti have different opinions like that and that they should agree between them first before talking to the patient. He said they were 2 different teams with different protocols.
Anyway, I can relax now and wait for baby to make her appearance now. (though I liked the idea of having a set date, but not the induction itself). I just need to prepare the last few bits, it's not much but seems to take me ages!!!