April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

Ummi and button this is totally like the TWW!! Every twinge you're wondering 'is this a sign'!? And googling every little thing and questioning everything. It's driving me mad!! After days of constipation I had a really good clear out this morning (tmi) is that a sign?!? And every night I go to bed thinking 'will it be tonight?' And as an early tester I did that every night too 'will I have a bfp in the morning?' That's one of the main things putting me off another, the stress of ttc. I was like a woman possessed, charting and googling like crazy.

Gosh I really hope this baby makes it out before Monday :( I was really fine with having waters broken but I've read up more about it and now I'm not so happy :( it means contractions can be worse cos baby's not cushioned any more, and it can be more distressing for the baby with decelerations of heart rate etc and I'm pretty sure I won't get my water birth :( come on baby, you're on your way now!!
Aw Hoping he's gorgeous! You must be so relieved to be done with pregnancy and so happy to meet your little boy.

Munchkin I really want you to have your water birth, you deserve a nice relaxing end to the stress of waiting.
Just had my consultant appt. He's ok letting me go until my due date. But not past that. Which is fine by me. So that's induction booked for the 21st. I've got to see the mw next week for a sweep.
Doctor said that if I feel anything is not normal, to come straight away and he'll induce me on the spot.
He could have done a sweep, but I don't feel ready yet ('re: I'm tired with that cold + ds1's exam on Tuesday.
Ummi that sounds really positive. And you've got an end date! Hurrah! Maybe time to get some induction techniques going early?!?

I've spent the morning doing hip rotations on the ball and running around doing housework which I've not been arsed to do before. I spent about half an hour doing pretend hoola hoops dancing round the kitchen. Dd thinks it's hilarious!! I'm losing lots of snotty mucous and had some crampy braxton hicks so will me on ladies, pray for my cervix :) xx
Ooh Ummi that is exciting, you have an actual countdown now!

I'm wondering how Mowat is today.
Logan Thomas. Feedings are better so blood sugars up. Waiting on him to come from nursery now for his 6am feeding. Ready to get out of hospital!
Lovely name Hoping, glad he's feeding well.

Come on Munchkins cervix!
Beautiful name!! You can tell you're in the us, we don't get nurseries on the NHS anymore ;) how are you feeling? Any idea when you might get home??

Well I got my sweep but I was a bit fed up cos it was a student again!! I need a big handed rough old school midwife not a gentle skinny student!! I did tell her to be rough though and it felt a bit more painful than last time but not the pain I had with my 3 sweeps last pregnancy!! I've had some bloody mucous since though. I came home and bounced on the ball and then had a sneaky 'nap' (I heard orgasms are good after sweeps but I don't think either of us can stomach sex at the moment!!) and inhaled some oils.

I am seriously done though. I've done all I can. I just want to zone out and watch rubbish telly now and not sit on my ball or do exercises to induce labour. In fact I want wine :(
I think you've done enough Munchkin. Either way baby is coming soon and it's your last chance to rest before he or she gets here.
Yeah I'm determined to just enjoy our last weekend as a family of 3. Things are going to Change very soon!!
I am so done being pregnant.. my feet are swelling and it is so annoying.. none of my shoes fit!! I am wearing sandals today :-/
Akn I know how you feel. All my maternity trousers are too uncomfy to wear, fortunately the weathers turned sunny so I've got out my maxi dresses and I'm much comfier.
Yes I had to get rid of my maternity jeans a while ago! I was still happily in them at 42 weeks with my dd. I think it's cos my bump is much lower (and bigger!!)

Had lots more bloody mucous. Maybe that student did something after all ;)
Well nothing going on here after the bloody show. Looks like I need to get ready for induction :( stupid body. I've just looked at mowats ticker, can't believe her due date's tomorrow! She's cooking those twins so well :)
I know!! It's crazy but good on her :) the longer she can hold out safely they healthier they'll be!!

Just been reading the bloody leaflet about induction :( I'm hoping I can bypass a lot of it because my cervix is already dilating but it's still a bag of medically directed c**p (apologies for my language!!) I know the most important thing is making sure baby's ok but I'm still not happy about it. It feels like an incident pit waiting to happen.

I was booked in for induction with my daughter at term + 14 like this time but my contractions started the equivalent of 2am tonight and we got away with it so you never know ;)
Fingers crossed the same happens again for you. I'm wondering if I can go into labour in the next couple of hours so I can get out of making small talk with my FIL.
I think that's fair enough button!! Most nights I've gone to bed planning a job for the next day and praying I'll be in labour so won't have to do it!! Today it's finishing the final boxes from the kitchen. Ooh is that a contract in I feel!?!
I hope Mowat is ok. Please update when you can.

I read that leaflet too munchkin and I also feel I will have to go through this too!

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