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April Showers Brings Christmas Babies 92 Testers (19 BFPs)(1 Angel )

Hi ladies
I still cannot shift this cold coughing and stuffy nose all day. 7dpo little tired maybe but nothing much to report.
Im actually looking forward to testing especially with all you ladies there to keep me going if the dreaded af arrives.
Keep the symptoms and updates coming ladies love reading your comments x
Hi there! Can I join your group! You ladies seem awesome and very much similar to me. I am 8dpo. When is it best for me to test??
Hi hopeful.89 welcome to our lovely thread. It's never to early to test lol however im starting at 10dpo. X
Great!! Thank you so much.

This TWW has been one of the most frustrating for me. We officially hit the 1 year mark TTC. We tried the go with the flow and don't stress about it, then we hit around 9 months and it started to really frustrate me. DH has Varicosele but his Counts are all great. I am 25 he is 24.
This cycle around 6dpo my face broke out much worse than normal, however my BBT continue to drop :(, I had sharp pains on my right side 3 dpo and now every once in a while it is Dull achy feeling, and extremely positive emotions from 1dpo - 7dpo. Not sure if PMS symptoms or maybe I have a little miracle trying to stick.

Baby Dust to All!
Your symptoms sound very promising hopeful. Stick with us I know how frustrating it can be as many of us do, but here we support and get eachother through each month x
Thank you so much! It is so nice to have someone to chat with that are going through similar situations.
Is it easter yet? Lol!

I know OH is just trying to think positive and keep my hopes up after me stressing thinking I didn't ovulate but he keeps talking like there must be something growing in there. He came home last night a bit tipsy and was telling me how excited he is and how he wants a baby so much it's all he can think about etc. Going to feel like I have failed him if I don't get pregnant quickly :/
Twinmum, It is really great that he is so excited, it is great when both people are enthusiastic about TTC. You are not failing if you do not conceive this cycle, and I hope that he understands that it is not as easy as "some" people make it seem. Sending Positive thoughts your way!
Oh twinmum your other half sounds just lovely and supportive im sure he will reassure you if this cycle doesn't prove successful. However I have a feeling this is a very lucky thread babydust to u and here's to catching that Easter egg ;)
Thank you :) I am lucky, he is very supportive. He does reassure me it takes as long as it takes and we are in it together no matter what but he wants to be a daddy so badly.
I'm 28 my OH is 39 we have been together for 5 years and we have a son who is 14 months, we are TTC number 2, this is the second cycle. We have been NTNP since my son was born (not that we have time or the energy for sex these days!!)

It took 3 years to conceive my son, I did have a mc a year before my son was conceived though. I have long irregular cycles. We went to doctors for help after the mc and the first step was a sperm analysis for my OH. It came back he has a low sperm count. But we never got anywhere else with that as the next week I got a BFP.

We have conceived naturally twice so it is possible. I am going to give it a few cycles and see where we are. Last month was the first time I saw a positive opk so I am feeling better that we can catch the egg.

Last cycle was 37 days. I got a positive opk on cd26. So I have an 11 day luteal phase. Does that sound like I could get pregnant without assistance? Or is my cycle too long? Or am I ovulating too late in my cycle??
Hi Emmy, I don't think long cycles necessarily make the chance for pregnancy less, except the obvious fact that you don't ovulate quite as often. Like you said you have conceieved before so I don't believe an 11 day LP is necessarily too short, I think less than 9/10 days is something to maybe be concerned with.
Have you been told why you have irregular cycles or is it just an unknown?
Thanks for the reply hopefullyopto. We don't know why I have long irregular cycles, I have had all different length cycles and long periods where I wasn't ovulating at all. I had blood tests for pcos as I am overweight aswell, and a scan but they came back normal.
Hi Emmy, that's good it came back normal although must be frustrating to not have some definate answers. Do you eat a low gi diet or take any herbal supplements?
Hello, Everyone!

My husband (28) and I (28) are on our second cycle of TTC#1 after a MMC last October when we lost our twins. We have been married for almost 3 years with a feisty little cat; and have been wanting to start a family for the past year since this is really the optimal time in both our careers to be doing so. I have been using OPKs, but am interested in learning how to chart my BBT as well as to check my CM.

I am currently on DPO 13, but am not too optimistic that I will get that BFP since I have absolutely no symptoms at all have have been POAS religiously since DPO 9. So I will be testing next month on 29 April.

I'm very happy to have found such a supportive community.

Fingers crossed for everyone on here!!!
Hi Emmy, that's good it came back normal although must be frustrating to not have some definate answers. Do you eat a low gi diet or take any herbal supplements?

No I don't at the moment, I used to take Agnus castus but that was back when I wasn't ovulating at all and I tried royal jelly too. In the end I took noresthistetone from the doctor to bring on AF and I conceived my son 2 weeks later!

My diet...ha! That's a struggle!! I have a love hate relationship with food! I start a new diet every week and never get anywhere! I reward myself with chocolate in the evenings lol
Welcome Toothfairy!!

AF is finally here for here. I ordered lots of Opk and they have arrived! So excited, will test as often as I can. Hoping April brings many bfps!!
I'm 7dpo and no real symptoms yet other than a cold for the last 2 days or so. I started testing today, crazy early i know!! :blush:
Welcome ToothfairyDMD fx for this cycle for you x
Emmy im terrible I come up with a new plan all the time to loose weight since having Oscar ive piled it on. I reward myself most evenings with a jelly bean or two lol.
Danielle1984 I have a feeling we have a lucky thread ;)
Skc222 i will be joining the testing train on Saturday good luck huni x
Skc22 ive just seen your test and im sure that second test is trying to tell ME something. Fx huni x

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