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April Showers Brings Christmas Babies 92 Testers (19 BFPs)(1 Angel )

My tests have arrived eeeekkkkk should I start tomorrow at 9dpo or Saturday at 10dpo ??
Officially CD1 and awaiting O!! 13 days to goooo..
Hey everyone!!! Welcome new ladies!! So happy to have you here!!

Ckelly I dont know how you could possibly wait I have a terrible time if the test are in my reach I am using one hahaha sometimes testing way to early then I am mad at myself for doing it cause of course it would be a BFN! I cant wait to hear the results of your test though. How many DPO are you now?

AFM!!!!! BIG NEWS HERE! AF finally arrived!!! After a 50 day cycle and a hormone pill called provera and a bunch of lab test the witch is here! I never thought I could be so excited to see her!!! I go for an ultrasound now to make sure everything looks good and if it does I will start Clomid days 3-7 and hope that I will get my baby finally!! If I do conceive this cycle I will be due on NYE! How exciting!! Ckelly please put me down for testing on April 23 even though we all know I will probably start much sooner! That is my official date though :winkwink:

Baby dust to all and prayers for sticky beans!!! :dust::dust:
Has anyone heard from Sweetmama26?? I have not seen a post from her in a bit. Hope all is well with her and the family.
Kelly test test test...!

Mine arrived today as well and as soon as they came I tested... hahahahaha I'm only 6dpo but I do love to test.. LOL
Welcome mcpass4 will add your date for you fx for this cycle.
Emiloo those days will go so quick soon you will be doing the baby dance good luck huni.
Mrsverhey yayyyyy she arrived lol.
I really hope this is your cycle and all goes well at the scan lovely what a great EDD.
Im 8 dpo full of cold chapped lips high cp and strangely relaxed lol x
Chimpette my testing buddy you are funny will def be joining you in the morning .
Sweetmama please let us know your ok xx
Hey everyone. Still having blinking smileys on my CB OPK. My amazon cheapies are still negative and my CVS brand are still negative. CD 10 today and started having high fertility CD 8. Hopeful thinking right now.

This last cycle was only 22 days, the one before that was 35 days... These crazy cycles are starting to be the death of me. :(
So SS for 6dpo - Still getting AF type cramps, bloated stomach when I'm sat I have to undo my belt and jeans to be comfy and just wiped and had some weird green tinged cm.

Edit - forgot painful back as well
Chimpette im getting excited those symptoms are sound good :)
Welcome lilpeggypants have added your date. Love the name ;)
Mrs - Congrats on the :witch: lol how often do we say that around here? FXed for you next month.

Welcome to the new ladies :wave:

AFM - I've got a "water sonogram" tomorrow to prep for my IVF next month. I'm a little worried they might find something with my endo, but hopefully it'll be all clear.
Good luck Krissy!

Hope the clomid works for you this cycle mrsverhey. :)
Good luck Krissy!
Chimpette those symptoms sound promising😃

I'm now 6 dpo and I have another headache. I've broken out on my chin which never happens to me. No cramps or anything which was the only sign I had with DS. Just more waiting now.
Thank you Krissy Twinmum Ckelly and everyone else I really hope this is the cycle too! :thumbup:

Krissy I will be thinking about you as you prepare for IVF please keep us in the loop on everything just rmember you have us here and you are not going through this alone!!! :hugs:
mrsverhey: Yay! Glad to hear AF finally showed up. I have 35/36 day cycles and that's bad enough, can't imagine what you're going through! :hugs: Hope you get your NYE baby! If I conceive this cycle my dd is 1st January... Hopefully we both get our :bfp: this cycle!

flowergirl7: Good luck and I hope that you get your :bfp: this cycle! Just a few more days until you can test!

KrissyB: Keeping my fx that all goes well and that the IVF will be set in motion. Good luck! :hugs:

emiloo: :hugs: Good luck this cycle! Hope you get your bfp!

Chimpette: Good luck to you and I hope you get your bfp this cycle!

ksybr10: :hugs: I hate it when my cycles are all over the place. Hope they regulate soon for you!! Keeping my fx for a bfp for you this cycle!

lilpeggypants: Welcome!! :hi: Good luck and :dust: to you as well!
Eelse wont it be just amazing to get our BFP!! I just cant wait!!! What a way to start a new year and new life with a baby :cloud9::cloud9:
I just ovulated, so I'll be testing on the 8th (at least I'm going to try to hold out til then!).

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