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April Showers Brings Christmas Babies 92 Testers (19 BFPs)(1 Angel )

That's great ksybr10 you will be in tww before u know it :)
Is it weird to ovulate really early like this? I mean I know I can have high fertility for several days, but.. only three days past AF.
If im honest hun since being on the trying to conceive train ive learnt anything is possible so u most certainly be ovulating early.
Keep us posted on those smilies x
Will do. I have a bunch of cheap opk to try and back up CB opk so hopefully they match up when it's the right time.
I'd like to know about all of you. I'll start.

My name is Simone. I'm 41 and live in the USA (Wisconsin). I have been married to my husband,Chad 42, for over 18 years and we have been together for over 23. We have 5 boys 20, 18, 8, 8, and 5. We are really hoping for a girl and have been for a long time now. Lol I'm also a SAHM.
Hi simone
Im claire 36 hubby 39 he has 21 & 17 year olds I have 14& 13 year old and we have 1 year old Oscar together.
Had someone turn up after we had been together a year stating my husband had fathered her child I asked for Dna as did he as he strongly denied IT even went to court she swore on oath about an affair. All the date set she came up with my husband wasn't even in the country or was with me :/ Still no further forward as she won't comply. So I think that's it for children ;)
Took us over a year to get pregnant with Oscar and a year to fall again then I misscarried and currently on 9th cycle since that.
Love these threads they keep me positive but I have decided to only try up until July this year. X
Hi simone :)

I am sarah, I live in England. I am 27, OH is 28. My twins will be 7 in a few months and they are from my previous marriage. OH doesn't have any children of his own yet but he cares for my children as if they were.
My name is Shanda I have been with my husband Scott for almost 11 years and married for 5.5 years he is my very best friend! We live in Michigan USA where we both were born and raised. We have been NTNP since about a year into our relationship and have been actively TTC for 6 years now. I have PCOS in the past with all of my meds and emotions and pcos I put on a ton of weight two years ago in July I had the gastric sleeve weight loss surgery and lost 120 pounds my Drs are very hopefull for me now to conceive so we are on our fifth cycle of Clomid 100mg with an Ovidrel trigger shot. For some reason this last cycle never ended and I am currently on CD 49 I finished ten days of provera to force aunt flo almost a week ago so if she isnt here by Thursday I am to call my Dr I dont know what they will do from there in the past any time I have taken Provera I had very good luck with it and started right away! I work in a childrens hospital on the oncology floor most days I love it but it is getting harder and harder emotionally to see so many kiddos and feel like I will never have my own. I may try to transfer to a different position eventually. Well with all of that being said if anyone else has any questions just ask I am an open book! Baby dust to all!!!
:wave: I'm 32, DH is 33, and our incredible DD (Amelia, "Mia") is 2.5 :) When we started trying for our DD we had no troubles at all and conceived on the first month even though I had irregular cycles. After DD was born my cycles regulated and last April we started TTC#2. A few months of NTNP and I started temping... to find I had short luteal phases (<9 days). Then I started getting REALLY painful periods. Turns out I had an cyst one ovary that they eventually diagnosed as an endometrioma. We tried a month of Clomid with my OB which was had a huge amount of side effects...so then we switched to an RE. All testing (bloodwork, HSG, DH's sperm counts) came back normal. We tried a few letrozole/intercourse cycles with progesterone supplementation, and are now trying IUI. But with the endo, my chances are pretty poor until we start getting into IVF, which we'll probably start in April.

Whew. Sorry that was long lol. Been a busy year.

Ck - that is CRAZY about your DH and the paternity thing. That lady sounds like such a nut job!
Hi can you pop me into April 6 please. A Christmas baby would be just wonderful.
Hi all, I'm 28 hubby is 26, we've been married 5 years :) We have a 4 yr old dd, 3 yr old ds & 10 month old ds.. 1st 2 were conceived 1st cycle, 3rd a little longer as was told I had pco & to lose weight, literally only lost half a stone & fell pregnant, this is 3rd cycle this time but they r very long & all over the place after pregnancy & b/feeding. One more baba will complete my beautiful family :)
Welcome goddess25 will add your date for you now. Good luck this cycle x
Hi Everyone,

I'm 35 hubby is 34 we met when I went travelling round the world and he was the security guard in the hostel we stayed at in Fiji. We stayed in Fiji for 2 years and then moved back to the UK. We have been together for nearly 11 years and we have 3 gorgeous boys who are 6, 4 and 18 months.

We had 2 mmc one that we found out the day before xmas eve in 2009, the other in May 2010, both of which I had to have D & C's for. After doing some research as soon as I got my next BFP I started taking baby aspirin and who knows if that helped but along came our 2nd & 3rd son.

Happy to have you all to talk too!

P.S SS - Still getting cramps LOL, and ordered lots of those cheap pregnancy tests off ebay as I am a self confessed testaholic!
Hi all,

I'm 26 and my DH is 35, we have been married for 3 months now and it has been bliss :) we are trying got our first! I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have extremely long cycles which means we have only had 1/2 opportunities to catch the egg since TTC. I am slim and am not allowed to receive any help from the Dr unless I have been trying for at least a year (living in the UK sucks!) I started Vitex this cycle and take a few other herbal remedies to help. I have a relatively good diet with no dairy and the smallest amount of gluten and sugar.
So let's all have our fingers crossed for those April BFP's and some extra special christmas presents :D
Hi all :hi: I'm 31 and my partner is 30. We've been together for nearly 11 years and have a 3 yr old DD.
We have been ntnp for 2 ish years, and decided last month to just go for it! I'm currently cd16 and waiting for ovulation. I have been charting my cycles since march 2014 but only just started testing with the cb digi monitor which worked first time using it with my DD! (After trying for over a year to conceive naturally) My cycle is usually around 28 days or so (but I have no idea when I actually ovulate) so I am due to test around the 6th April.
Fingers crossed we all get our BFP's soon :dust:
Hi my name is Lily, I am 25 and my DH is 35. We have been together for 7 years and married for almost 4. We have a 20 month old daughter and started TTC our second in January. I have pcos that had never affected my cycles before but caused insuline resistance which led to a lot of weight gain. With my pregnancy the insuline resistance went away and I have lost a lot of weight but with it came apparently really irregular cycles. We haven't been able to even BD on the right days and it's really hard for me to understand this since I've never had irregular cycles before. This month I am charting, using Opks, and being more attentive and hopefully we will BD when I stand a chance! :haha: if I don't get pregnant this cycle we will skip the next one due to the baby being born last week of December/first week of January. Since I will have a c section if I get preggo this cycle the baby will be due dec 25 but börn early/mid December so we are ok with that :) sorry I ramled!
I should be testing on the 22nd which is my birthday ! Really hoping this will be the month :)
Howdy everyone! I'm Lynn. I'm 31 and my hubby is 34. We will hit our 10 year anniversary this July. We started TTC in November of 2013, however we came to a speed bump. My DH is not able to ejaculate during intercourse. We have spent the last year or so hoping for escapee sperms, but obviously that never happened and through research we discovered it probably never would. We began at home insemination last month using needless syringes. We are going to continue that for a year and see what happens. Last cycle we both got real sick around ovulation, so I'm excited to try again this cycle and not be sick. :)

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