***April Sweet Peas 2011*** join here (48 babies born)

I am so happy had my scan last Tuesday as i had a scare last week, i was having a dull ache in my tummy so went to docs and they sent me for an early scan, i was so happy to see baby on the screen and their little heart beating, i cried my eyes out with joy, got another scan on 13th for 12 weeks scan woo hoo xxxxxxx
Tasha I'm having to wait too :(, annoying huh!? did think about going to Dr's last week when had pain in my side but then it went away and I just couldn't lie! not too much longer until we hit 12 weeks!

Def beginning to feel a little better now :) but still enough nausea popping up to reassure me! fx;ed this is how it';ll stay now!

Sooo glad its friday :D, people got nice plans for wkend? i'm seeing couple old fridays and going to tell them i'm pregnant!Can't wait! :D xx
I had my first scary preg dream last night. I'm now panicking in case it was a sign... Like my body telling me something went wrong :(

I still don't have my scan date yet... I will be 12w in not much over a fortnight. I'm so impatient!
i feel a bit sick today but ot to bad, i keep getting cramps but think its because OH driving me crazy !!! and alex has fell over twice in two days and has a very nasty bump on his head :cry:
cottlespie, have you chased them hun? sometimes they need a little prod, you don't wanna wait until you're over!

Poor Alex snowball :(, bless him.
Back online after the move, got a lot of catching up to do! Hope everyone is keeping well and not feeling too sick. Do have something I need to get off my chest so I hope you all don't mind!

Went back to my parents at the weekend to get some stuff for the house and told them about the baby. To begin with they were thrilled but then they decided we needed to get married before the baby is born. My OH and I do want to but the timing has never been important so in the end we agreed. By the next morning my Mum had decided that we obviously weren't interested because we were concentrating on getting everything packed up so not to bother. She then wouldn't say bye to me when we were leaving and just ran up to her room. The Monday was my birthday so I texted her to say thank you for the card, her reply was 'Of course the words are all wrong now as they don't do ones with we are heartbroken and ashamed on' and I haven't heard from her since. It's not like they are religious or anything and have always claimed to be open minded, I think my mum just wants the 'big day'. I'm devastated and now a few days have passed I'm absolutely furious with them, I had no idea that they would be like this and I thought they'd be pleased about their first grandchild. They're my parents so I'll always leave the door open for them but I don't think things can ever be the same. Does anyone have any advice?
dont knoe ehat to say loopy, so sorry you are having a hard time bug hugs x
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx

Think a wedding is now out of the question, tried to talk to them on the Sunday but nothing got through and without their help we can't afford it anyway at the moment.

Writing a letter is a great idea, think I'll leave it a bit longer though as I need to calm down before I say anything really... My Mum has always been a bit of an bully to me when she doesn't get her way, need to let her know I'm not taking it anymore without alienating her more.
yeah for sure hun. And before you send anything have OH or a close friend who's unbiased read it! hopefully she'll come round and start being excited for you.

If you wait until after the birth you can have a little flower girl or page boy there too :D xx
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx

Think a wedding is now out of the question, tried to talk to them on the Sunday but nothing got through and without their help we can't afford it anyway at the moment.

Writing a letter is a great idea, think I'll leave it a bit longer though as I need to calm down before I say anything really... My Mum has always been a bit of an bully to me when she doesn't get her way, need to let her know I'm not taking it anymore without alienating her more.

In all honesty, you two should decided when you want to tie the knot. Not them. It should be good enough that you guys are thinking about it. Marriage is no more then a piece of paper especially if you are not religious. If you and your OH are committed to each other emotionally than marriage should only be if you want to and not because you have to.

it seems like a hard situation though. I know how it can be trying to please the family, but she shouldn't be like this to you while you are so emotional and fragile. First trimester is a great deal of emotions and the baby is taking a great deal from you still. You should be pampered-- not dealing with emotional melodrama.

Maybe i'm being emotional myself. :dohh: I just wish you the best, and try not to fret over it. It seems a bit harsh what your mom said about "the words aren't right they don't make cards with disappointed and devastate on them." that's really mean! I'd be so hurt.
:hugs: Wish you the best sweetie.
Back online after the move, got a lot of catching up to do! Hope everyone is keeping well and not feeling too sick. Do have something I need to get off my chest so I hope you all don't mind!

Went back to my parents at the weekend to get some stuff for the house and told them about the baby. To begin with they were thrilled but then they decided we needed to get married before the baby is born. My OH and I do want to but the timing has never been important so in the end we agreed. By the next morning my Mum had decided that we obviously weren't interested because we were concentrating on getting everything packed up so not to bother. She then wouldn't say bye to me when we were leaving and just ran up to her room. The Monday was my birthday so I texted her to say thank you for the card, her reply was 'Of course the words are all wrong now as they don't do ones with we are heartbroken and ashamed on' and I haven't heard from her since. It's not like they are religious or anything and have always claimed to be open minded, I think my mum just wants the 'big day'. I'm devastated and now a few days have passed I'm absolutely furious with them, I had no idea that they would be like this and I thought they'd be pleased about their first grandchild. They're my parents so I'll always leave the door open for them but I don't think things can ever be the same. Does anyone have any advice?

DH and I weren't married when I got pregnant with DD. I was still in college and didn't have a full time job. DH was working full time but making minimum wage. I was scared to tell my parents I had gotten pregnant. My mom was thrilled but my dad....the first thing he said was "Well I'm not raising a grandbaby, did you at least quit smoking?" Very hurtful words when I was already mad at myself for getting pregnant in the first place. I love my dad to death, he's always been supportive but my stepmother had passed away suddenly just 5 months before and I think he was still dealing with that (I know I was). Unfortunatly the words always stuck with me and now he doesn't even know my daughter as well as I'd like because I would never ask him to keep her or spend time with her when DH and I weren't around because he "didn't want to raise a grandbaby". After she was born, there weren't anymore hurt words and I can tell it bothers him that DD doesn't run to him when he comes and doesn't like to hug him and that's partially due to me. Your mom may come around once the baby comes, long time to wait, I know! She shouldn't say such hurtful things and push you away.
Sorry you're having parent problems! That's so rude!

Right now I'm sick. Sick Sick Sick. I looked so bad when I went to meet my CNM that she perscribed me anti nausea meds! I seriously didn't think I was that bad but I'll take them just in case! I've been able to handle things until today- threw up for 20 mins this morning (wet myself even). And now I'm sitting at work feeling like DEATH. I really just want to go home. I feel so horrible- DF and I camped wednesday night for my little brothers bday party the next day and he wants to go camping again this weekend but I'm thinking I can't do it. Not if I feel like this! Hopefully 3 comes around quick and I can ask to leave to go home. I feel so weak.

Sorry for the novel.
Hope everyone else feels good today. I can only hope this is the "worse before it gets better" because WOW.
cottlespie, have you chased them hun? sometimes they need a little prod, you don't wanna wait until you're over!

I asked at my 8 week scan but they hadn't confirmed a date... Think I will chase up next week as I'll be in my 10th.
Loopy I'm so sorry to hear you're having such problems. I hope everything works out ok. :hugs:
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx

Think a wedding is now out of the question, tried to talk to them on the Sunday but nothing got through and without their help we can't afford it anyway at the moment.

Writing a letter is a great idea, think I'll leave it a bit longer though as I need to calm down before I say anything really... My Mum has always been a bit of an bully to me when she doesn't get her way, need to let her know I'm not taking it anymore without alienating her more.

In all honesty, you two should decided when you want to tie the knot. Not them. It should be good enough that you guys are thinking about it. Marriage is no more then a piece of paper especially if you are not religious. If you and your OH are committed to each other emotionally than marriage should only be if you want to and not because you have to.

it seems like a hard situation though. I know how it can be trying to please the family, but she shouldn't be like this to you while you are so emotional and fragile. First trimester is a great deal of emotions and the baby is taking a great deal from you still. You should be pampered-- not dealing with emotional melodrama.

Maybe i'm being emotional myself. :dohh: I just wish you the best, and try not to fret over it. It seems a bit harsh what your mom said about "the words aren't right they don't make cards with disappointed and devastate on them." that's really mean! I'd be so hurt.
:hugs: Wish you the best sweetie.

are you married? i used to say the same thing until i was married. marriage is a serious commitment, but then so is having a baby (at least the way i was raised).
she may be more concerned about the image of it all, then actually thinking about what she's asking you to do. take some time away, let everything calm down. it may take a month or two even. my mother said some nasty things the last time i was pregnant (basically making it seem like it would be better if i terminated) and so i'm scared crapless to tell my parents this time. but i'm sure just like your mom, she will come around when the little bundle of sweet is in her arms. you never stop being a mom, no matter how old your kids are and i'm sure that's all this is.
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx

Think a wedding is now out of the question, tried to talk to them on the Sunday but nothing got through and without their help we can't afford it anyway at the moment.

Writing a letter is a great idea, think I'll leave it a bit longer though as I need to calm down before I say anything really... My Mum has always been a bit of an bully to me when she doesn't get her way, need to let her know I'm not taking it anymore without alienating her more.

In all honesty, you two should decided when you want to tie the knot. Not them. It should be good enough that you guys are thinking about it. Marriage is no more then a piece of paper especially if you are not religious. If you and your OH are committed to each other emotionally than marriage should only be if you want to and not because you have to.

it seems like a hard situation though. I know how it can be trying to please the family, but she shouldn't be like this to you while you are so emotional and fragile. First trimester is a great deal of emotions and the baby is taking a great deal from you still. You should be pampered-- not dealing with emotional melodrama.

Maybe i'm being emotional myself. :dohh: I just wish you the best, and try not to fret over it. It seems a bit harsh what your mom said about "the words aren't right they don't make cards with disappointed and devastate on them." that's really mean! I'd be so hurt.
:hugs: Wish you the best sweetie.

are you married? i used to say the same thing until i was married. marriage is a serious commitment, but then so is having a baby (at least the way i was raised).
she may be more concerned about the image of it all, then actually thinking about what she's asking you to do. take some time away, let everything calm down. it may take a month or two even. my mother said some nasty things the last time i was pregnant (basically making it seem like it would be better if i terminated) and so i'm scared crapless to tell my parents this time. but i'm sure just like your mom, she will come around when the little bundle of sweet is in her arms. you never stop being a mom, no matter how old your kids are and i'm sure that's all this is.

I am married, and I will always tell the truth as to why I did get married. Because my husband was joining the Military and the benefits are too good to pass up but you have to be married.

Marriage (in my complete opinion) is a little overrated these days. Divorce is so huge these days, it seems as if marriage is a mockery of itself.

Marriage was never going to change my commitment to my husband. I was his whole heartedly.

I do like what you said about taking time away from the situation. That seems to be the best idea.
Aww so sorry your parents have reacted like this loopey. Will they answer the phone to you? I'm just wondering whether they've misread the situation or thought something was said/done that wasn't?

If they won't talk, how about writing a well thought out letter re. how they've made you feel? try and get to the bottom of it and explain you are very much excited about getting married and having LO but that night in particular it was important to pack!

Now you'd love their input into planning the wedding!? :hugs:, hope it all works out xx

Think a wedding is now out of the question, tried to talk to them on the Sunday but nothing got through and without their help we can't afford it anyway at the moment.

Writing a letter is a great idea, think I'll leave it a bit longer though as I need to calm down before I say anything really... My Mum has always been a bit of an bully to me when she doesn't get her way, need to let her know I'm not taking it anymore without alienating her more.

In all honesty, you two should decided when you want to tie the knot. Not them. It should be good enough that you guys are thinking about it. Marriage is no more then a piece of paper especially if you are not religious. If you and your OH are committed to each other emotionally than marriage should only be if you want to and not because you have to.

it seems like a hard situation though. I know how it can be trying to please the family, but she shouldn't be like this to you while you are so emotional and fragile. First trimester is a great deal of emotions and the baby is taking a great deal from you still. You should be pampered-- not dealing with emotional melodrama.

Maybe i'm being emotional myself. :dohh: I just wish you the best, and try not to fret over it. It seems a bit harsh what your mom said about "the words aren't right they don't make cards with disappointed and devastate on them." that's really mean! I'd be so hurt.
:hugs: Wish you the best sweetie.

are you married? i used to say the same thing until i was married. marriage is a serious commitment, but then so is having a baby (at least the way i was raised).
she may be more concerned about the image of it all, then actually thinking about what she's asking you to do. take some time away, let everything calm down. it may take a month or two even. my mother said some nasty things the last time i was pregnant (basically making it seem like it would be better if i terminated) and so i'm scared crapless to tell my parents this time. but i'm sure just like your mom, she will come around when the little bundle of sweet is in her arms. you never stop being a mom, no matter how old your kids are and i'm sure that's all this is.

I am married, and I will always tell the truth as to why I did get married. Because my husband was joining the Military and the benefits are too good to pass up but you have to be married.

Marriage (in my complete opinion) is a little overrated these days. Divorce is so huge these days, it seems as if marriage is a mockery of itself.

Marriage was never going to change my commitment to my husband. I was his whole heartedly.

I do like what you said about taking time away from the situation. That seems to be the best idea.

Wow. I am a little shocked by this statement. Marriage is only a mockery by the people who do not truly believe in it and get married for all the wrong reasons and was not taught the true meaning of marriage. The divorce rate is so high cause we as a nation find it easier to bail(myself included) rather than to tough it out when the going gets truly tough. Marriage use to mean something but now with the poor attitudes people have about it is the exact reason that it no longer is. I don't mean to offend you...this is just my opionion as well
went to dr. measuring 9 weeks so still 2 days behind but have been the whole time.. it was hard for her to get a good pic as baby was jumping and doing flips and waving.. feel like crap right now but will post a pic in a little while
That's great Cami!!! So we're measuring the same for sure! Awesome!
Think I'm heading home to finish work there. I felt fine for a couple hours earlier but horrible all day today (think I'm getting sick is more the problem)

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