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***April Sweet Peas 2011*** join here (48 babies born)

amberdawn, we have our appts on the same day!!! Seems so far away at the moment. Just hope I'm far enough along to see something on the internal scan. I'll be 6 weeks even (per dr's request) so I'm assumming they wouldn't bring me in unless they thought there was a good chance to see something.

I just love your Pregnancy Journal updates!
yay I've got a couple of new due date buddies (7th)! congrats girls.

The ladies that are having a worrying time, I'm so so sorry and hope your little ones hold on tight :hugs:

Managed to get out for a walk tonight! was nice to get fresh air but think I may be in bed by 9pm, hehe! xx
Please put me down for April 9th!!!! Happy to be a part of this group! :)
Congrats JazzyCat!!!! Another nearly due date buddy!! I'm April 8th. Happy and Healthy 9 mos to you!
Thanks bernina!!!! Thrilled to be a part of this group! Congrats to all of you!!!!
Thought we could all use a little good news pick me up to help get us through the next few weeks. Very interesting read. I love #1 - 3.

Is it a symptom to get sensitive teeth early in pregnancy or just coincidence that my teeth have been crazy sensitive over the past few days?
Bernina- Great link! Those are some happy websites! Thats neat that we have the same appointment date. I'm not having a scan however. In fact with my daughter I only had one scan and that was at 20 weeks. I'm assuming it'll be the same with this pregnancy. But I do plan on getting a 3d or 4d scan eventually now that we have a Stork Vision business in town.
Woke up this morning to fresh spotting. I don't know how much is too much or when to panic. I'm already worrying. What if it gets worse at work???

Well ladies, i've just popped in to say i started getting negatives after so i won't be joining you as an April due date mummy.

7dpo cheapo poundland test-faint positive

9dpo cheapo poundland test-faint but very slightly darker positive

11dpo first response-faint positive but fainter than before so, did a

CB digital later that day-not pregnant

14dpo cheapo poundland test-negative

16dpo cheapo poundland test- very faint positive

I am still getting symptoms though, cramps and backache, was convinced AF would turn up today but nothing, headaches, hot flushes, slight nausea and bloating. Pretty sure i'm not though as they would be dark enough now to get a clear positive on any test. Not really sure what happened. All the best for the next 8 months and beyond :D xxx

Cottleston- I hope everything is ok with your bean! I started spotting brown last night and still am this morning whenever I wipe...it is how all my m/c's started, but also had it when pregnant with my now 3 yr old. SO FRUSTRATING! I just moved and have found a new doc here, they wont see my until 8 weeks along...even to do bloods. My doctor back home is livid and thinks I should pressure them to see me. I was going to go back home to see my old doc, but he advised against any car travel over 2 hours. UGH!

I feel your pain girlie!

My boobs still hurt, but I feel like my bloat is gone and I am soo very worried.
Hope we have sticky babies...I am here if you need to vent! As I just did..sorry

:hugs: I'm sorry ladies. FX for all of you.
I called my OB/GYN this morning to make an appointment and I have to wait until September 1st. :growlmad: I'm not happy about that. They said they will not see anyone before 9 weeks unless they are bleeding or have another complication. I really like my doctor and from what I've found out asking around, the earliest most any office will see you in my area is between 8 and 9 weeks. So, I'm only a tiny bit after that.

Not had any new symptoms today. BBs are still sore and had a tiny bit of nausea that's fixed with having a snack.

Hope everyone else is having a nice day.
GIR! I just went to another appointment I could get into today and tested BFN! I still have all my symptoms though. And no bleeding. Must've just peed too close to the time I was going. The lady was suuuuuch a bitch though- she ws like "well, as of now, you are NOT pregnant" told me to come back in a couple days. I'm going to take another test tonight and prove her WRONG.
parkgirl- Oh my goodness! That's just ridiculous that they won't see you any sooner! I'll be 6+4 weeks at my first appt and I thought that was kinda late. I'm sorry hun!:hugs:

MissFox- That's strange that they would get a negative after you got a positive. I'd say definitely test again in the morning and call them up again and say you are still getting positives. Maybe it was a defected test they gave you. :shrug:
I"m not worrying about it. I'm going to test again. I was just amazed at what a bitch she was to me and DF. I understand chemicals and everything like that but to tell me that the symptoms I'm having are just premenstrual is rediculous. I have another appointment thursday and i'll figure it out by then. My aunt told me she didn't get a positive test with her first 2 children, and only had the faintest of faint lines with the 3rd.
I'm thrilled to be here, too. Due April 1 with our first. Yay!

Is it a symptom to get sensitive teeth early in pregnancy or just coincidence that my teeth have been crazy sensitive over the past few days?

I've got this, too. Both sides of my mouth, both heat and pressure sensitive. Not at all normal for me. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Welcome to the new ladies and congrats!!! Happy and healthy 9 mos to you all!!

MissFox, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that. Take a test in the morning with a nice concentrated sample and prove them wrong. I'm thinking of you and sending sticky vibes! That's reassuring that your aunt didn't get positive tests, might just be the way your bodies metabolize hCG.
Yea, I'm really not stressing about it. Thank you though- I appreciate the happy thoughts.
Sounds like you have a very positive attitude which is worth it's weight in gold when ttc and pregnant. :flower:

Oh meant to add to the other poster that I experienced really weird tooth sensitivity today also. Was eating a gooey chocolate chip cookie at dinner and when the chocolate touched some of my teeth it was so sensitive. Very odd sensation to have from chocolate! And the cookies weren't hot or anything, just barely warm.

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