***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Awe congratualtions Miss Glitz and all the other mums who have had their little ones, still no baby here, being induced sunday if he still has not arrived!! Hopefully i will update soon that this little man has entered the world soon!!! Stretch and sweep yesterday thought it might have done the trick but dont think it has- she could get 2 fingers up and in, and managed to touch the babys head??? Lets hope i start having some contractions today/tommorow!!!
How are you this morning xbabybumpx do you know what time you are going in?
I'm going in for 1. I'm so scared lol. Your induction is tommorow isint it? Xx
Yes it is tomorrow - gulp! This morning though had more plug and it's a lot darker. You never know something might happen? (she hopes)
Congratulations mummy2b17!! Can't wait for the story and pics.

Best of luck for today xbabybumpx - I can't wait for your announcement.

Fingers crossed this is something for you Natnee, it would be nice to avoid induction!
Even if things are progressing as much as they only have to break my waters or something, rather than all the other palava, would be good. Anything happening for you mrsraggle?

Good luck xbabybumpx
I'm disappointed...still no further progress from my sweep yesterday so I doubt it will develop into anything and i'll need induced on Mon/Tues
I'm disappointed...still no further progress from my sweep yesterday so I doubt it will develop into anything and i'll need induced on Mon/Tues

You never know! Nothing obvious happened from my sweep on sunday, but yesterday started getting show/losing plug that has increased today. Whether it was connected I guess will never know, but have read that it can take a couple of days to do something.
Nope nothing for me! I really am just holding out for Saturday now - my baby is not going to come out on its own!!
Woke up with painful contractions at 5am on the 4th may. Straight away they were 10 mins apart lasting between 30-45 seconds each. I woke Charlie up, he got me some painkillers and strapped my TENS machien on for me. This helped a little as it pretty much stopped the contractions in my back, but they were still intense and getting worse. By 7am, the contractions were 5 mins and getting really painful, i called up the hospital who said take a shower, if they are still the same, come in. Well, when i got out of the shower around half 7/ 8 ish, they weren't the same... they were 3 mins apart! cue mad rush to the hospita;, and me forgetting my phone which is why i didnt update! got to the hospial, they had me in the assessment ward as there was no beds on labour! was checked at abiut 9 and i was 4 cms dialated, there was a little labur room on this ward, so they moved me there, was given a shot of diamorphine and the gas and air, i dont remember much between this point and when i got moved again because I was out of it! I was moved onto labour ward at 11am and continued on the same till 12 when i went to the loo, had a massive show and got a really bad urge to push. She examined me again and said that yep I was fully dialated! She broke my waters, but told me not to push and to try to let his head decend on its own so we had 40 mins of no pushing and it was soooo difficult and the contractions were alot more painful once she'd broken my waters. The 40 mins passed and I got to a point where the urge to push was just toooo strong so I told her, she looked and said ok you can start pushing, she also noticed that his heartrate kept dropping, and I heard them mentioning episiotomy, so I just thaught, right, got to get him out. 8 mins later at 12.48pm my gorgeous boy Luke Stephen was born, Still in his membranines. I had immediate skin to skin and he wee'd all over me! I was crying and just kept saying, thats my son, thats my son, you're my son. I had a second degree tear to the labia, vagina and apex (dont know what that is) and had 7 stitches.

The hospital stay was breif but traumatic, as you probably know I had planned to breastfeed, but luke refuses the breast, as I was planning to breastfeed I didn't have formula with me, the night staff were brilliant and gave me 2 bottles for him, the last being at 3am, however when the staff changed, I was refused formula, they yanked the scratch mits off my son who kept scratching his face, they failed to tell me that the lunch trolley was in the hall so I missed food and didn'y even offer me painkillers. Ultimately the thing that really bothers me is because of the hospitals nazi attitude to breastfeeding my son was given nothing for almost 13 hours which was when my mum arrived with some bottles and formula, but she couldn't have come any sooner becasue of the messed up visiting hours. I'm going to be making a complaint about this!

Seconds Old

5 minutes Old

First Cuddle With Daddy

My Family!

1 Day Old

2 Days Old in bed with daddy

I'm So In Love! xxxx
Oh he's lovely mummy2b17, well done! I love the photos. I am appalled about the way they treated you after the birth, with the formula and scratchmitts. Definately put a complaint in about that!
Congratulations mommies! And labour dust to all those still waiting. :flower: Mrsraggle, I hope your baby comes soon. :winkwink:

Had my baby boy too, on May 5th at 2:57 am. He was 10 pounds 5 ounces, and 22.5 inches long. I'm so in love too! :flower: A big thanks to everyone for all the support.
Luke is so cute! He had the most adorable nose!!

Congratulations saturn73!
xbabybumpx - Good luck I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

mummy2b17- Luke is a cutie. Congrats.

Natnee- I also wish you good luck.

Nicki2202- I hope your little one comes before you have to be induced.

mrsraggle- I sign on to B-n-b thinking that you would have had your little one. I hope you go before you are induced.

Saturn73- Congrats!!!

1.jpg2.jpg14 Kinleigh at new house.jpg

Kinleigh is doing great. It is almost as if she was never in the hospital. We have adjusted well since she has been home. She is completely being breastfeed. I'm super proud of that. With her sister I had to express to feed and I got tired of that then they were switched to formula. So for her to actually nurse is a great thing. I tried on her cloth diaper but it is still super big so that will have to wait until she is a little bit longer.
mommyof3girls, I beginning to think I'm going to be in third tri forever!! Kinleigh looks fantastic and I love that cloth nappy.
Mrsraggle... i thaught of you when i got Luke dressed earlier.... hes in a very hungry catapillar suit =] x
Morning ladies. By god it was hard to get comfy last night but I managed to get Some sleep. Hubby is asleep in the chair snoring his head off lol. I wish I knew what time the midwives were coming in cos I still feel half asleep and don't want to be disturbed yet ha ha x
Thinking i am going to get to sunday and need to be induced...was up last night thinking about it...im quite scared...anyone know how they try and start you off first??
Well I am going in today. I have just rung my hospital and now got to ring back at 2 which is FOREVER to wait now!

What they do at my hospital (got a leaflet in front of me) is if your cervix is 'ripe' when you go in they will just break your waters. If not then they will use a pessary to try and ripen the cervix. At my hospital they use a pessary that lasts for up to 24 hours, with a string attached so they can remove it if no longer needed. They will remove it once 4 cms dilated. I believe other hospitals just put another pessary in every so many hours. After the 24 hours, if cervix ripe then they will break waters and put on drip to start contractions. If this doesn't do anything it says 'the doctor will discuss furthur treatment with you at this time' - which I guess means c-section. It may be slightly different at your hospital but hope this gives you a bit of an idea! Good luck.

Just back from a check up at the hospital. 7 days over due and can't get an induction booking for another 7 days.

Unless he turns up in the meantime, I'm due to try induction on May 14th.

Oh well feel a bit calmer knowing there's a date in the diary now, and I can try and chill till then (yer right!!)

Hugs to all those still waiting


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