***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Hi ladies

Just a quick update, Harry is putting on weight well, another 10oz in a week putting him to 9lb 9oz now, following thev 50th centile.

I keep forgetting about this thread now. Will try and come back later for a proper update.
Right, not sure how long I have, Harry is OK in his bouncer for now.

Does anyone else find their LO is a bit clingy still? Harry nearly always needs to held. He rarely lets me put him in his bouncer or swing, he doesn't like tummy time but loves laying on mine or DH's chest. He still won't fall asleep unless he is rocked or fed to sleep. Then usually as soon as we put him down he will wake up immediately. He will fall asleep in his pram but again, once pram stops moving he usually wakes. :dohh:

Last night though, eventually at 11pm we managed to put him down into his cot and he slept until 2.30am. :happydance: Fingers crossed more of the same tonight.

Right, he's unhappy again. Will try and update more later!
That's great news on the weight gain MrsGlitz.

Ollie has only recently (like in the last few days) started enjoying things like his bouncer, or play gym. Up until then it's pretty much been cuddles or front pack all the time. I think it's quite normal.
I would imagine it's all individual to the baby really, but I've found with my son Cody loved to be held all the time and I too couldn't really put him down. With little Tiernan now, he's happy to be put down for spaces of time but it is somewhat short-lived too. I did notice a big difference in my ability to set him down now and then once he started gaining more weight this week, but that's a separate issue as I just don't think he was getting enough before so was unhappy.

Generally speaking, I *personally* have the belief that a lot of babies like to be held so much because all they know of life is to be connected to another person (in the womb and such) and so they get a lot of comfort out of being held and feeling the warmth of someone holding them. But having said that, my friend said her son wasn't much for being held and preferred to be left down so that's why I think it's individual. :)

So on the subject of weight gain, Tiernan is finally back up to his birth weight pretty much, one month in.. it's been a rough couple of weeks but we are absolutely over the moon today to hear he's finally put on some weight. It's all down to supplementing with formula but I'm also expressing like mad and been taking motilium and fennel tea on the breastfeeding clinic's advice, and seeing my supply go up slightly today. So feeling a lot more optimistic and happy about things. :)
So on the subject of weight gain, Tiernan is finally back up to his birth weight pretty much, one month in.. it's been a rough couple of weeks but we are absolutely over the moon today to hear he's finally put on some weight. It's all down to supplementing with formula but I'm also expressing like mad and been taking motilium and fennel tea on the breastfeeding clinic's advice, and seeing my supply go up slightly today. So feeling a lot more optimistic and happy about things. :)

That is great news! :happydance:
Have you tried changing her halfway through a feed? I have to do this with Demi to wake her up, then she takes the rest of the bottle. xx

Just what I was about to suggest. I do that too - for the same reason, and also because Ollie inevitably poops while I feed him. Saves me doing it twice. :)

Do you burp her at night and half way through a feed? I would try and not change her to be honest as it will wake her too much. Or actually, give it a try and see what happens. But sometimes Max will not take much at night - sometimes he'll then awake 2 hours later, sometimes he'll then go 4. Babies, they like to keep us guessing!
Does anyone else find their LO is a bit clingy still? Harry nearly always needs to held. He rarely lets me put him in his bouncer or swing, he doesn't like tummy time but loves laying on mine or DH's chest. He still won't fall asleep unless he is rocked or fed to sleep. Then usually as soon as we put him down he will wake up immediately. He will fall asleep in his pram but again, once pram stops moving he usually wakes. :dohh:

Max never was clingy but all of a sudden he's grown into it. I've always tried not to pick him up when he's moaning so he doesn't get used to it but for some reason he now cries if I leave the room.
Luckily though at night (touch wood) he doesn't need rocking to sleep. I always avoided rocking him so he didn't get used to it.
But Max does love Meadowhall and shopping - he loves the noise and movement.
Well, maybe it's a fluke, maybe it'll continue (god I hope it will happen again) or maybe it's because he had his jabs yesterday but Max fell asleep at 6.30pm woke at 9.30pm for a feed and went to bed at 10.30pm last night and didn't wake for a feed until 5am!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

He's def starting to go longer. 5 times now in the past two weeks he's gone longer than 5 hours at night. I am feeling so much happier about it all. I just hope it continues
HUGE congrats to all the lovely April Sweet Peas, it's lovely to read all of your updates :) Would be nice to hear from some of the others who were on the original ASP list, as I'm sure there was once loads more of us on the list...

Was going to give a quick update on Jess, but she's decided to go on a feeding mission so will have to update later xx
HUGE congrats to all the lovely April Sweet Peas, it's lovely to read all of your updates :) Would be nice to hear from some of the others who were on the original ASP list, as I'm sure there was once loads more of us on the list...

Was going to give a quick update on Jess, but she's decided to go on a feeding mission so will have to update later xx

Think this post may take a while to finish :( Jess is manic with the feeding tonight and I'm trying to type one-handed now... Oh and laptop is due to run out of battery too, so if I've not finished in 50 mins I'll lose the lot!!

Sod it... Hubby wants to go to bed now and I still need to express milk (another thing I was going to update you all on...), so I think I'd best dash or he'll get stroppy :(

Will make my third attempt to update you all tomorrow xx
Two Months old

Kinleigh will be 2 months old in 4 hours. I'm trying to figure out where the times has gone. She has amazing head control and has had it for some time now. She nurses great. I did something tonight that I normally would have waited until Kinleigh was 3.5 months. I feed her rice cereal by spoon. It was really soupy but she ate from the spoon great. that is it for now she should be waking up soon.
HUGE congrats to all the lovely April Sweet Peas, it's lovely to read all of your updates :) Would be nice to hear from some of the others who were on the original ASP list, as I'm sure there was once loads more of us on the list...

Was going to give a quick update on Jess, but she's decided to go on a feeding mission so will have to update later xx

Think this post may take a while to finish :( Jess is manic with the feeding tonight and I'm trying to type one-handed now... Oh and laptop is due to run out of battery too, so if I've not finished in 50 mins I'll lose the lot!!

Sod it... Hubby wants to go to bed now and I still need to express milk (another thing I was going to update you all on...), so I think I'd best dash or he'll get stroppy :(

Will make my third attempt to update you all tomorrow xx

Hmmm, let's see how many times I have to quote my own post in order to get an update sorted that actually makes sense... Bearing in mind that at some point I need to put some tea on! LOL :)

Well Jessica is now 4 weeks and 4 days old. With regards to weight, her birth weight was 9lbs 6.5oz, which dropped to 8lbs 15oz and took the full 2 weeks to get back to 9lbs 6.5oz. Then in the week leading up to her being 3 weeks she only went up to 9lbs 8.5oz as she was being VERY sick after each feed. As she is breastfed the MW/HV couldn't understand why she was being so sick :( At times it felt as if she was bringing up her whole feed each time.

After not getting a lot of help from the HV, I decided to take her to the doctor, who told us she has Acid Reflux :( She now has Gaviscon Infant with nearly every feed - Which means I'm expressing enough milk for her Gaviscon to be mixed and then breastfeeding the rest of the feed, but her last feed before bedtime is completely expressed milk and then I just breastfeed if she wakes in the night. This seems to be working well, but is making feed times a little more lengthy. She was weighed on Wednesday and is now 10lbs 4.5oz - She will be weighed again on Wednesday of this week before seeing the doctor to assess what to do next.

She is otherwise doing well - She's very alert, follows you with her eyes and has started to get a little unsettled each time we leave the room. She is quite happy to lay in her moses basket or sit in her bouncy chair while we are busy and isn't a clingy baby like Harry was!

Sleep-wise she is doing really well :) Most nights she will give us 5-7 hours between her 11pm-1am feed and waking us for breakfast. Which is like a small miracle compared to Harry waking every 1-2 hours for feeds when he was this age.

As for me... I'm recovering well from the C-Sec, much like last time, BUT I'm a lot more emotional than I remember from last time! I'm very tired, constantly falling out with hubby, and have no appetite at all :(

How is everyone else doing?
Great news on the feeding and sleeping routine there. Sorry to hear you're more emotional, I think I am this time too, so I can relate. Funny about you typing one-handed. I'm the same. I gotta fly through typing this message as it is, as Tiernan is about to wake up, lol..

Great news on Kinleigh :)

Gotta run, will update later....
Ahhh so this is where we are all hiding :haha:

So update from us here in Taunton-land.

Rosa is now 6weeks old and officially a porker not that you would think so to look at her. Had her weighed at clinic last week and she came in at 11lb 6 so coming in at around the 91st percentile and jut did a rough length measurement myself and looks to be around 56-58cm longs, so just like her big brother is tall and skinny looking and now almost too long for her 0-3month babygrows.

After all our problems with feeding at the beginning, what with her having a tongue tie and having to change her over to formula and all the mini guilt attacks that went with she is obviously doing very well lol. She is drinking her formula really well, all be it almost 5oz every 2-3 hours during the day. So thanks to her feeding schedule the house is a bloody tip most of the time, but fingers crossed if I can get her to sleep for more than 20 mins at a time between those times today I can make some sort of dent in it before my 2 yr old whirling dervish works too hard against me :haha:

Oh and our lovely hanging basket crib doesnt get much use because Rosa has issues with going back to sleep in it after her middle of the night feed , so she is living in her bassinet for the moment but will soon enough be too long for it the way she seems to be growing hehe

~Sure there is much more that could be said but trying to rock the bassinet with my foot and type isn't good for the back.

Congratz to you all and you lil squidgy bubas :hugs::hugs:
Glad to see people are slowly finding the thread again!

Not much to say except Duncan had a check up today and is doing great. He now weighs 10 pounds which is up from 7lb 9oz from his last appointment at 2 weeks. At the end of the month he goes in and gets shots :( Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey ladies, haven't update in a while! Lelaina is doing so well, she is nearly 10 pounds.. up from 6 lbs 1 oz at birth. My only complaint is she will not sleep without being held! I can get her to nap in her bouncer sometimes, but she will not sleep longer then 20 minutes or so in her bassinet or crib! She wakes up swinging her arms around trying to find one of us. Then once one of us lays with her or holds her, she falls right back asleep!! I don't mind snuggling her, but it gets hard when its just me and her home and I need to eat or pee! :haha: Hope this isn't a bad habit that she won't break with time. She just loves to be cuddled.
HUGE congrats to all the lovely April Sweet Peas, it's lovely to read all of your updates :) Would be nice to hear from some of the others who were on the original ASP list, as I'm sure there was once loads more of us on the list...

Was going to give a quick update on Jess, but she's decided to go on a feeding mission so will have to update later xx

Think this post may take a while to finish :( Jess is manic with the feeding tonight and I'm trying to type one-handed now... Oh and laptop is due to run out of battery too, so if I've not finished in 50 mins I'll lose the lot!!

Sod it... Hubby wants to go to bed now and I still need to express milk (another thing I was going to update you all on...), so I think I'd best dash or he'll get stroppy :(

Will make my third attempt to update you all tomorrow xx

Hmmm, let's see how many times I have to quote my own post in order to get an update sorted that actually makes sense... Bearing in mind that at some point I need to put some tea on! LOL :)

Well Jessica is now 4 weeks and 4 days old. With regards to weight, her birth weight was 9lbs 6.5oz, which dropped to 8lbs 15oz and took the full 2 weeks to get back to 9lbs 6.5oz. Then in the week leading up to her being 3 weeks she only went up to 9lbs 8.5oz as she was being VERY sick after each feed. As she is breastfed the MW/HV couldn't understand why she was being so sick :( At times it felt as if she was bringing up her whole feed each time.

After not getting a lot of help from the HV, I decided to take her to the doctor, who told us she has Acid Reflux :( She now has Gaviscon Infant with nearly every feed - Which means I'm expressing enough milk for her Gaviscon to be mixed and then breastfeeding the rest of the feed, but her last feed before bedtime is completely expressed milk and then I just breastfeed if she wakes in the night. This seems to be working well, but is making feed times a little more lengthy. She was weighed on Wednesday and is now 10lbs 4.5oz - She will be weighed again on Wednesday of this week before seeing the doctor to assess what to do next.

She is otherwise doing well - She's very alert, follows you with her eyes and has started to get a little unsettled each time we leave the room. She is quite happy to lay in her moses basket or sit in her bouncy chair while we are busy and isn't a clingy baby like Harry was!

Sleep-wise she is doing really well :) Most nights she will give us 5-7 hours between her 11pm-1am feed and waking us for breakfast. Which is like a small miracle compared to Harry waking every 1-2 hours for feeds when he was this age.

As for me... I'm recovering well from the C-Sec, much like last time, BUT I'm a lot more emotional than I remember from last time! I'm very tired, constantly falling out with hubby, and have no appetite at all :(

How is everyone else doing?

I'm going through the same thing with the weight gain right now. Kinleigh had her 2 month appointment today and she weights 7lbs 10 oz. I have seen her puke up 3/4 of a bottle and it fly 3 feet out of her mouth. My 3rd child had really bad reflux and was on zantac for the first year. So I know what it is. The doctor to day told me that I didn't know what I was talking about and her lack of weight gain was because I wasn't feeding her enough. She was 5lbs 14.1 oz at birth drop to 5lbs 9 oz two days later, she was 6lbs 2 oz at two weeks. When she left the hospital at 25 days old she was 7lbs. She has only gained 10 oz since then. However she is throwing up most of her feedings. Ihave even been giving her formula to see if that helps and it isn't. That is a lot of the reason why I started feeding her rice cereal.Yesterday and today have been the only days since she has been up that she hasn't thrown up.

Sorry about the long reply I guess I needed to vent.
We seem to be doing better now. We gave up on the moses basket and moved Harry's cot into our bedroom and he will sleep in there now! :happydance: At least he has the last two nights. I have been putting him in there about 10 minutes after his 11pm feed and he will stay until 2am (3am last night!) then feed, then is happy back in the cot until his 5am feed. Yesterday morning I put him back in the cot awake after his 5am feed and he self settled and went back to sleep until 8am! So we're definately making progress; it was never our intention to co-sleep and whilst I do enjoy it, it can be difficult because I can't put Harry in the middle as DH smokes.

Another fab weight gain yesterday; Harry is now 10lb which is 2lb above birth weight!

In other semi-related news, DH is getting a pay rise, up by £1 an hour which means I can extend my maternity until January, which is when my SMP will stop. I thought I would have to go back in October when my full pay stops so I am chuffed!

I am loving motherhood. We took Harry out to see a few friends yesterday, just to our old local pub and everyone commented how gorgeous he is and how much mummyhood suits me.
Why is Max becoming a total whinge bag. he's got even wors the last week. He moans for all his waking hours. I entertain him and then he tires of me, I try everything. I have resigned myself to the fact I have a miserable baby :cry:

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