Try not to feel bad about the formula, Minstermind. We have enough guilt already without feeling bad about making sure our babies have full tummies!
How is everyone doing in general? I've been fine, although could do with a little more sleep. Ollie wakes at around 12.30/1am, then again about 4am, and again around 6am... The novelty is starting to wear off a little.
Great news on the house mommyof3girls.
The weather here has started to turn to custard. We have been hit with a southerly the last few days, which brings the cold, and rain.

Misery. Made worse by logging on to BnB where everyone else is in the northern hemisphere, and talking about the heat!!

My poor OH is a postie, so is having to ride about 25km in the rain everyday.
Is anyone else's lo feeding every 2 hours during the day? I'm finding it a little draining, and it makes it impossible to get anything done! He also 'possets' a lot. Not after every feed, but most of them. I was told to try keeping him upright for 15 - 20 minutes after each feed... well. That makes each feed take that much longer, and doesn't really seem to help anyway. Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm wondering if I'm feeding him too much. Or too often. I think because of the 'posseting' I feel like I have to make up the food he's lost... but maybe he's spitting up excess because he's eating too much?
He's happy though, and seems healthy, so I guess I'll just keep going for now. I'm taking him for his 6 week check up and jabs this afternoon.