Can't remember the last time I managed to get on here just to browse, let alone actually post! Kids are keeping me VERY busy and PND is keeping me in the house, so currently feeling like I'm just looking at the same four walls. Thank god for our garden, slide, play house and rabbits or I really would be going mad by now!
Jess has finally filled-out a bit and although she doesn't get weighed until tomorrow I'm pretty sure she's put a fair bit of weight on compaired to her normal 1oz per week. Because she's been so tiny she has slipped behind with what she "should" be doing, so I've packed the developmental books and 0-5 book away now. This way I don't notice the things she isn't doing as much. She rolls over and is very alert, constantly plays with her hands and feet, picks things up etc and has just started sitting with support. All in all I think she's doing very well for her age and weight/size.
Harry is also doing well and now goes to Nursery for 4 hours a week. Althouh he did recently catch Hand, Foot and Mouth, which quickly spread through the family!!
I'm now a fully trained Breastfeeding Peer Supporter as well, so that has been a huge achievement with my PND

I go to my local Breastfeeding Group 1.5hrs each week and help other mums, as well as helping new mum's that are already friends of mine either one-on-one or online, depending on their needs.
How is everyone else doing lately?