***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

God I hope so but this is my first so I can't compare it with anything else. I just don't know what to put in my birth plan now which the MW is coming over this afternoon to discuss. Looks like my water birth is well and truely out of the window :cry:
Yep boredom striked again! I'm in pain today but am sooo bored thinking about going round to tesco myself but probably not a good idea! I know it's nly four ish weeks, but I;m wondering how on earth I'm gonna fill in the time inetween appointments.

I can't stand to be bored. So I find myself taking more naps just because I'm bored. I have been going walking a lot with my husband but that only entertains me until I'm in pain. I go to bed every night hoping that my water breaks. At least with the baby being here I'll have something to do. Only one more week to go.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek I might have a March baby!! I saw my consultant today and once again I have 2+ protein and high BP, so another round of 24 hour urine collection for me today and then back to clinic next Thursday to contemplate inducing me.............!!! Actually, I don't mind as I am desperate not to go over my due date, although being induced won't be fun.

I hope everything works out in your favor. I have been induced twice and I didn't mind it all that much. However this time around I'm a little scared.
Wow, congrats to all the new april arrivals!!

I agree with the pp - to those of us due at the end of april it still seems like we've a fair way to go and given how late my daughter was I think there's a fair chance I'll end up a May mummy again and probably be updating when the topic title says 243 expecting, 242 births!! :rofl:
Yep am pretty sure that would be me, if we were not getting an induction!
Cant believe there are 7 births already!! Sooo exciting!! Congrats to everyone! :happydance:

Aaaanyway. Without sounding mean...im kinda glad it seems like everyone else is getting fed up with being pregnant now..hehe. I am sooo ready for it to be over and i still have longer than half the people in the April thread! I would like a little moan too!
I have been getting frequent braxton hicks for weeks now. At first they were just uncomfortable tightenings and a couple of weeks ago they turned into being sort of painful ones in my tummy which was bad enough but now they have progressed to making my tummy AND lower back really hurt! I used to be able to drink loads of water and they would go away after a while but there is no getting rid of them now. They seem to be especially bad at night for some reason!?
Does anyone know if the reason im feeling the pain in my lower back now too with them is anything to do with being a little bit engaged now? Im only 2/5ths but its only since becoming engaged that my back hurts too! Havent suffered from back pain at all up until now..grrr! And i keep getting horrible sharp twinges down there, they are really bloody uncomfortable!
Also at my last midwife appointment i was told baby is back to back so i am paranoid he will stay that way and make labour hell for me, i dont know if its an actual fact that being back to back makes labour worse but i am scared now!
I am going to get a birthing ball tomorrow, anyone know if it can help him move around a little bit or is it more for getting them to move down more?! I am clueless about the whole birthing ball thing!
Hope everyones feeling ok today!! :thumbup:
Cant believe there are 7 births already!! Sooo exciting!! Congrats to everyone! :happydance:

Aaaanyway. Without sounding mean...im kinda glad it seems like everyone else is getting fed up with being pregnant now..hehe. I am sooo ready for it to be over and i still have longer than half the people in the April thread! I would like a little moan too!
I have been getting frequent braxton hicks for weeks now. At first they were just uncomfortable tightenings and a couple of weeks ago they turned into being sort of painful ones in my tummy which was bad enough but now they have progressed to making my tummy AND lower back really hurt! I used to be able to drink loads of water and they would go away after a while but there is no getting rid of them now. They seem to be especially bad at night for some reason!?
Does anyone know if the reason im feeling the pain in my lower back now too with them is anything to do with being a little bit engaged now? Im only 2/5ths but its only since becoming engaged that my back hurts too! Havent suffered from back pain at all up until now..grrr! And i keep getting horrible sharp twinges down there, they are really bloody uncomfortable!
Also at my last midwife appointment i was told baby is back to back so i am paranoid he will stay that way and make labour hell for me, i dont know if its an actual fact that being back to back makes labour worse but i am scared now!
I am going to get a birthing ball tomorrow, anyone know if it can help him move around a little bit or is it more for getting them to move down more?! I am clueless about the whole birthing ball thing!
Hope everyones feeling ok today!! :thumbup:

funny you should post this because I just came on to moan like mad about my back and pelvis. I've been having BH's also for many weeks.. but just lately they're getting really painful. Enough to stop me in my tracks! The pain in my back is excrutiating and even sitting down hurts. My baby isn't back to back at the mo because I can feel his/her's bum down my left hand side. So I'm not sure if it's just the sheer weight of it that's causing all my pain. At my last week mw appointment I was 4/5ths palpable. But I have a feeling it's gonna have moved down some more by my next app on monday. The pressure is unreal! I feel like baby is really pushing down. Is that what it feels like to you? I'm also getting the sharp twinges.. like electric shocks down there. Not nice!
Glad I'm not the only one suffering. lol :hugs:
Saffy... yeah thats exactly what it feels like to me! Heavy pressure and lots of electric shock twinges haha. I have started walking like an idiot and sometimes i have to just stop and laugh at myself. I always thought pregnant women put on the silly waddle but now i feel sorry for them!
I guess it must be more the baby being further down thats causing all this pain rather than what way they are laying, which kinda makes me feel happier hehe. I hope we dont have to put up with this for the rest of our pregnancies but something tells me it'll probably only get worse. Ahhh! Hope bubs has move down even more by your next appointment! I was well excited when i got told i was engaged a bit haha, how sad! :dohh:
I am 36.1 weeks now and really hoping this little guy comes at 37 weeks like his brother and sister!! I had an ultrasound at 35.5 weeks, the tech triple measured everything, and baby was measuring 39 to 40 weeks with a 41 week head. He was estimated to have already been 8lbs 3oz with a 13.8" head. I do want to keep him in for a few more days until I hit 37 weeks... just a few more days!

I know the ultrasounds can be off but he has been measuring big all along (we are positive of dates) so I do believe hes going to be "bigger".
Anyone else's BH painful at times and not so much at other times? I feel like I have ages to go. I go on a pre-emotive strike now though; when someone asks how long I have left I tell them then add "Dont you dare say not long to go now", or words to that effect! :rofl:
Anyone else's BH painful at times and not so much at other times? I feel like I have ages to go. I go on a pre-emotive strike now though; when someone asks how long I have left I tell them then add "Dont you dare say not long to go now", or words to that effect! :rofl:

to be honest i dont even know if ive ever had bh. i sound really thick i know but i dont think i would know one even if i had a bh lol.

i know what u meen i have 2 weeks left and all people keep saying to me is any day now or complete random people in shops saying oh no your not gonna into labour r now r u. wich at first i found funny but now its anoying :haha:.
Anyone else's BH painful at times and not so much at other times? I feel like I have ages to go. I go on a pre-emotive strike now though; when someone asks how long I have left I tell them then add "Dont you dare say not long to go now", or words to that effect! :rofl:

to be honest i dont even know if ive ever had bh. i sound really thick i know but i dont think i would know one even if i had a bh lol.

i know what u meen i have 2 weeks left and all people keep saying to me is any day now or complete random people in shops saying oh no your not gonna into labour r now r u. wich at first i found funny but now its anoying :haha:.

I don't know about the BH either - and this is my second pregnancy! :haha:

Someone asked me if I was expecting twins the other day!
Honestly, if there hadn't been a shop counter (and an apparently HUGE belly) in the way I would have slapped her!
Is it just me or does everyone get asked the dumbest questions about being pregnant? For example I was going to get my two older girls from the school bus stop and the guy across the sheet looked at my belly and asked if I was pregnant. I wanted to say nope I'm just this fat. Then a little bit ago the girl that lives next door that I'm friends with, who also sent me a text yesterday asking if I had the baby and I told her no....well she was outside and I was leaving the house with my brother to take my evening walk and she asked did you have the baby yet? I wanted to tell her yep and I decided to put a basketball under my shirt so that I still look pregnant. Some people amaze me.
Is it just me or does everyone get asked the dumbest questions about being pregnant? For example I was going to get my two older girls from the school bus stop and the guy across the sheet looked at my belly and asked if I was pregnant. I wanted to say nope I'm just this fat. Then a little bit ago the girl that lives next door that I'm friends with, who also sent me a text yesterday asking if I had the baby and I told her no....well she was outside and I was leaving the house with my brother to take my evening walk and she asked did you have the baby yet? I wanted to tell her yep and I decided to put a basketball under my shirt so that I still look pregnant. Some people amaze me.

Hahaha I know what you mean about dumb questions! LOL I love it when I walk around at work and people ask me "Are you still here?!" I'm thinking to myself "You're looking at me, aren't you?" I mean really, what a weird question! LOL
Thankfully I only get the occasional stupid remark, learnt to just smile and nod.

On a side note whoop 37 weeks today *rubs belly* so little one if you feel like coming out soon mummy would love it :happydance:
congrats on your 37 weeks i cant wait til its me!

i hate stupid questions and the stupid looks people give you...the not long now responce doesnt bother me so much as it did when i was like 7 months and looking a little on the large side and people would tell me there was no way id go full term...xx
On the subject of silly questions / statements...

I was at my mum's playgroup yesterday and one of the little girls said "your belly is really big, you must have lots of babies in there. Our cat had a really big belly and she had 7 babies. Maybe you will have that many." OK, I know she's only 3, but I still found myself biting my tongue not to say something sarcastic in response. Bless her :)

Everyone keeps asking how long we have to go, then when I tell them they almost always reply with "oh, not long to go then" :( NOT the best of things to say to a heavily pregnant, very fed-up woman!!!

Also, spoke to a friend earlier who pointed out that if we go a week over, we will be due on 3 May... Nooooooooooo - I can cope with it being next month that we're due, but even though it's only a weeks difference, the thought of it being the following month just makes it sound so much further away!!

Glad it's not just the people I see on a day-to-day basis that come out with these stupid comments!!

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