I'm hoping to push my induction forward to 37 + 6 My daughter was born at this point, well 36 by my dates and she weighed in at 7lb 7oz and the day before a scan estimated her at 7lb 10 oz, so if i get a similar weight i'll be going for that! Feel bit guilty about it though right from beginning i've just been wishing this pregnancy over and done with!
It's not the pregnancy as such as far as pregnancy goes it's been a good one but it's the flippin spd that came with it, i can honestly say i've had little things bothering me, ie didn't feel bubs move until 30 weeks, lol I know crazy, but kept being monitered and all was fine, then blood pressures been up but am seriusly thinking was all to do with the pain I was in getting to the appointments when it was taken. I had no sickness really nausea but not actual sickness, I had no headaches, lol so besides the flippin spd this pregnancy hasn't been so bad, and it's only the spd thats making me wish it was all done and dusted and bubs safely in my arms.
So anyway ladies, as much as it's uncomfy and can't walk etc etc, just remember it's pregnancy and the end will come BUT if you stress over it wishing to go early then chnaces are you won't! Try and enjoy it if you can, I know it's only now i'm feeling a bit fond of my bump be it heavy and uncomfy it's a nice buzzy feeling (not physical feeling.) that makes me smile when this one decides to stick it's bottom out! LOL
ANyway I really should go to sleep physio tomor, midwife wed. It's all whizzing by now!
Huge hugs, and soothing massages to all with aches and pains!