Had a nice little trip to L&D last night as in little I really mean little. I was contracting every 4-5 minutes, with really bad back pain and stomach cramping. so I go in get the gown on, pee in a cup, lay down on the bed and get hooked up to the monitors for a whole 10-15 minutes just to be told you are not having contractions, your uterus is irritated, drink more water and was sent home. The funny thing is when she told me that I was contracting I was in the middle of a contraction. I was super upset and the nurse made me feel like I was crazy and had no idea what I was talking about. I sat and cried while I was waiting for my discharge papers. The contractions did ease up today so I'm not freaking out anymore but it is still the point that nurse really upset me. I did find out that I'm only a cm dilated, so now I doubt that I'll be induced this week. Today my feet to my knees have tripled in size do to swelling but I refuse to call the dr because I don't want to deal with the nurses at L&D. The hubby is worried but I won't go in until I'm 99.99% sure that it is it. I'm done with being pregnant!!!!