***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Just a quick update from me :) After 1 day of non stop cramping, 1 day of all day contractions (light ones) getting down to every 3.5 min, then fizzling out.. I am still here very much pregnant!! I can't believe all of the pains and contractions I've had this time around only to fade out each time. Out of my 3 kids, I had delivered 2 of them over a week ago by this point so I'm getting impatient!!

I have my dr appt today, yet another ultrasound, and non stress test. I should be getting an induction date as we are planning to induce at 39 weeks if i havent had baby yet due to his size (9lbs a week ago, we may reevaluate today). So I am hoping to be induced this Thursday or Friday- but we will have to wait and see what the Dr says today. Please keep your fingers crossed I get an induction date today though!! Also keep your fingers crossed I've had some good cervix changes with all those darn contractions!
congratualtions Mrs.W!!

i am SOOOOOOOOOOO tired all the time! i am now havin really good nights sleeps and even waking as late as 10, but as soon as i get up i literally feel like its 11 o'clock at night and bedtime again!!!

a couple of you mentioned reduced movements, i too have had this and did on fri so phoned the hosp and they were really horrible to me telling me that where your usually meant to go is obviously closed becuase its bank holiday!! (even though last time i went i got told it was open 24 hrs a day!!) but i left it a bit and then she started moving. its so annoying becuase some days she just goes crazy and some days i have to really concentrate to make sure she's moving!

just want her out now and in my arms!!


How rude of the hospital to say that, and no reason at all it should be closed, am sure they should have staff on to cover bank holidays, babies still need seeing too! Glad the movement picked up, had a few worryingly quiet moments in the last few weeks so am glad she is, as you said, out and in my arms. Although last night did have a mini panic and thought oh my god I havent felt bubs move for ages then realised I probably wouldnt have seeing as she was in the moses basket next to me :-)
congrats mrs w!! (but hate her just a little bit..want LO out already lol) 38 week dr. appt on wednesday and i'm soooo hoping things are ready to get going...i think he's still breech, which does mean c-section but it would be so awesome if we could have him by this weekend!!!
I am seriously close to tears with the last few BHs I have been getting tonight. I've had several tonight but whilst they are really painful and last about 30 seconds they aren't regular. I'm sick of BHs, painful or otherwise, already!
Have you got your refill of codeine yet or do you have to wait for it? Can you maybe take a bath to help out? Hope you feel better soon....it sounds like you've got them pretty rotten.
Calling the GP first thing for a refill. DH has packed away my heated bean bag and the microwave as we're moving at 7am. I only got out of a bath 2 hours ago, may have another if we get anymore hot water; doubt I will sleep tonight! :lol:
Congrtulations Mrs w great news on birth of baby max.

Mrs Glitz, bless ya you've had it all this pregnancy haven't you! You never know the next one might be a breeze! Do you know what your having sorry if I'm being a dumb head! Just curious as to which colourmight be causing you so much grief.

I've been up hospital AGAIN today, lol I seem to spend my life there tbh! I wish, I'm surprised they haven't offered me permenant residence, (oh yeah they're pants and never have enough beds. lol) anyway was all cos of breathlessness and dizzy spells, all ok, I had ecg, bubs was traced for 20min, blood pressure was up 153/95 they re-took it an hour later and not sure what it went down to but no alarms went off so one assumes it did go down! BAscially there was no answer, the doc put it down to anxiety and bubs being big and squashing everything.I personally don't think thats the simple case, I think it's a mixture of becoming so unfit cos of this spd and I sincerely worried gonna give myself a heart attack, I have ALWAYS had excellent stamina and this whole getting breathless from talking is a pain in the arse like everything else! lol

I know how you all feel about wishing bubs was here, a lady across frommy bed in triage tday was in prem labour, she was 35 weeks, suddenly she started shouting she wanted to push and a do checked her she was 8 cm! OMG so they whisked her off, I bumped into her hubby in the waiting area as I was leaving and he said both mum and bubs were fine, and bubs weighed in at 6lb 5 oz bless! Which was nice to hear but then I got home thinking why can't I go into labour now! LOL

I was excellent with my other two never got imptaient as am a firm believer of bubs will come when bubs wants to come, I had the odd day with my son whereby I though man how can i get any bigger but generally I was quite clam about waiting! With my daughtewr she came at 37 weeks so that was kinda nice, but I think added to all the rubbish bits of this pregnancy has made me more impatient. I know it's all beter where it is right now, but just wish could rush these last few weeks along! I've got some getting better to do, it sounds crazy but I wanna be able to do some ousework and give the house a humungo once over!
On team blue Shinning_Star. He better make up for giving me a rubbish pregnancy by having an easy birth! :rofl:
LOL why am I soooo NOT surprised, and if it's any consolation, lol my pregnancy was hellish with my son, but in different ways! BUT he still honoured me with a 26 hour back to back labour! LOL Not to make you worry at all! haha, just don't get your hopes up he's male!
HAHA, seriously good luck sweetie, here's to going a little bit early!
I can relate to some of that alright. I want to do more than I'm able to do at this point as well. I've been doing the 40 min roundtrip school walks with my son all this time, but last week I had to surrender to the fact that I just can't anymore. The last trip walking home from town took me an hour and a half cause I had to keep sitting down, getting hot flushes and feeling out of breath.

So I try to do things now but it's definitely in smaller doses. I managed to dust downstairs today. Tomorrow I'll hit it with the vacuum. But it's like doing one job a day now is all I can manage versus before, I could tick off a whole list easily, lol

Oh wells, I think we should honor what our bodies are telling us in these last weeks as I do think there's a rhyme and reason to it..soon enough we'll be knackered with newborn caring, lol
Yeah always makes me laugh I'd have a list of 10-20 things to do all done and dusted literally within 2 hours normally, I leave a list out for my OH (of about five things I hasten to add.) and he says how can I do all that in a day! And often he doesn't manage! lol men aye!
That's reassuring(!) :haha: My mw told me off last week as Baby H was almost back to back and I am finding it hard to sit on my ball! Hopefully he will be in the right position and a favourable cervix in a week's time! In the meantime, eviction tips welcome! :rofl:
Oh I got told at 6.30pm this evening that we are moving at 7am tomorrow morning! Needless to say I haven't done a great deal, literally wraped up the breakables and folded clothes, poor DH has been rushing around like a headless chicken!
Aww, am sure it'll be fine! A grreat big orgasm always workede for me, BUT seeing as not possible right now, I have no suggestions! Everything I htink helps to evict has been outrules by sps it's a bloody pain in the arse! ( lol literally)
I got my induction date.. unless he comes on his own before then (not looking likely- ugh!) I'm being induced Tuesday April 13th at 630am.
Hi girls. I hope everyone is doing well. I have updated the list on the front page. I can not believe that there have been 31 births all ready.

Miss Kinleigh did not get to come home yesterday. I'm completely heartbroken but there is a reason why she is there. At 6 pm last night when we were suppose to be discharged the dr came in with bad news. Her 48 hour spinal tap came back positive for an infection. Apparently after birth some one with a cold sore came in contact with Kinleigh. We have no idea who it was, it could have been one of us or someone on the nursing staff. I'm not pointing fingers at this point I want my little girl to get better. Since it was in her spinal fluid she could get really sick. So the drs, Ian and I decided that we would send her to a hospital that could treat her. She is at Children's hospital and will be there for at least 3 weeks while she gets antibiotics to clear up the infection. As of right now it looks like we caught it before it could do real harm. I'm just praying that everything gets better from here. Right now when I'm not at the hospital, I'm home and you girls are going to help by keeping me busy with all of your births :) and right now i need that.
Your daughter Kinleigh is in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing her a speedy recovery. So sorry your having to go through this. :hugs:

I can't believe how many births there has been! I still feel pretty normal, I'm worried I'm gonna go overdue. If she is more then 10 days late it would be May. :dohh: I better not end up having a May baby! :nope:
Oh wow, I'm glad they caught Kinsleigh's infection in time but how heartbreaking :( I hope she has a speedy recovery though and is home before you know it.

WhosThatGirl, I'm glad you got your induction date! That means it's for sure not long to go!

MrsGlitz: good luck on your move!

I have an appointment tomorrow so I have to try to actually go to sleep early-ish tonight! Good thing I'm kind of tired haha

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