Congrtulations Mrs w great news on birth of baby max.
Mrs Glitz, bless ya you've had it all this pregnancy haven't you! You never know the next one might be a breeze! Do you know what your having sorry if I'm being a dumb head! Just curious as to which colourmight be causing you so much grief.
I've been up hospital AGAIN today, lol I seem to spend my life there tbh! I wish, I'm surprised they haven't offered me permenant residence, (oh yeah they're pants and never have enough beds. lol) anyway was all cos of breathlessness and dizzy spells, all ok, I had ecg, bubs was traced for 20min, blood pressure was up 153/95 they re-took it an hour later and not sure what it went down to but no alarms went off so one assumes it did go down! BAscially there was no answer, the doc put it down to anxiety and bubs being big and squashing everything.I personally don't think thats the simple case, I think it's a mixture of becoming so unfit cos of this spd and I sincerely worried gonna give myself a heart attack, I have ALWAYS had excellent stamina and this whole getting breathless from talking is a pain in the arse like everything else! lol
I know how you all feel about wishing bubs was here, a lady across frommy bed in triage tday was in prem labour, she was 35 weeks, suddenly she started shouting she wanted to push and a do checked her she was 8 cm! OMG so they whisked her off, I bumped into her hubby in the waiting area as I was leaving and he said both mum and bubs were fine, and bubs weighed in at 6lb 5 oz bless! Which was nice to hear but then I got home thinking why can't I go into labour now! LOL
I was excellent with my other two never got imptaient as am a firm believer of bubs will come when bubs wants to come, I had the odd day with my son whereby I though man how can i get any bigger but generally I was quite clam about waiting! With my daughtewr she came at 37 weeks so that was kinda nice, but I think added to all the rubbish bits of this pregnancy has made me more impatient. I know it's all beter where it is right now, but just wish could rush these last few weeks along! I've got some getting better to do, it sounds crazy but I wanna be able to do some ousework and give the house a humungo once over!