***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Ooh, lol, whilst I slept I dreamt that I was a chef cooking for Gordon Brown and the two other party leaders - forget their names. I made sausages by somehow filtering them through the toilet... they went in the top back bit of the loo and came out the bit you wee into?! And then for entertainment I danced a really weird dance!

I think the announcement of the poll today had an adverse effect on me!

Sorry, had to share that. I love pregnancy dreams - they're totally weird.

Holy smokes! That's nuts! :wacko: I usually have whacked out dreams too (even when I'm not pregnant), but that one takes the cake!

OULINA - congratulations on your little girl. She's very sweet. :flower:

Sabriena - I would also definitely say something about the doctor who checked you out! He sounded really unpleasant!

As for me, I have this crazy idea I'm going to have my baby sooner rather than later (one can only hope)! I thinks he's engaging which I haven't gone through since my first baby, and it's getting very hard to walk or do anything at all! I also felt a bit crampy tonight too, which is also weird for me.
OULINA - Congratulations!!! She is really beautiful! Well done you. :)

Sabriena - I can't believe how brutal your doc was! If you get him again you should ask for someone else. That's just not on!

Saturn73 - You've taken the words right out of my mouth! That's exactly how I'm feeling too. Of course, I *know* I'm having Stinky early... no later than Monday, in fact. :)
OULINA - Congratulations!!! She is really beautiful! Well done you. :)

Sabriena - I can't believe how brutal your doc was! If you get him again you should ask for someone else. That's just not on!

Saturn73 - You've taken the words right out of my mouth! That's exactly how I'm feeling too. Of course, I *know* I'm having Stinky early... no later than Monday, in fact. :)

How exciting! Weird to think you'll be holding your baby in your arms in less than a week! :cloud9:
Congratulations Oulina! She's a perfect little cutie. :)

I quadruple what everyone else said, Sabriena...sometimes I wonder if it's down to being a man and being unsympathetic or unknowing about a woman's parts down there? I'm sure not everyone's that way, but I do wonder. Hope your next appointment is a lot more pleasant and I also think it wouldn't go amiss to mention something about what happened to you. Might make him reconsider his approach for the next poor lady.
OK I've not been on here for a while.

Thinking of kinleigh, mommy; I'm glad it was found before they sent Kinleigh home, sorry you have to be without your little girl for three more weeks! Here's wishing her a prompt recovery!
Sabriena ouch nasty nasty man, I'd like to say I'd of aid something there and then but doubt I would have been quick enough. Def refuse him if they book you with him again. we don't need extra pain! I'm kinda gald we don't get internals every appointment in UK tbh!
Oulina she's a gorgeous little princess, congratulations.
Can't remembr your user name, just see your avatar! LOL Glad induction booked was the date I was hoping for, but here's to you not needing it aye!

I have nothing exciting going on other than BAD heart burn tonight and NO gaviscon, not sure how gonna sleep tbh! Cldn't even eat all my choccie! Just had toast though might have helped but it hasn't! Darn!

15 days + counting!
Hey ladies,

Just a quickie as i cant stay online - my little yellow surprise turned out to be a beautiful baby boy!!!! And gosh do i absolutely LOVE him... i'll post a story when ive got time but let me just say that i was 7-8cmd (to the shock of all the mw's because i was still talking normally through my contractions at this point and when i rang the labour ward they were convinced i wasnt in established labour) when i arrived at the hospital and i cant actually believe it myself but i only had gas and air!!! :dance: so pleased with myself hehe... having problems breast feeding to the point that i think im going to have to stop but i feel such a let down to my son. :cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: anyway i must dash. Hope to be back online soon and send all my love to any new mummies and lots of good luck to those still waiting xxxx
Thanks ladies, I'm definitely going to say something if it's him again next week. I don't need a replay of it again! haha

Alisha1985 congrats on having your boy!! Don't feel like a let down for your son with breastfeeding. You'll do what's right for him. There's no wrong way to feed him either!
Oulina - congratulations!!

Alisha - congrats too, pop in to the bf forum and post up - someone might be able to help you? Also really get time with your mw for her to observe a feed.. We had problems when I first started feeding jocelyn but we were able to get through them, sometimes you can and sometimes you can't - he needs a happy mummy and you're not a letdown to him at all!
Congratulations Alisha! It sounds like you had an amazing birth :D
WOOOOOO to me...after spending three days in hospital (starting easter sunday) I was told yesterday that im being induced at 8am on Friday, my lil yellow bean should be here by the weekend im so excited to hold my baby and finally know if its a girl or boy!! Will be sure to post on here asap, please could you move me from the 5th to the 9th Thanks x
WOOOOOO to me...after spending three days in hospital (starting easter sunday) I was told yesterday that im being induced at 8am on Friday, my lil yellow bean should be here by the weekend im so excited to hold my baby and finally know if its a girl or boy!! Will be sure to post on here asap, please could you move me from the 5th to the 9th Thanks x

yey! Good luck!!! x
so much going on and i only last checked this yest morning!!

i havnt had one internal examination....is that normal??

congratualtiosn to all the new mummies, its got to be my turn soon...surely!!!

39 weeks today! yey :-) xxx
Hey ladies,

Just a quickie as i cant stay online - my little yellow surprise turned out to be a beautiful baby boy!!!! And gosh do i absolutely LOVE him... i'll post a story when ive got time but let me just say that i was 7-8cmd (to the shock of all the mw's because i was still talking normally through my contractions at this point and when i rang the labour ward they were convinced i wasnt in established labour) when i arrived at the hospital and i cant actually believe it myself but i only had gas and air!!! :dance: so pleased with myself hehe... having problems breast feeding to the point that i think im going to have to stop but i feel such a let down to my son. :cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: anyway i must dash. Hope to be back online soon and send all my love to any new mummies and lots of good luck to those still waiting xxxx

congratulations on your beautiful baby boy... !!! :happydance:
like sabriena said try not to feel like a let down for your son with breastfeeding... if u feel like you cant , try not to feel quity and dont let anyone make you feel quilty either.... i couldnt believe i was gonna have problems breast feeding this time too... she just wouldnt grab on... my breasts got so swallen i had to use the electric pump at the hospital to get it out and even that couldnt get all the milk out so i had to continue with my hands ... i bruzed myself really bad ... then i found out that if she cant grab on then thats what im gonna have to do ..since i already went through all that with my son for 3months ...which for me where very hard 3 months!! every 2 hours all day-night long thats all i would do... pump pump pump... now some people mostly relatives from my hubbys side are trying to make me feel guilty that i decided to just stop breastfeeding :cry: im not gonna lie i do feel guilty but as everyday goes by i feel like its the best decision i made ... just go with what feels right with you and know that any way you decide to feed him is the right way!! :hugs:
congratulations to all the new mummies i cant believe how many births there has been :D xxx
I'm just back from the maternity unit, just had my 5th and final ultrasound to check the baby's growth.

They were scared that with the flare up of Crohn's Disease my wee one might not be growing well, but it is doing just fine and is still on the 55th percentile. They're estimating it to be 8lbs 1oz today! :haha: I know that's just an educated guess though...

Moreno was horrified when the sonographer said it was a big baby, but it was on the 55th percentile 4 weeks ago too, and really that is only a tiny bit bigger than average... I think it is more because I'm only 5'1", but Moreno is quite tall (I think about 5'10") and has really broad shoulders, so maybe it's a daddy's boy I'm expecting :shrug: (or maybe it's a big shot-putting girl :haha:)

Actually, I was 8lb 2oz, and my brothers were 8lb 4oz and 9lb 2oz so the baby isn't even big for my family let along big in general.
1. SeekingBaby#1 EDD 4-1-10 Baby Aiden arrived on 1/13/10
2. Kerrie-X EDD 4-1-10 Maddison born on 3-4-10
3. millnsy EDD 4-13-10 :yellow: Maddie born on 3-5-10
4. james1985 EDD 4-1-10 Lily born on 3-7-10
5. Mrsty EDD 4-22-10 Baby girl born on 3-12-10
6. Shocklee16 EDD 4-10-10 Ethan born on 3-12-10
7. 2ndheartbeat EDD 4-5-10 Baby boy born on 3-12-10
8. vwilliams89 EDD 4-25-10 baby girl born on 3-15-10
9. LeanneFox EDD 4-1-10 Evan born on 3-18-10
10. Arielle EDD 4-17-10 Told :blue: Baby Girl born 3-20-10
11. mandzzzz EDD 4-2-10 Ella Rose born 3-21-10
12. mummy_em EDD 4-1-10 Ella born 3-22-10
13. FitzBaby EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Delaney May born 3-25-10
14. lorna EDD 4-4-10 Olivia born on 3-25-10
15. Poppy666 - EDD 4-5-10 Baby Korben born 3-26-10
16. charli89 EDD 4-4-10 Joe born on 3-27-10
17. bluecathy1978 EDD 4-8-10 Isaac born on 3-27-10
18. chele EDD 4-12-10 :yellow: Max born 3-28-10
19. pinktaffy EDD 4-1-10 Baby girl born 3-28-10
20. Babynumber1 EDD 4-15-10 Baby boy born 3-28-10
21. sujo EDD 4-6-10 Daniel born on 3-28-10
22. lilicat EDD 4-1-1- William born on 3-29-10
23. mommyof3girls EDD 4-1-10Kinleigh born 3-30-10
24. freckleonear EDD 4-8-10 :yellow: Tabitha born on 3-30-10
25. amyw044 EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Baby boy born 3-31-10
26. Clarissa EDD 4-5-10 Gabrielle Elyse 3-31-10
27. aj11 EDD 4-13-10 Arielle born on 4-1-10
28. babybel EDD 4-9-10 Delacey born on 4-1-10
29. x-li-x EDD 4-5-10 Callie Grace born on 4-2-10
30. Mrs. W EDD 4-1-10 Max born on 4-2-10
31. Louise N EDD 4-4-10 Baby Girl Born on 4-3010

Oulina EDD 4-16-10 Baby Girl Born 3-31-10
Alisha 1985 EDD 4-1-10 Baby Boy Born ???
Broodylocket EDD 4-9-10 Ethan Lucas Born 4-1-10
Sonee1 EDD 4-14-10 Baby Boy Born 4-2-10

That makes it 35 births now - 16 Boys, 19 Girls :) HUGE CONGRATS to all xx

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