all round for those hormonal rants!
Congrats to all new mummies!
So we moved in on Tuesday. Just got the nursery to sort out now and the bathroom to finish. DH painted the bathroom yesterday (it was pink with White suite, fine by me, not fine by him!

), I will pop out to Wilkos tomorrow to get a few bits such as toilet rl holder, towel rail etc. He isn't usually much of a decorator but I think the (hopefully) soon arrival of Baby H has given us both some enthusiasm to make this our home rather than just somewhere to live. Next on DH's to do is a feature wall in the lounge and bedroom.
Went to a new GP today as I have thrush; lovely. Now last time I had it, years ago, I got a cream. Today I have been given a pessary! I am notooming forward to sticking that inside me tonight! I had to tell my GP what SPD is, though thankfully he was happy to perscribe me more codeine (I didn't manage to get any on Tuesday as I missed the callback from my GP so just managed on OTC co-codamol during the day and managed to find some codeine for the night to help me sleep).
Baby H has been very hit and miss with his movements over the last few days but I have put that down to me doing more and overdoing it to be fair!
I can't stop grazing! I got a full night sleep last night and didn't wake until 9am. So far I have had 2 bowls of coco pops, a bag of crisps, a fruit salad, an orange and a bag of wine gums! I should probably have my lunch soon.
Does anyone have a cat? Mine has not left me alone for the last 2 days, following me everywhere, even watching me on the loo or in the bath! She is used to moving (2.5 years old and this is the fifth place we've lived in!) so I don't think it's that. Still, will enjoy the attention while I can, am sure she will get bored of me soon enough!