***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Blimey, they're really flying out now...!! :thumbup:

Congratulations to all new mums, and little :hugs: to all the new arrivals.

(Ok, that was uncharacteristically soppy for me - maybe it's a sign!!) :haha:

1. SeekingBaby#1 EDD 4-1-10 Baby Aiden arrived on 1/13/10
2. Kerrie-X EDD 4-1-10 Maddison born on 3-4-10
3. millnsy EDD 4-13-10 :yellow: Maddie born on 3-5-10
4. james1985 EDD 4-1-10 Lily born on 3-7-10
5. Mrsty EDD 4-22-10 Baby girl born on 3-12-10
6. Shocklee16 EDD 4-10-10 Ethan born on 3-12-10
7. 2ndheartbeat EDD 4-5-10 Baby boy born on 3-12-10
8. vwilliams89 EDD 4-25-10 baby girl born on 3-15-10
9. LeanneFox EDD 4-1-10 Evan born on 3-18-10
10. Arielle EDD 4-17-10 Told :blue: Baby Girl born 3-20-10
11. mandzzzz EDD 4-2-10 Ella Rose born 3-21-10
12. mummy_em EDD 4-1-10 Ella born 3-22-10
13. FitzBaby EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Delaney May born 3-25-10
14. lorna EDD 4-4-10 Olivia born on 3-25-10
15. Poppy666 - EDD 4-5-10 Baby Korben born 3-26-10
16. charli89 EDD 4-4-10 Joe born on 3-27-10
17. bluecathy1978 EDD 4-8-10 Isaac born on 3-27-10
18. chele EDD 4-12-10 :yellow: Max born 3-28-10
19. pinktaffy EDD 4-1-10 Baby girl born 3-28-10
20. Babynumber1 EDD 4-15-10 Baby boy born 3-28-10
21. sujo EDD 4-6-10 Daniel born on 3-28-10
22. lilicat EDD 4-1-1- William born on 3-29-10
23. mommyof3girls EDD 4-1-10Kinleigh born 3-30-10
24. freckleonear EDD 4-8-10 :yellow: Tabitha born on 3-30-10
25. amyw044 EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Baby boy born 3-31-10
26. Clarissa EDD 4-5-10 Gabrielle Elyse 3-31-10
27. aj11 EDD 4-13-10 Arielle born on 4-1-10
28. babybel EDD 4-9-10 Delacey born on 4-1-10
29. x-li-x EDD 4-5-10 Callie Grace born on 4-2-10
30. Mrs. W EDD 4-1-10 Max born on 4-2-10
31. Louise N EDD 4-4-10 Kaitlyn Born on 4-3010

Oulina EDD 4-16-10 Baby Girl Born 3-31-10
Alisha 1985 EDD 4-1-10 Baby Boy Born ???
Broodylocket EDD 4-9-10 Ethan Lucas Born 4-1-10
Sonee1 EDD 4-14-10 Baby Boy Born 4-2-10

That makes it 35 births now - 16 Boys, 19 Girls :) HUGE CONGRATS to all xx

Updated for Louise N
Congrats to all the new mummies, feels like it's going to be ages before it's my turn!
All updated. Thank you girls for giving me something to do to take my mind off of things.
Oh wow there all coming now...bless them.I can't wait until I am annoucing my birth as im getting very impatient! lol x
Just need to vent, I'm p'd off with my mother again, she just over reacts to bloody everything...

I stopped by my brother's house to tell her that we'd had the growth scan today and that the baby was doing great, still on the 55th percentile (was on that projection at 32 weeks too), and they estimated that'd make him/her about 8lb 1oz today... Well she went completely daft. You'd think I'd told her the baby was already 12lbs! :hissy:

I explained one more time that the 55th percentile means that out of 100 babies 45 are bigger than my wee one, 54 are smaller but I swear she just hears what she wants to.

She might as well just start calling my baby fat right now and get it over with. :hissy:

I'm also p'd off that any time I say how brilliant it is that the wee one is super active she makes out that the baby is going to have ADHD...

I don't have a fat baby, and I don't have a hyper-active baby. I have a perfect little joyous miracle growing in me after 21 long months of ttc and she can feck right off. :cry:

Wow. I guess I'm a little hormonal tonight! :blush:
oh bless you ann!

try not to take it personally, as long as your happy and content with your little one then sod everyone else! its amazing that your little one is so active and i bet a lot of women on here would rather have a very active baby then one who worries them if they are inactive!!

stay positive and if your baby is a bit big then who cares!! the chubbier the cuter in my eyes! xxx
O my goodness, Ann! Mothers, huh? Just think - some day that little bundle of love in your belly will be moaning to her/his friends about you!!! :haha:

Tell your mum about Stinky - at 32 weeks he was on the 95th percentile and is now predicted to be about 9lb 2!!! (thank god I'm having a section!!)
And you certainly wouldn't want to be worrying because your baby was too small!
If nothing else my story will make her pleased your baby isn't called Stinky!!! :rofl: :rofl:
Awww Ann, Can I join you on the hormonal rant train!

Seriously though, I'd b a bit frustrated too, I don't know what to say hun, you just carry on as you are enjoying your bump! Everyone always has something to say abt bumps sizes etc, some are just more annoying than others!

I'm sure once bubs is here she'll be fine, by way how you getting on re sil? Did you get round to ringing bf group or doc/council abt amubulance/ transport?
I'll join the hormonal rants! Haha...had my appointment today and the midwife that saw me told me that while my glucose test came back normal, the numbers were a bit higher than they should be, then commented this was probably tied back to my bmi (which is 35) and then said jokingly to lay off the Easter eggs. It was like her nice way of saying I'm fat and my test results came back because of my dietary habits.

I've no problem with her actually saying that and she was nice about it, so that's not what my rant is about. The truth is the truth no matter which way you slice it, LOL... I'm just hormonal about it as no one likes to be reminded of the obvious (you're fat!), LOL.. plus I'm getting back to a normal size after finally healing from being bulimic for 17 years. Still relearning my eating habits, and yes, after I quit those unhealthy behaviors and sorted the emotional/psychological side of it, the one thing I had/have left is to sort my actual eating. So I did get bigger when I quit being bulimic, and I'm still working on that part of it..

I guess on the plus side I can say that I've been confronting what was one of my biggest fears - becoming fat. Now I am, and you know, life goes on! I'll deal with it after baby comes and get back to myself. I'm happy and comfortable in myself.

Rant over. :)
i cant believe that we have 36 babies already...i want mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxx
Hi all,

My original due date was 1st April however our little girl now named Mia Elizabeth decided to come into the world a bit earlier, born 27/3 weighing 2460g but putting on weight rapidly and adjusting to life at home
:hugs: all round for those hormonal rants!

Congrats to all new mummies!

So we moved in on Tuesday. Just got the nursery to sort out now and the bathroom to finish. DH painted the bathroom yesterday (it was pink with White suite, fine by me, not fine by him! :haha: ), I will pop out to Wilkos tomorrow to get a few bits such as toilet rl holder, towel rail etc. He isn't usually much of a decorator but I think the (hopefully) soon arrival of Baby H has given us both some enthusiasm to make this our home rather than just somewhere to live. Next on DH's to do is a feature wall in the lounge and bedroom.

Went to a new GP today as I have thrush; lovely. Now last time I had it, years ago, I got a cream. Today I have been given a pessary! I am notooming forward to sticking that inside me tonight! I had to tell my GP what SPD is, though thankfully he was happy to perscribe me more codeine (I didn't manage to get any on Tuesday as I missed the callback from my GP so just managed on OTC co-codamol during the day and managed to find some codeine for the night to help me sleep).

Baby H has been very hit and miss with his movements over the last few days but I have put that down to me doing more and overdoing it to be fair!

I can't stop grazing! I got a full night sleep last night and didn't wake until 9am. So far I have had 2 bowls of coco pops, a bag of crisps, a fruit salad, an orange and a bag of wine gums! I should probably have my lunch soon. :lol:

Does anyone have a cat? Mine has not left me alone for the last 2 days, following me everywhere, even watching me on the loo or in the bath! She is used to moving (2.5 years old and this is the fifth place we've lived in!) so I don't think it's that. Still, will enjoy the attention while I can, am sure she will get bored of me soon enough!
Does anyone have a cat? Mine has not left me alone for the last 2 days, following me everywhere, even watching me on the loo or in the bath! She is used to moving (2.5 years old and this is the fifth place we've lived in!) so I don't think it's that. Still, will enjoy the attention while I can, am sure she will get bored of me soon enough!

I take it your cat is female? I have 1 male (2 males last time I was pregnant) and 1 female cat... Last time round the boys were the same as they always are, but the female (who is normally VERY independant) wouldn't leave my side for the week running up to our induction date (42 weeks)... This time she's suddenly decided at 37 weeks she wants to follow me EVERYWHERE, including trying to get in the car with me!! As per last time my male cat is just his usual self.
I'd bet they can sense the changes in you...not only in looks with the bump but predominantly in smell. I'm sure they can smell the hormones (and other bodily smells) that are different to usual.
1. SeekingBaby#1 EDD 4-1-10 Baby Aiden arrived on 1/13/10
2. Kerrie-X EDD 4-1-10 Maddison born on 3-4-10
3. millnsy EDD 4-13-10 :yellow: Maddie born on 3-5-10
4. james1985 EDD 4-1-10 Lily born on 3-7-10
5. Mrsty EDD 4-22-10 Baby girl born on 3-12-10
6. Shocklee16 EDD 4-10-10 Ethan born on 3-12-10
7. 2ndheartbeat EDD 4-5-10 Baby boy born on 3-12-10
8. vwilliams89 EDD 4-25-10 baby girl born on 3-15-10
9. LeanneFox EDD 4-1-10 Evan born on 3-18-10
10. Arielle EDD 4-17-10 Told :blue: Baby Girl born 3-20-10
11. mandzzzz EDD 4-2-10 Ella Rose born 3-21-10
12. mummy_em EDD 4-1-10 Ella born 3-22-10
13. FitzBaby EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Delaney May born 3-25-10
14. lorna EDD 4-4-10 Olivia born on 3-25-10
15. Poppy666 - EDD 4-5-10 Baby Korben born 3-26-10
16. charli89 EDD 4-4-10 Joe born on 3-27-10
17. bluecathy1978 EDD 4-8-10 Isaac born on 3-27-10
18. chele EDD 4-12-10 :yellow: Max born 3-28-10
19. pinktaffy EDD 4-1-10 Baby girl born 3-28-10
20. Babynumber1 EDD 4-15-10 Baby boy born 3-28-10
21. sujo EDD 4-6-10 Daniel born on 3-28-10
22. lilicat EDD 4-1-1- William born on 3-29-10
23. mommyof3girls EDD 4-1-10Kinleigh born 3-30-10
24. freckleonear EDD 4-8-10 :yellow: Tabitha born on 3-30-10
25. amyw044 EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Baby boy born 3-31-10
26. Clarissa EDD 4-5-10 Gabrielle Elyse 3-31-10
27. OULINA EDD 4-16-10 Baby girl born 3-31-10
28. aj11 EDD 4-13-10 Arielle born on 4-1-10
29. babybel EDD 4-9-10 Delacey born on 4-1-10
30. Broodylocket EDD 4-9-10 Ethan Logan born on 4-1-10
31. XxxIM08-09xxX EDD 4-9-10 Maya born on 4-1-10
32. x-li-x EDD 4-5-10 Callie Grace born on 4-2-10
33. Mrs. W EDD 4-1-10 Max born on 4-2-10
34. sonee1 EDD 3-14-10 Baby boy born on 4-2-10
35. Louise N EDD 4-4-10 Baby Girl Born on 4-3-10
36. Alisha1985 EDD 4-1-10 :yellow: Baby boy born on 4- -10

bubbella EDD 4-1-10 Mia Elizabeth born 3-27-10

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