***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

im getting fed up with ppl asking if iv had her yet too! its like - dont worry i'll be broadcasting it when i do!! xx
So much has happened over the weekend! Congrats to all the new mums!!

Well i survived my weekend away, went over 2 hours drive away to watch an ice hockey final!!

Had an emergency MW appt on fri, as blood pressure was high, but it had gone down so was given the all clear to go!

It was hard work over the weekend but very glad i went, even tho we didnt win and i was crying at the end, and had servre BH! Thought all the excitement had bought it on!

But home in one piece, and now just chilling! I am so tired!

Also like a few others have a horrible cold, so dont fancy labouring when i cant breathe!!

Dont know what to do this week, as i had just been focusing on getting this weekend out the way, and now its done im lost!!
2 weeks today will be my due date :) Just waiting to hear back from the hospital re: date for C-Sec if we do go overdue... Will keep you all informed :)

Congrats to all the new mums by the way xx
Before I start, I want to say sorry in advance if this post drags on and/or ends up making no sense at all... So SO mad right now that I'm not sure I will explain things properly :(

I'm 38 weeks today and want to try for a VBAC, but also DON'T want to go too far over our due date due to previous bad experience (son was 16 days over, spent 15 hours on a drip being induced and still ended up having a C-Sec). Been seeing a consultant who PROMISED me I wouldn't be allowed to go past 41 weeks and that if we did go over we would NOT be induced (in any way). Since then the same consultant has told me he wants to see me at 41+4 to break my waters and put me on a drip (then went on to book the appointment for 42+4). So now have NO faith/trust in what the consultant has to say!! Was told by midwife I could book for overdue C-Sec any time between 40-41 weeks and after lots of thinking about it and discussing it with hubby, we decided that due to previous experience and the fact that I'm feeling so uncomfortable already that we would allow until our due date and then book a C-Sec (as long as there was availability at hospital) for 28 April (40+2).

After speaking to the hospital last week, they told me to call back on Monday to book the C-Sec for Wed 28 April, but when I called today no one had added this information to their system so I had to start from scratch again... Spoke to a midwife who said she would find my notes and also speak to my consultant just to make sure he was OK with us having a second C-Sec etc. Then got a phone call from my consultant who basically told me I COULDN'T have a C-Sec at 40+2 and that he would only allow us to book a C-Sec for 42 weeks!! He asked if this was OK and when I told him my concerns about going over by so much he told me he was doing it for my own good and said "I know you think a C-Sec is your best option, but I'm just trying to give you every chance to deliver normally", which really didn't help to be honest. Since then the same midwife has called me back and told me that my C-Sec is booked for Monday 10 May and that I need to be there at 8am even though they can't promise what time I'll be in theatre... I've also got to go in on Friday 7 May at 3pm for bloods and Pre-Op.

I've since been sat here in tears because there is no way that I can cope with going 2 weeks over. I already feel like I'm letting my son down by not being able to do much with him. Another 2 weeks of feeling like a rubbish mum, I can just about cope with... BUT, a possible 4 weeks of feeling as if I'm not doing right by him is just too much to take. Yet at the same time I feel as if I'm somehow letting people down by opting for an elective C-Sec at 39 weeks.

I REALLY don't know what to do :( I've got a midwife appointment on Wednesday with my LOVELY midwife (she's so supportive of all the things I want and always knows just what to say/do to put my mind at rest). I've been advised by the hospital midwife to go to my appointment on Wednesday and if I still feel uncomfortable with the situation to push for an elective C-Sec at 39 weeks, which I know my midwife will support me with. I just don't know what to do for the best.

HELP!!! I really need some advice on this as my head is all over the place now...
Kimmyjane, I'm sorry you're having a sucky time with your consultant. It'd be nice if they could keep their story straight at least!

Can you book the slot now for the 28th and cancel it if you have your VBAC on time?
Kimmyjane, I'm sorry you're having a sucky time with your consultant. It'd be nice if they could keep their story straight at least!

Can you book the slot now for the 28th and cancel it if you have your VBAC on time?

Thanks hunni - I've updated my post above as I hit submit before I'd finished (DOH!), so that should explain a bit more... But looks like C-Sec for 28th is off the cards :(
Awww sweetheart :hugs:

I'd probably do what the hospital MW said, go see your community MW on Wednesday and push for the c-section at 39 weeks... Unless you can convince her to book you for the 40+2 c-section!

Of course it'll be the consultant actually carrying it out, so if he/she thinks you need to wait till 42 then they might refuse you...

But either way, you aren't letting anyone down.

In the grand scheme of things your son is too young to remember the (possibly) 4 weeks that you weren't superwoman! I'm sure you expect far more from yourself than he'd ever expect from you. It'll be fine :hugs:
Congratulations lour29!

I've not had anyone ask if the baby's here yet, BUT if I don't update my FB status regularly or respond quickly to text messages people are wondering if I've gone into labour!
Oh kimmyjane84, I don't know what to suggest for the best. Chat it through with your midwife and see if she can help you fight for what you want. Lots of hugs xxx
Thank you 555ann555 :)

Also going to ask midwife about who will actually be doing the C-Sec and if I can avoid seeing Mr Naguib again, as I really don't want the bloke ANYWHERE near me!! He is such a **** (please insert your own insult/rant here, as I can't think of anything nice to say) and makes me feel like an idiot everytime I speak to him :( Plus he doesn't listen to a word I say and when me and hubby see him he spends more time asking my hubby questions about our previous experience and this pregnancy than he does me... As if hubby can give him more information than I can!!


I tend to agree, that it may be worth asking my midwife if she can help me to book the C-Sec for 40+2. She has been my midwife throughout this pregnancy and most of my last pregnancy too, so it's not as if she doesn't know me/my thoughts etc. Just hope she can pull some strings for me :)

I know Harry's too young to remember (just need it pointing out to me every now and then I think) but I just feel as if I'm somehow letting him down and not doing a good enough job of things... I know in reality (when I've calmed down etc) that I'm probably still doing more for him (and the rest of the family) than I should be and not doing myself any favours, but I worry about everything and just get myself worked-up into a state every now and then (like now)...

Think I just need to chill out for a couple of hours, have something nice for tea, chat to hubby later (who is thankfully being very supportive), have a bath and early night and then start thinking about what I really want and what is best for me and baby #2. Think I need to stop doing things for other people and what they might think and start thinking about what's best for me and my little family unit.
I am getting sooooo excited now, the fact that it could be any day, any hour, any minute! Good luck to everyone, not long now!! xxx
That sounds like the best Kimmyjane84...go with what feels right for you and as said before, your son is so young and he's going to be fine not having his ''usual mom'' around for a few weeks. I don't know what I'd do in your position either regarding the section thing....I can tell that a lot of emotions and fears are involved in addition to them not giving you straight answers and being given the run around. I think I'd probably be tempted to go for the one at 39 weeks too given what you've described, but it really is individual and you've got to weigh the pros and cons for yourself and see which one seems to come out on top!
I can't believe there are still some people that were due as early as the 1st who haven't popped yet? Labour dust to you ladies! x
Congratulations country_girl8!

I had the consultant clinic today. I was told last time that I would be given a sweep and an examination and should my cervix be favourable then I would be booked in for induction. It took me an hour to get there today as the direct bus didn't show up so I got a bus half way then a taxi the rest of the way costing me £15. Gave a urine sample and was weighed then saw a doctor. Who told me that my urine is being sent off ( yet again) and to book an appointment for next week?!? I told her that I was promised an internal and a sweep and she said "Yes when you're 38 weeks, you're only 37+6 today.". I then almost cried and told her how long it now takes me to get to the hospital for effectively a wasted journey, I wasn't told anything that couldn't have been done by my own mw 2 minutes up the road! Anyway, she examined me and my cervix isn't favourable so no induction. Maybe the sweep might start things off. Am bleeding more than I thought I would. And she pushed my legs much further apart than I was comfortable with and I cried when she left me so I could get changed again. I told her I had already opened my legs as far as I was comfortable with but she insisted they needed to be further, which isn't filling me with reassurance for giving birth. :cry:
Awww Mrs Glitz, what a horrible ordeal you've been through today. Is there any reason why you're being induced so early? I have Choleostasis and have been told I will be induced at 38 weeks (which is this saturday). My consultant appointment is on friday so I will also be 37+6 then. I'm worried they might tell me the same as you. I'm worried for my baby and just want to get her out as soon as possible. I have 3 appointments tomorrow - a scan, blood tests and a CTG. When I go up to the fetal health unit I might ask them in there if they can book my induction. I didn't realise your cervix has to be "favourable" for them to do it! What does that mean?? I started taking raspberry leaf tea tablets today, so hopefully my cervix will be nice and soft so they can do it sooner rather than later.

I'm sorry you had such a hard time today. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. xxx
I was hoping for early induction due to severe SPD, so as it's because of me rather than there being a risk to the baby, they will only do it if cervix is favourable, which basically means that it's started to come forward and is soft I think. A favourable cervix means less chance of induction failing and ending up with a c-section.

I am fairly sure that in your situation you will still get the induction as your baby may be at risk if not, although I don't know a great deal about that?

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