WOO HOOO for Kinleigh! YAY!
I'm sooo rubbish at remember user names, maybe i shld start typing things up on notepad as i go so i remmebr names.
OK so congrats on the new new bubbb'as yaya! WIll go search the birth stories section after dinner.
Hope all sweeps have worked and things get a move on for all those mumma's who are overdue!
I phone mw today about my pains, cos they were getting really strong going from every 20 min to every ten and ast night even down to five. Except they last abt two minutes! I knew it wasn't time to go la bour ward yet, but just wanted to know what on earth could be going on. MW said it's common for third babies to stop and start labour, it starts off then dies down and then kicks off again, but usually mums don't go past a week of this, and then it's a quickish labour cos the latent bit has been done in bits! SO I only have her word for it, but am hoping she's right! I said I woudln't go in until I had my bloody show and she said thats a good plan, as long as bubs still moving and no funny discharge thats not the usual plug.
SO I called my Mum who is coming down tonight or tomor am and then it's a waiting game for us all, hoepfully not too long though cos been doing this for four days now, stopping and starting contractions. All else fails induction is on Thursday 39+1 Odds are however it will be this saturday and it's my son's birthday party, we have loads of family up and visiitng and my Mum's booked a meal for us all in the evening! HEHE loadsa fun!