around 40 and TTC#1 (aka: just curious)

Hi all, well I hate being the oldest one on this thread so far...but the truth is the truth (even tho I know a few other ladies my age or older ttc'ing...). Am 43, been ttc for 2 and 1/2 years, OH is 44. Have had all tests including hormones, HSG, laparoscopy and all those frequent miscarriage ones as well, as I've lost two pregnancies (mmc feb. 2010, mc nov. 2010). All tests came back great, so think it's a matter of time til the right egg and sperm meet up to make the right baby!
We had tried for 16 months for the first bfp, then it seemed my body figured out how to do it faster(9 months for second), now let's hope it does again, but sooner!
I just take multivites, started agnus castus after last mc as cycles quite messed up, it's helping, and occasionally remember to take some guaifenesin before O (my nov. bfp happened after starting it). Otherwise, no opks, temps, just try to bd the right week, as much as can manage. Am on cd 4 today. Oh, forgot, met OH at 38, so we were 40 before we even thought about all this!!
Welcome and baby dust to everyone, let's try to keep this thread up and running!
hi ladies,
im 41 and 15 weeks preggies! my eldest is nearly 18 so starting again!!! took me 7 months to conceive. i thought everything had packed in by now! good luck :)
I am 39 and still trying to conceive number 1. This is my 17th cycle, no sniff of a bfp in all that time. I have until October to lose enough weight to start ivf or it will be continuing to try naturally. My tests are all ok but DH aren't so good.

:dust: to you all
Hello Bellamamma; Matureone and Traskey :hi:

Sorry for your loses Bellamamma :hugs:

Good luck to Bellamamma and Traskey getting your BFPs :dust:

Matureone congratulations and wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy.

Traskey my DH's SA wasn't brilliant and we were advise I probably won't get a BFP without IVF but I'm doing all in my power to prove them wrong especially as they want me to lose nearly 7 stone before they will let me got for IVF and I only want to lose 5.

I've got my DH on supplements to improve count, motility and morphology and having another SA done in 2 months to see if any improvement - FXed.

If you ever want to talk to someone in a similar situation then feel free :hugs:
Hi Bellamamma ,am also 43,44 next month and have been trying for five years And had nine mc's,also have four kids,good luck,:hugs:
Hello Bellamamma; Matureone and Traskey :hi:

Sorry for your loses Bellamamma :hugs:

Good luck to Bellamamma and Traskey getting your BFPs :dust:

Matureone congratulations and wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy.

Traskey my DH's SA wasn't brilliant and we were advise I probably won't get a BFP without IVF but I'm doing all in my power to prove them wrong especially as they want me to lose nearly 7 stone before they will let me got for IVF and I only want to lose 5.

I've got my DH on supplements to improve count, motility and morphology and having another SA done in 2 months to see if any improvement - FXed.

If you ever want to talk to someone in a similar situation then feel free :hugs:

Thanks Macwooly, we were told ivf was our only option too. I've got to get my BMI under 30 to qualify for the ivf on the NHS and get in before I turn 40. As I don't have a lot of time i'm doing a very low calorie diet to try and reach their weight goal. Haven't eaten food in 7 weeks :( I still hope though, that each month I might just get lucky. DH is taking Wellman Conception and it did boost his count so I hope it works for you too.

Gosh, you poor ladies in the NHS! They're really tough on IVF it seems? What is the expected weight/age range to be eligible for it? And, how many pounds is a stone, I've been wondering for years...??!! (yankee alert).
I'm just going natural as we don't want to do it any other way, I did try clomid for 7 months 2 years ago...a big fat nothing!
Who's finishing up AF and wants to get into bd'ing frame of mind with me??
Bellamamma - there are 14lbs in a stone, so a lot lol.

Just wanted to say good luck to all you lovely ladies. I got BFP for the first time when I was 39 but m/c. After tests, we were told we only had a 1% chance of natural conception and were not eligible for IVF as DH has kids from another relationship. We decided that we would just get on with our lives and accept we would not have a family. Now 18 months later at age 41, I am nearly 10 weeks pregnant!! Eeek! To say its a surprise is an understatement. Only lifestyle change was that I lost 21lbs, taking my bmi to about 32.

So don't give up hope, the doctors are not always right xx
Congrats amitootold!! How have these first 10 weeks been for you? It must be exciting getting close to 2nd tri....I wish you a happy and healthy 30 weeks to go!
Hi Bellamamma

To be honest, the first 10 weeks have been a lot easier than I expected. My only symptoms have been sore boobs and tiredness! No morning sickness. I am starting to get bloated now and I'm not sure how long I am going to be able to get away with not telling people. I should get my scan date on Tuesday but we are thinking of going for a private scan sooner so that I don't have to wait for another 3 weeks before we can tell everyone. I know things could still go wrong after the scan but I would feel more comfortable knowing whats going on in there before I announce the news lol x
Congratulations ami, you must be over the moon! I can understand why you just got on with life so it must have been fantastic when you heard the news. I'm so sorry about their stupid rules for ivf, it drives me insane the hoops they make you jump through.

As for the BMI Bellamama it depends on your height.

For my height, 5ft 7 I need to be 189lbs or lower. I have another 25lbs to lose (or just under 2 stone). I am currently a UK 16/18 US 12/14 and would probably need to get to a 12/14 for the right weight.
MacWoolly - we're kind of in the same boat. I am almost 6 years older than my BF and until I met him, I had NO desire to have children. Now, at 40 (he's 35 in Sept.) I feel like I've missed my chance. We are meeting with an RE on Wednesday. Not sure what to expect!
Amitootold - congratulations on your pregnancy :) Sending loads of best wishes for the next 30 weeks of your pregnancy to be healthy and happy. I can understand you wanting a scan before you tell people.

DH and I want to wait until about 12 weeks and a scan before we tell people if we ever get out BFP. My DH's family gossip so much and twice we have been made aware of cousins of his who have miscarried even though they didn't want anyone told.

Bellamamma - from what I can work out in the UK your BMI has to be between 20-25 before you get referred for IVF and I'm currently about 36. My BMI was about 24 when I was in my early 20s and the doctors kept telling me I looked underweight and ill so I can't figure what doctors want :wacko:

Well I am still waiting on AF this month which was due on Thursday but no sign yet however I got a BFN on a test on Friday. If AF doesn't show by Tuesday I think I will be doing another test as I am confused by my body at the moment :shrug:

Loads of :dust: to all who are waiting for their BFPs :dust:
Thanks Macwooly! Fingers crossed you get BFP this month. After having a m/c before, I have this thought in my head that I have had a mmc but won't know until I have a scan, thats why I want to wait x

Went I went for tests, my bmi was between 35 and 36 and I was told it needed to be 30 before they would give me Clomid so I would imagine you need to be at least at 30 before IVF would be considered. The second consultant I saw then said Clomid would not help me because I had regular periods to was obviously ovulating!!! Talk about confused!!! And this was at the Leeds Centre for Reproductive Medicine so it does make you wonder......
Amitootold: sorry for your previous lose :hugs: but keeping all crossed and will add you to my prayers that all will be ok when you have the scan x

I am reluctant to have IVF. I think it is an amazing procedure and I have total respect for all ladies who go through the process and wish luck to any doing it or about to do it.

But I have clinical depression and I can be very obsessive but also extremely harsh on myself and I think the process if unsuccessful would seriously affect my depression which is controlled without medication. My mental health worker has also expressed their concern if I was to attempt the procedure.

I haven't had all the tests run on me but the ones I had in 2009 indicate that all is ok with me but DH's SA was a little disappointing (his words) his count is low but motility and morphology are ok. So we both have the attitude of "it only takes one :spermy: to cause the miracle" so we'll stick with trying naturally for as long as possible
The criteria for nhs ivf is BMI of 30 or less (a few ask for 29). You have to start treatment prior to turning 40. The exact cut off point for referral for ivf will depend on how long the waiting list is in your area. In Herts, it's 39 years and 8 months. Some will specify non smokers and some will allow one partner to have children from previous relationships but others won't.
Hi Shelley - wishing you all the best at your RE appointment. I'll keep my fingers crossed they can give you some answers and hope :dust:

Traskey - thanks for the info on IVF. I've no idea what the criteria is in our area for it but if under 40 is the cut off then IVF won't be on our list of things to try as we can't afford private.
Hi ladies, i hope I can join. I'm 37 & TTC #1 for the last 13 months. Been through a lap, d&c, & most recently a hysteroscopy. Tried the Femara thing for many months + ovidrel.

I'm on day 10 & FS has me on injections (puregon& lupron). Went for an u/s yest & dr is very happy with the progress. She mentioned iui this week.

Anyone going through an iui this month?

Congrats to this who got a bfp. Send us some baby dust!!! A big hug to all those who U had mc's.

Let's be positive ladies!!! :)
i met my DH in december 2007. we had a totally unplanned pregnancy in 2008 that turned out to be ectopic. luckily i was in good hands and i managed to keep both my tubes. we had a very difficult couple of years after that (moving countries, jobs, etc etc) so TTc was not in our minds really. we started talking about it in mid 2010, but i wanted to deal fisrt with some stressful situations back home, so we only started NTNP in Sept´10. Got pregnant in November, but had a MMc at 7w. Started TTC properly in Jan 2011, and although it has not been long at all, it´s been very (very) stressful for me, mainly since I turned 40 in march.

well, that´s my story! anyone else?

lots of :dust: for us old :winkwink: ladies trying for their 1st!

kosh Im just so happy for you, and your bfp has given me a little hopeful boost for the rest of us.

I know you are worried because of the MMC so we are all with you praying this is a sticky. :hugs:
Anyone going through an iui this month?

Congrats to this who got a bfp. Send us some baby dust!!! A big hug to all those who U had mc's.

Let's be positive ladies!!! :)

I had my third IUI this morning. If this one doesn't work they want to do another HSG to check my tubes again.
I'm trying to keep a PMA but it's not working very well.

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