*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Hi All. We haven't been very busy on here lately.

I hope you are doing ok Fern. Still thinking of you. I hope you are healing from your experience and giving your guy extra cuddles!

We are all doing good. I think I mentioned finding a specialist for my endometriosis. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and I'm doing quite nicely. She cut out all the endo spots like cancer. This supposedly helps 85%+ of women. My endo pain is just pressure after the surgery and I think that is from healing. The doc wanted to switch me from my Mirena IUD to birth control pills because some pills are better for symptom control. When she went to pull the IUD out, it was embedded in my uterus!!! This was 2 weeks after my endo surgery, so I had to go under anesthesia again yesterday to get the IUD removed and a D&C. "Surgery" twice in 3 weeks....goodness. But all is well, and I'm hoping this course of treatment will help me manage my endo for many years to come.

Claire and Oliver are doing wonderful. They both got 4 teeth in their top gums. So they have 6 teeth now. Oliver's were a struggle, but his FINALLY popped through. They are crawling like crazy, getting into everything, and pulling themselves up on everything they can. Crazy babies!! We have our 9 month appointment later this month so I'm interested to see how much they have grown. Oliver is still long and skinny and Claire is my chunky butt. She has the biggest thighs. She is going to take after her mother.
They love to be tickled on their belly. We "bite" them on their belly and they just squeal and laugh. Last night we got the cutest video where Oliver pushed Claire over with his head and then started to tickle her belly with his face. They were both laughing and laughing. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Last week they were watching nursery songs on the tv (Little Baby Bum on youtube - we play them rarely but they LOVE them) and they sat back to front just cuddling and watching the tv together. They are going to be so close. I just love watching them grow up!

I'm gearing up for another week of travel back to Indy next week. This will be my second trip and I'm going to miss my babies so much. I have the most amazing husband who can juggle twins while I'm away. I can't even imagine, but his sister (who still lives with us - Thank God) helps him when she is off work. I guess it's the tradeoff of having a work from home job.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Rq your endo sounds absolutely horrific, I'm hlad to hear they can find a way to give you relief! My friend wound up not having kids and shortly after 50 having a hysterectomy thanks to her endo pain. It's a long term debilitating condition, my heart goes out to women dealing with it! Claire & Oliver sound like they're wonderful babies. Take as many photos & videos as you can possibly manage. This is, in my house mble experience, the sweet spot of babyhood. Just growing huge personalities, just before they walk & talk, this is it! And then they're more like toddlers. I'm savouring every minute. It's hard, hard, hard work right now but I'm almost in tears quite often knowing it's but a fleeting moment these precious few months. My two little ladies have just found their legs and voices. Table & couch hopping while screaming schrill at the top of their lungs. I was so worried it was a behavioural problem for not enough attention or something like that but after some research it's a completely typical 9 month developmental milestone. I had it really flipping easy with my first!!!!! She was a dream and still is. Her idea of finding her voice was standing up in her stroller bassinet at the park raising her arm and talking loudly to the squirrels. We had no idea what her chunters were all about but it was much easier to deal with than these shrill top-of-the-lung, nerve-wrecking screams. It's like we're trying out for a horror movie. Piper started it and Teagsn completely mimicked her. So we ensure they have binkies at ALL times :haha:
We're still up at 11:30pm, 1:30am,,4:30am for feeds too but they're slowly getting better. We're off to Mexico for a little more than a week on the 21st. I'm hoping the weather calms down in the region. So many hurricanes recently! I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you're all enjoying the best 'baby' months right now as we're all going to soon cross many bridges with walking, growth spurts, and amazing first birthdays.
OMG 2have, I absolutely am LOVING this age! Lots of cuddles and it's so fun watching them grow. I'm trying to enjoy every moment of it, as you caution.

It's funny that your twins are screaming. I know exactly what you mean. Oliver did that a few months back and it was awful. Thankfully it was short lived. I hope he doesn't pick it up again.

I'm doing much better after my surgery. So far no pain post-op. I'm hoping the relief sticks around. I'm starting to pick up my activity now that I feel so good and focus on my health.

I hope your trip to Mexico is fun! DH and I are taking a cruise on Nov 30 and my in-laws will watch Claire and Oliver for a few days/nights. My twins are still sleeping through the night from 7pm to 7am and are relatively easy to take care of so my in-laws will get along just fine. It will be SO nice to have some alone/quality time with my hubby.

Hope you all had a good Halloween. Here is a pic of Claire and Oliver.


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I’m so excited girls...! I’ve just had a consultation and scan at my clinic and am doing ivf again in a month! They have decided to do the short, antagonist protocol this time because my AMH (78.9) scares them. They have also said I can continue to breastfeed Finlo throughout!

He’s doing really well. 9 months old, 18lbs2oz, still breastfeeding and also eating solids like a champ. He’s crawling but also cruising and looks like he will walk soon. I’m totally in love. This is the absolute best age, I agree. I really know his personality now and he’s cheeky but also very loving.

I go back to work on 5th Feb and I hope to be pregnant when I go back. I’ll be due start of October, so see the academic year through then off next year. I feel really hopeful about all this. My clinic are sure that our infertility is due to DH’s antibodies, which are now 90% and we will not conceive naturally. ICSI works for us though.

Here’s my little cutie pie today. Second pic is in the waiting room at clinic.


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Aww eli how exciting and those pictures are adorable!

Guys I know it’s been a while, the twins birthday is in under 2 weeks. I’m starting to panic, maybe a little PTSD. I never really dealt with all the emotions of having preemies and having babies in the NICU. I’m starting to feel those emotions a lot lately and it’s tough.

We won’t be trying for another few years. I’m not ready to go through all of it again. It’s too much too soon. For now our little family of 5 is wonderful. We will try again in a few years because I do want to use more of our frozen embies.
Aww eli how exciting and those pictures are adorable!

Guys I know it’s been a while, the twins birthday is in under 2 weeks. I’m starting to panic, maybe a little PTSD. I never really dealt with all the emotions of having preemies and having babies in the NICU. I’m starting to feel those emotions a lot lately and it’s tough.

We won’t be trying for another few years. I’m not ready to go through all of it again. It’s too much too soon. For now our little family of 5 is wonderful. We will try again in a few years because I do want to use more of our frozen embies.

Hey Rebecca, sorry to hear you're not feeling great. Take it one day at a time and do get your iron checked, the no. 1 reason contributing to ppd is anemia and most twin moms are extremely anemic the 1st year after birth.

Thanks for posting pics ellie - he's a sweetheart! I'm already planning my ywin's birthday. We couldn't have a baby meet n greet because they were so small so we have extra people coming. Mudpie has some super cute 1st birthday dresses and we have a lady trying to break into the photography business who's going to do a free photo shoot for us. I made MacKinley's birthday cake which was waaay too complicated so I'm just going to do large cake smash cupcake birthday cakes and have cupcakes for guests to eat. And pizza - simple! I hope you all enjoy the firsts, soon they'll be looking more like toddlers than babies :cry:
Belated happy birthday for your twinnies Rebecca!! Please post some birthday if you can :). I hope you are feeling better. You definitely had a lot to deal with and very little "free" time to work through it all.

It's nice to read all of your updates and to see you are all doing well.

Good luck with ttc Ellie!!

Baby G is doing SO well. He is such a cutie and my best friend. He is at a stage where he is very attached to me; he doesn't cuddle much but wants to be close to me all the time. H and I'm not really in any relationship (roommates) so I'm REALLY attached to G as well!! He has started to give hugs recently and kisses a while back. He stands and cruises furniture well and I think he'll be walking in a month or so. He listens really well to instructions and plays games well!! His first word was mamma and he also says hallo; he infrequently says ball and cat. He doesn't see his dad often so doesn't call him anything.

Anyone have something special planned for the holidays and birthdays?
I'm going to my parents' tomorrow. G has a cute onesie that says "my first Christmas 2017". I'll try to post a pic of him! I had a few ideas for his first birthday but our house flooded and we have massive damage so idk how the restorations will be going by then.

Happy holidays to you all! Sending you all lots of love and thinking back sentimentally to our babies' births around this time :).
Goodness Fern! Sorry to hear about the flood. I hope all goes well and you can get the house restored ASAP.

Rebecca - have you looked into a NICU support group? I bet the hospital could put you in contact with one and it may help!

Ellie - best of luck with your upcoming cycle. I love your positive attitude and I hope it serves you well. It's exciting thinking of trying again. I think we are done with children, but we were blessed with twins and I'm 35. So I couldn't imagine trying right now with two little ones and I'll prob feel too old in a few years.

As for us, we are all doing great. Working at home is going well and I see my family throughout the day. I hear Claire laughing through the door as I type this. It is so fun to be this close their first year(s).
Claire started walking about a week ago and take 3-4 steps at a time. She loves standing up on her own. Oliver is starting to stand on his own, so I'm sure he won't be too far behind her. However, Oliver is a CLIMBER! OMG, he can climb on anything. Sometimes he will be playing and we will look away and then he will be in a chair or sitting in his walker. We have tried putting everything up, but you can only do so much.
Claire is such a happy baby. Always smiling and laughing. Oliver is a bit more needy, but really he is a great baby. He is such a momma's boy. He loves to be in my lap but can't sit still. LOL.
I don't know who said it, but I absolutely love this age. They are so much fun and so sweet. It's crazy how much they grow this first year. I want them to stay little forever.
For their first birthday we are having a small party with family only and doing a cake smash photo session. Then later in the month we will have our monthly family birthday party where we will celebrate with cake with the family. I thought about throwing a big party but its so close to Christmas and a family wedding (next weekend). They won't remember it anyway so we are keeping it low key and will enjoy the professional photos.

I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy those little ones while they are little. I just want to squeeze mine every second of every day....if only they would hold still LOL.
Hey girls. I’ve got some amazing news!
I started down regging on 1/1/18 and was due to start stims this week after baseline scan yesterday. But when I’d still not had a withdrawal bleed on Monday, I did a pregnancy test and was absolutely flabbergasted to find out I’m pregnant. Naturally. I’m in shock. I had bloods done on Monday and it was 985, so looking good. Got repeat bloods today and then my clinic is offering me free pregnancy scans, starting at 7 weeks! I’m now 4+6 from LMP, so not too long to wait.
I’ve been assured the meds are safe and one may actually have helped as it gave me a progesterone boost. I’ve stopped them and started cyclogest and prednisolone. It’s insane and so exciting!

Little one is currently due on 20th of September and there will be a 19 month gap. Finlo is so well. He sleeps through most nights, has 3 teeth and is walking!


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Ellie that’s amazing fabulous news! How great is that? You’re pregnancy is like our first, i was awaiting my cycle and it never came! Rainbow child. Happy healthy 9 months to you xx
RQ I can’t blame you for feeling done with ttc. Twins is a fix to that feeling for sure:haha: I’m glad you’re enjoying them, and you too Fern. They have such sweet little personalities at this age don’t they?
Fern I’m sorry to hear about your flood. After all you put up with while pregnant and now this? I’m glad you are so close to your little man, he’ll grow up to be like you my dear xx

Hi to everyone, happy new years and to a 2018 full of laughter and wonderful memories!
We hosted Teagan & Piper’s cake smash last weekend. It was a house full of people and it was a cold cold week. The theme was Winter ONEderland with mulled wine, hot chocolate & chilli. I have a friend who offered to do their cake smash photo shoot free of charge the week before the party. It turns out Piper, our chubby chicken, doesn’t like cake and Teagan my little tiny one has a serious sweet tooth. They were .2 ounce different weights at birth and now Piper is 22.8 while Teagan is 18.2 pounds. They loved the attention they got at the party and the professional photos were just adorable!
I’m back to work as of Monday and am very much enjoying being around adults all day! We are a group of specialised planning designers that got plucked up out of the planning dept and amalgamated into the regular corporate design group. The change was made while I was on mat leave. It’s great here, we used to work on these clunky pc’s and I came back to a beautiful Mac tower super fast slick machine. I sit with a few videographers in advertising so it’ll be fun watching them work. But yesterday my phone started to light up with texts, they laid off 1/4 of my previous department. We dodged quite a bullet by being transferred! And then my boss called me in to let me know that HR called him to get me to ‘manage’ my holiday time. I went a month early on mat leave and had 90+ hours to use from 2016 and over 140 hours from 2017 accrued while I was away and now I’m renewing to another block of 140+ holiday hours for 2018. I feel so lucky. From being broke from all my ivf’s with no holiday time left thanks to needing some for medical leave and being childless while approaching my 40’s to bam! Having a beautiful gaggle of girls, my as$ saved at work by the stroke of luck, and now having to deal with too much holiday time. Well, it’s quite a reversal and so refreshing. Physically I’m drained and exhausted from my three beautiful girls but what a great feeling it is. I’ve got parenting issues with the dh, he’s extremely loose and what I consider neglectful but my babysitters are fantastic and I keep our household together the way I like it. I’ve found a co-parenting person helping dh and I work as a team to rear these beautiful girls. Attached some cake smash photos. I just can’t help feel so proud of my wee cherubs.


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MacKinley got a fairy princess dress for her 2nd birthday in Sept. I thought it was appropriate for the big sister dress for Teagan & Pipers’ cake smash party. She’s a fantastic big sis, grabs their hands and leads them out of trouble, kisses their heads when they have melt downs, sings to them. Melts my heart!!


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Holy crap Ellie!!!! Congrats!!! Amazing amazing news!

Beautiful photos 2have!! It sounds like life is just about perfect!! So funny we are doing “Winter Onederland” also!!!

Fern I’m so sorry about the flood. Baby G is so very lucky to have such a strong mommy!

Afm, we are doing great. I joined a mother/baby group that we go to a couple of times a week. We also joined the ymca so that I can start working out and have a place to leave Gage. We just bought a new car, so that’s always fun! Gages birthday party will be on Sunday and I’m really excited. Think I’m going a bit overboard but of well lol! It should be a lot of fun. We are having it in Texas and are leaving tomorrow to drive there. I really wanted all of my family to be able to attend so we found a neutral place to have it. Hope everyone is doing well and the new year is treating you well so far!
Omw ellie that's AMAZING! Congrats!! Hope everything goes smoothly and that you have a great pregnancy. Xx

All the babies are really lovely. As I've said before, I might be biased but our miracles are all super cute.

Birthday parties- well it's mid summer here and SO HOT. We're having an outdoor adventure party ("the world awaits") with swimming, gazebo for shade, fruit, cold meatballs and cold cheese pancakes, etc. I'll try to post pics. It's this coming Saturday!

We are still dealing with the flood damage repairs. The insurance has been stalling and stalling! We finally have new cupboards and doors now. When they ripped out G's built-in bedroom closet, I nearly died when I saw the disgusting fungal growth inside all the panels. Took a lot of photos so that I have evidence of the health risk that the pathetic insurance company exposed my baby to. This after I tried my best to dry out the closet, douse it in vinegar and disinfectants etc. At least we haven't been using that cupboard for much after the flood. Next week they will hopefully start ripping out & sanding & replacing the upstairs and downstairs wooden floors. G and I will be staying with my parents for a month.

And in some weird news- I got a bfp 2 days ago (tested because AF was a day late and I felt really tired and strange, even though we didn't try this month), tested again today and got a barely there line, cramping and spotting which has since stopped. Cp, af, body being weird, faulty tests, who knows! If I get a line again tomorrow I'll request blood tests just to be sure because I'm on a very restrictive diet.
Wow Fern, so much going on. Are you hoping for a bfp? Either way congrats. It’s horrific what you’re going through with the floid aftermath. Glad to hear you’re still managing to have fun & stay at your parents. Take care!
Any updates on the bfp fern??

Gages party went so great!! We had such a good time! I’ll post some pics
Hi, light bfp for 4 days, then nothing, then af about a week late. Might have been wonky tests or a cp. I'm actually relieved I'm not pregnant, just too much shit going on with our home repairs (we ended up staying at a guest house now ffs with me commuting up and down to class and babysitters), car broken down, classroom ceiling still a mess, my mom decided she is no longer my mom because she has wayyy different thoughts on child rearing than I do, bla bla bla. Also, my thyroid is really wonky and we're trying to adapt my meds to fix my levels. So being ko wouldn't have been ideal lol.
G's party was AMAZING! He had so much fun. It was nice and hot and most people swam all day. Couldn't ask for a more perfect day!

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