Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

Good to hear from you both, I think you’re both supermums!

Glad you still have husbands help Juliet whilst you adjust to life with 4 precious children, it is definitely exciting
How are you feeling physically now?

Wish, that’s great all the sleep you’re all getting, I can imagine it’s much needed and helps you through your day, they sound so gorgeous and perfect

Calebs doing well, he has about 3 bottles of formula a day now in between breastfeeding which he still loves to do ALOT lol, the formula does keep him full up longer but still isn’t long between he wants another feed
Madeleine is all over him and she you can see he loves her too, when I think she’s been over loving and say he’s not liking it he’s actually got the biggest smile on his face and she knows it lol, I just worry about her cuddling too hard sometimes and laying all over him!
Nights aren’t bad, he is usually up once now for 30-45 mins out of 9-10 hours so hoping this stays
He’s still cuddled to sleep after boob though but Madeleine always was and I can’t see me changing it, Madeleine was cuddled to sleep up until she was 2 and then all of a sudden it stopped when she moved to her bed from the cot so I’ve probab got another 2 years of it but I wouldn’t change that for the world!

Glad to hear from you all, hope everyone is well
wish, that age sounds wonderful!!!! giving me something to look forward to. and really cant believe they are 4 months old already! so glad you are getting some sleep! yep, everyones happy when they are getting better sleep!!!

star, you also sound like you are doing really well!! i am so happy! and that's a short waking for that long of a chunk of sleep, so that is REALLY good!!! i hope it keeps up for you!!! i find it a bit challenging when the siblings try to touch and "check on baby", drives me a bit nutty as my 2 year old is kinda pushy.

so Mav is 6 weeks old now. we still don't have a sleep schedule down yet or anything, and we are dealing with a couple issues. he has lots of snot, so i have to do saline drops and suction a couple times a day. not a huge deal, but may want to take him in if it's a cold or something. then the other issue is he gets constipated last 5 days or so. he has daily poops, but they have decreased and then he will fuss, grunt and even scream a bit when he is trying to pass gas or have a poop. so sad to watch. i was going to try some gas relief drops, but the pedi advised against it for his young age. so doing lot's of bicycle legs, and gently rubbing his tummy and hoping it will get better. he has small poops and then every couple days a big blowout!
i am excited to be starting to feel better so got in a 2.5 mile walk today. my incision is a little itchy sometimes with tiny bits of pain but not too bad. i see my gyno next week for my 6 week followup so that will be good.

hope everyone is doing well! and getting excited for the weekend!!
star - you sound like you are doing amazingly well! I love the 2 yrs of snuggles :cloud9: Timothy has fallen asleep on me a few times now and I love it - once when I had a friend over and just had him sitting on my lap as we were chatting and suddenly Zzzzzzz hahaha
Madeleine sounds like she's being a fantastic big sister! <3

juliet - oooh the boogers! both boys were heavily snotty, especially over the winter. And we had to battle the dry air - little Malcolm's nose bled! We took him into the pedi to make sure we didn't puncture or scratch anything with the sucker bulb thing and he was fine. Just has sensitive membranes like I do. I used to get bloody noses all the time growing up. Anyway - we use the Nose Frieda now and it's a life-saver!! It grossed me out thinking about using it but it's FINE and no boogers come close to your mouth and it's insanely effective. Still have to give drops sometimes and suck out a little bit but they are much better now.

I was looking back to pics of T when we were giving him a bath at one week old, where his head was just swimming in the bath towel hood and now we can barely get it over his head! It seems like so long ago already. :cry:
Hi how is everyone and all our babies?

Wee all good here, though just had a bad night! Some are good and some not so good with Caleb lol
He&#8217;s on 3 5oz bottles of formula a day and breastfed on demand in between and at night
After dropping from the 50th centile at birth, to the second, he&#8217;s now going back up and on the 25th
Last weighed a month ago and was 17lb, definitely got some chunky thighs now!

He sleeps in the bassinet part of the travel cot now as he rolls all over the place, this is what Madeleine used until going into the big cot in her own room at 7 months

Him and Madeleine are becoming good friends now he&#8217;s more interactive and it&#8217;s so lovely to see

A month ago at 4 months old he got chicken pox and had it bad, every bit of him was covered in big blisters but luckily he wasn&#8217;t ill in himself apart from 1 night with a bit of a temp, we were stuck in for a week though then 2 weeks later Madeleine got it so was stuck in again! She was really ill with it though, cough, cold, temp, sick ugh was horrid, her excema also came back with a vengeance behind her knees and inside her elbows so we&#8217;re back on the steroid cream for that and antihistamines as the scratching was so bad and getting a 2 year old not to pick scans is impossible!

We had a 3 night stay in a holiday park the week after in a caravan which was fun but I&#8217;m counting down the weeks til Ibiza!

Hope you&#8217;re all well, looking forward to any updates!
Hi Star! Sounds like you've had quite the eventful last couple of months! So Caleb weighs 17lbs at 5 months old and he's only in the 25th percentile? I'm curious about that and to see where Timothy is in comparison in a couple of weeks. They have their 6 month appointment on the 25th and I would say he weighs around 17lbs now, and he's consistently been in about the 46th. Malcolm is still a peanut, he MIGHT reach 15lbs by the time the appointment comes around.

We had our first ailment too - Malcolm got an ear infection. He had temps up to around 104.3 - it was scary. But we worked through it and he's doing great now. One thing I learned was that a bit of a fever is a good thing and you don't want to medicate it until it gets too high, b/c that's the body fighting off the infection properly.
Timothy seemed to get a little sympathy fever but he turned out to be fine. Both are getting close to teething - T's gums are swollen. Both were actually more drooly a couple weeks ago than they are now, now that I think about it. Huh...who knows.

Other than that - looking forward to going camping with them in a few weeks. We have their 6 month pictures next weekend. I'll be happy when we can finally put SPF on them and take them out to more places. We've been waiting until they hit the 6 month mark. I want to take them to my aunt and uncle's pool too! It's been SO HOT here!

That's it for us!! :) I hope you're all doing great!!
Hi just wanted to see how everyone is?

It’s been a long time but time flies by!

We’re all good, Madeleine and Caleb are doing great together and clearly love each very much and it’s so cute to see them laughing and playing together

Caleb is crawling now and starting to lift his arms to us when he wants picking up which I can obviously never refuse as it’s so cute, he’s desperate to stand and starting to put his arms up on furniture and go on his knees but so far he hasn’t which I’m pleased about as looks like he will be slower at standing and walking than his big sister and will stay a baby for longer lol

He eats everything in sight haha and so far ha had most veg going, fruits, white fish, salmon, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, pasta, cheese and lots of finger foods
Sometimes he eats his own dinner with his fingers but generally I just chop it and spoon feed him at breakfast and dinner and lunch time is more a finger food time
He has about 3 bottles of formula a day 5oz and the rest of the time is breast fed, the night he can wake up 1-3 times but mostly just the once who I can deal with for a quick feed, he can wake anytime 5-6:30 usually but sometimes a bit later if he has woken up later in the night

We’re on holiday at the moment in Spain for 2 weeks while building work is done on the house so last week or so been manic packing and clearing out the kitchen!

Caleb didn’t seem fussed about his first time flying but is usually a happy chap and very smiley

Hope you and all babies are well, looking forward to updates! X
Hey Star! So glad to see things are going well for you. Quinn is now 7 months! It sure does fly. Shes a rolling machine but hasnt figured out crawling. We are actually have a meeting set up with RE next monday for a plan for baby #2!

Hows everyone else doing?
Dogmommy that is so exciting, so pleased to hear that, please keep us updated and glad you’re all well
Hi girls!! Star - sounds like you have your hands full! I'm envious of Caleb's food intake. Remind me again how old he is? I know a few of us had ours all around the same time.

Dog - WOW, good luck!!! I honestly can't imagine going through all of that again, though I'm a little envious at the same time.

I feel like our boys are growing so quickly. They are 9 months on Monday - both crawling, climbing, standing with assistance, starting to cruise and Timothy is trying to stand on his own, not touching anything - all of this just since 9/20!! They both have the funniest personalities and keep us laughing constantly. We just adore being with them and having fun.
Foods, they are still just on purees and cereal. We've attempted steamed sweet potatoes and they weren't fans of picking it up, but Timothy did eat it. Also scrambled eggs and avocado. I want to continue to try more but we seem to be so rushed at dinner time, by the time they get home, that it's tough to get myself together to steam something. Any tips are greatly appreciated! how did you do the meats?
Hey wish, glad you’re well
Caleb was 8 months on the 8th oct
With the food I’ve fitness a 3 tier steamer so if steam a load of veg and fruit and mix it up and purée different combinations and then freeze in little pots, it was a pain doing a load in one hit but each day was so much easier to just take a couple out the freezer for the day

With meat I started when we had roast dinners so would chop up chicken, lamb etc and let hi feed himself so he obviously didn’t get a great deal that way, I also let him do this with lasagne one time

I’m not at the point I just chop his meals whatever we’re having and spoon feed him and he has finger foods that are less messy like sandwiches, cucumber sticks, cheese, brioche, crackers etc at lunch time

As we’re away for 2 weeks at the moment it’s a lot easier to see what he does and doesn’t like as it’s a buffet 3 times a day and h s had so much different fish, meatballs, spag Bol, pastas, casseroles, potatoes veg etc and I just chop it and spoon feed him and he hasn’t refused anything haha he’s so much easier with food than Madeleine was!

For breakfast he likes porridge, ready break, yoghurt, toast, mashed banana and avocado, fruit bread

He’s up to the 50th or 75th centile now, I can’t actually remember but he was something like 18lb 12oz about 3 weeks ago so just over 7 months

Glad to hear you are well and the boys sound like good little movers!! Very clever boys
look at that gorgeous smile and shock of red hair!! they are both adorable! You look amazing too!

thank you for the insight! We have their 9 month appt this week so i'll see what the pedi has to say too. I gave them puffs this weekend and one of them vomited b/c of the gagging. I know they have to work through that and learn how to chew, I just hate purposefully doing such a thing to them!
Wish so glad to hear from you! Wow 9 months. Both crawling! I better never a dull moment in your house. Haha yeah we will see what RE says today. Not sure how soon he will be willing to do another IVF cycle.

Star how fun! I swear you have the most exciting life. Your babes are adorable. Love the red hair!
So glad to hear everyone is doing good. Time does fly. The twins are 10 1/2 mths and almost walking! Also we had a huge surprise after all our infertility we are pregnant!
CONGRATULATIONS, DANCING!!! You're like the 4th person in this past year that went through fertility and then got pregnant on their own that i've heard about! Holy moly, DH and I better be careful!
Dancing that is amazing news! So pleased for you, how many weeks?

Thank you ladies, dogmommy haha it may seem it but I’ll be going home to chaos, we’ve had our back dining room and kitchen knocked into one and a new kitchen while we’re away so I’ve got the kitchen stuff to all go back in as well as a tonne of washing from this holiday lol
We’ve got 3 more days, can’t wait to see our house but also slightly dreading getting back to normal!
Congrats Dancing! So exciting! It gives me hope!

Ugh star that doesn't sound like any fun. But a new kitchen would be so nice!

I'll be starting my IVF cycle in February! Unless I get a nice surprise before then.
oooh fingers crossed for a surprise before then, dog!! How exciting to be starting again, though!

oh star - a NEW kitchen!! That would be awesome. There's not much wrong with mine, though, so I have to suck it up and keep it for a long time. We just got a brochure for how much a facelift vs medium renovation vs overhaul on a kitchen would cost vs ROI and it made me cry.
Still haven’t got a finished kitchen...not even a sink atm there’s been a delay to do with the beams and then when they went to fit the kitchen they’ve realised it’s been measured wrong! The wall is down now though and chimney breast gone so the space is so much better now they’re getting the flooring down
We’re just living upstairs til it’s done

Wish, things are so expensive and there’s so much to do but we should have done this years ago and I will be able to keep An eye on the kids so much easier now it’s one big room

Dogmommy, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a surprise for you before Feb hehe although good you have a timescale if need be

DH and I aren’t sure if we will have more, I would like to, but at the same time I think should I just be concentrating on the 2 we have now, obviously I would be more than happy with 2 but sometimes I get that feeling of what if, we’ve got 4 embryos and I wonder what they could be like, it’s a harder decision when you have 1 or more and then think of the other potential children and think about giving them a chance (not that I think I could do 4 more fets lol) if we do I wouldn’t like a big age gap so would probably be in the spring if we did
Yeah, we had one more embryo left but we had it destroyed (I HATE that term). No more for us unless it's natural and a definite oops. But no need to worry about that right now - there's not much in the romance area still, as we are just knackered constantly and the boys are still in our room so it seems weird. Hopefully some day soon we can return to some semblance of coupledom.

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