Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

Hi all how is everyone?

Dancing, how is the pregnancy? Hope you’re well

Dogmommy, how is trying for number 2 going?

Speaking to dh last night and we might start trying for number 3 in the spring or summer, still undecided when really but see how we feel nearer the time

Caleb is 10 months now and doing well
He stands and moves around furniture and sometimes lets go, he’s got 6 teeth which sometimes hurts with the breastfeeding haha, he only has a bottle about once a day now such as if dh is up with him before me or before bed, generally though they’ve dwindled and I don’t see he point now in trying to get him to have them more so I’ll wait a birbay longer then try his milk in a cup, something Madeleine would never have tolerated so we’ll see!
He eats like there’s no tomorrow lol, we’ve just come back from Disneyland and he really enjoyed watching all the shows and parades
We’ve finally got our kitchen finished as blocked up 2 doors, knocked down a chimney breast and supporting wall and got a new kitchen fitted and flooring all through downstairs, been a dusty nightmare but it’s done!

Caleb doesn’t sleep amazing but isn’t too bad, up once or twice a night for maybe half hr at a time, he often wakes at 4am and it’s hit and miss if I can get him
Back to bed, if I do it takes an hour and he will sleep another hour or more, other times I give up and get up then dh seals after a while and I go back to bed
Luckily Madeleine always sleeps 12 hours and wakes up about 7 so if I do get Caleb back to sleep I haven’t then got to get up with Madeleine like I used to when she used to wake up 5-6am

We’re just looking forward to a quiet Christmas now, staying in on our own and maybe in the evening we will go to my brothers where my family are for dinner but generally I’d like us to have our own family Christmas now

anyway hope you’re all well and looking forward to catching up with you all
Hi Star!! Omigosh, he's just sooooooo cute! That shock of red hair - you must get comments ALL the time! He needs to meet Prince Harry! :)
Congrats on the new kitchen, that's great it was done before the holidays. I agree - I want to now set up our own Christmas traditions. Though I always loved going to my grandparents' house after we got all of our stuff finished up so we could go play with our cousins and check out each others' loot :haha: Right now, we always go over to my aunt & uncle's house and the rest of my family that is local does too. So it's still mostly all of the same cousins and now our spouses and kids. I love it!

I'll have to look into getting the boys off of bottles and when is a good time. They both still have 2-3 at daycare to supplement their transition to solids and then mine sound like the same kind of sleepers as Caleb - up 2x/night but they each need a bottle to settle back down. And Timothy has been putting away about 15oz overnight still! And Timothy is the one that wakes up at 4:30, usually b/c he pooped, but he is also ready to party. So it's either change him and wake him up MORE, lessening the chance to get him back to sleep - or ignore the poop for another 1.5 hrs and see if he'll get back to sleep earlier. We did option 2 this morning and everyone slept until 6:30 almost. It was wonderful. But I feel bad for his little bum!

So the boys are 11 months this Saturday! Timothy is walking like crazy, Malcolm is a speed demon at crawling but stands, cruises and even stands on his own a little bit now. He'll walk with our fingers too but after a few steps, he's not going fast enough for himself so he drops to a speed crawl! :haha: They are soooooo fun and awesome - doing fun things like blowing kisses, trying to say 'uh oh!', waving, signing 'all done! yayyy' at the end of a meal, babbling, belly flopping on us/soft cushiony items, high-fiving! We are just loving everything! They each have 6 teeth and you'd think Timothy's molars are coming in each time. He's so sensitive to teething. Whereas every now and then we have to check M's mouth to see if any new teeth came in. He's so stealth.

Solid eating is finally going well - they get a lot in their mouths and the gagging is almost gone, so now it's just broadening their palettes! We also realized, with the help of our daycare lady, that they have a full menu at school we can get for them. They give us the full 4 week menu and we circle everything we want them to have and that's what they do there. That's been a huge help in getting over this hump too. I can't wait to not have to make them cereal anymore. I think they are starting to hate it, even if I mix it with those pouched purees!

I think that's really it with us! Attached are school pics from November <3Boys School.jpg Malcolm School.jpg
My pregnancy is doing good. Baby boy sure does kick like crazy. It is different feeling him move around my stomach so much compared to the twins having their own spots. The twins are growing like crazy.IMG954951.jpg
oooh I bet that IS weird!!! That's wonderful things are going so well! Look at the twins!! I need those onesies!!
I have to start planning their bday - it's next month. I have NO idea what to do. We'll have it here, DH finally came around to the idea of having family AND a few friends over too. We don't want it to be a HUGE celebration but I don't think we can keep it too small, only b/c our families equal a large amount. Then add friends in. So we'll see!

I've been envisioning being pregnant again (not planning, just daydreaming) - one would be such a cool experience to have! I don't think I ovulated in Nov, so I haven't had AF since the beginning of Nov. We were in a super huge drought until last week, though, so I know it's not pregnancy. Unless it's an immaculate conception in time for Christmas?? :shrug::rofl:

As of last night, we have TWO walkers in the house now! I can't believe they are both walking before they are 11 months!! Crazy boys. <3
Wish, he does get a lot of comments, that pic makes it look quite light but not ofnthe time he’s so ginger haha
The twins are gorgeous and clever boys on the walking already!
Madeleine gave up bottles at just turned 2 and that was only god she was so ill with a virus she wouldn’t touch milk and only now and again will have it on cereal, she hates to drink it and she was such a milk addict before getting ill! I don’t know what will happen with Caleb, he’s just a mummy’s boy though!

Yor Christmas sounds perfect, I think we will go to my brothers for a bit where other family as would be nice to see everyone but I’ll wait til eve all had dinner and just go for an hour or so, Caleb gets grumpy if he isn’t in his bed 6:30-7 anyway lol

I’ve had a few periods now even though he still feeds a lot but I can’t see anything aholenesong jere naturally, not that I mind, if we’re still seriously thinking about it for next year I would like to use the embryos we have already anyway

Dancing, they are totally gorgeous too
I bet it feels strange to have one after having the twins! What will the age gap be? I think it’s so exciting and look forward to your updates if you don’t mind posting them!
Thanks, Star! How many frosties do you have left? How exciting to be thinking about it all over again.

We had the stomach bug go through our house this past weekend hitting everyone but DH. M only got sick once but T and I got sick multiple times. M ended up with another respiratory thing, though, so he wasn't out of the woods (brought to the Dr yesterday and has yet another ear infection). I was so rundown, achy, chills. It was awful to have to do that AND still Mom! At the same time, AF arrived in the middle of rocking M to sleep at 1am. THANK GOD! At that very moment, I was like 'i can't handle another one! I can't go through another 9 months of pregnancy if it includes nausea!' So - consider all of my wishes to be pregnant again squashed! :haha:

Good note on the bottles, thank you. Yeah, we'll start to transition them to milk next month, off of the formula. That'll be a nice money saver (I think??) though we're going to go through gallons and gallons of milk.
Merry first Christmas to all your beautiful babies!
Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the excitement the little ones bring xx
Merry Christmas, Star! Did you have a good one?

We had an interesting Christmas Eve! Mr Timothy ended up having a reaction to his amoxicillin he was on for his ear infection. Day 6, so he was able to come off of it and we were told to just let it leave his system, the rash would get worse but he'd be ok. Well that night his face started swelling too, his hives were out of control. We did a telemedicine visit (super cool, like FaceTiming with a random doctor, but they can see him and assess him from afar). She wanted to call in a steroid for us to give him but our pharmacy was closed. So she said to watch him for 90 mins and if it didn't go down, head to the ER. Of course it didn't go down so at 10:30 Monday night, I packed him up and we headed to the ER. NOT the place I want to be on Christmas Eve!! It was packed but thankfully they look out for the little ones and try to get them in and out as quickly as possible. We got there, were seen and let go within 1.5 hrs. My cousin and aunt were actually there too at the same time for something she had going on so we even popped in for a visit! We were going to take a holiday family photo and post to FB but I didn't want T to be there any longer than he needed to be exposed to whatever was floating around! Anyway - he slept like a champ that night (thanks, Benedryl) and yesterday was SO fun with them. Probably a typical day but I just enjoyed it so much. They worked on their present-opening skills (yay tissue paper!!), only got a couple of presents to open. But just playing with them all day, staying in PJs for most of it, baking brownies, hearing them giggle in the other room playing with heart grew 10 times that day! (I see you, Grinch! :haha:)
His hives started coming back last night - I thought they'd be on their way out since he stopped the meds! I gave him a little Benedryl again but he had a swollen eye this morning. So now I'm waiting to see if we need to bring him in again. The receptionists at the doc know my voice by now and they have so much sympathy for T and M - we are there so much! These first years of daycare are no joke! I hope they have immune systems of steel after 2 yrs though! Almost halfway through!
Aww poor little T, I hope he’s on the mend properly soon
I’m glad you still managed to have a holy Christmas, I really enjoyed it too, staying in all day is what I want to do at Christmas now, just us and the kids, though we wouldn’t say no if anyone wanted to visit lol
They had quite a few toys to play with all day yesterday and today, Christmas night didn’t get a lot of sleep as they both kept waking up, Madeleine never normally does so think she was over tired and over stimulated! I went back to bed for a 2 hour nap this morning though lol, got woken up by Madeleine saying ‘eat your snacks’ all bossy haha she had carried up a cinnamon swirl pastry and pain at chocolat and daddy had brought coffee more importantly!
That sounds like a lovely day!!! ooooh those treats! I'm starting another cleanse after the first of the year so I'm trying to get all my bad foods/drinks in now!! :)
Awww Wish im glad hes feeling better. Christmas sounded like a great day! Definitely had a different feel this year. Your Fall pic was adorable! Two walkers?! How do you do it?? Im tired running around with my crawler.

Star disneyland sounds like a dream! Glad you had a nice Christmas. Exciting you are thinking about #3! Do you have any frozen embryos?

Christmas was amazing! I attatched the permanent smile she had all day. But not much to report on ttc #2. We decided to start our IVF cycle in February so just ttc on our own this month. Today was actually O day. So here I am in two week wait!

awwww, I love the pic! She looks so happy!! I agree - Christmas was so different this year. I had so much spirit - we listened to Christmas music almost everyday! That's not like me at all! :)

GL with TTC#2!!

2 walkers - yup! They actually aren't that much more exhausting and I don't know if it's b/c we are doing something weird? We keep them gated in our living room for playtime downstairs and let them out to run around the rest of the downstairs only at certain times - like after dinner/before going up to play in their bedroom or on the weekends, during the day for a bit AND after dinner. We also bring them up to their nursery to play (their cribs are still in our room so this is just a big playroom right now) and have that gated so they can run around there. So it's not terrible! When they start ripping the gates down is when it'll get interesting!!
Hi all

I’ve got 4 embryos frozen, good luck with the 2ww this cycle dogmommy
My periods came back about sept time, even though i breastfeed a lot, certainly didn’t stop mine coming back! The last one was so heavy, was awful but I don’t get pain anymore, before i would be curled up in a ball with all the pain killers possible and a hot water bottle! Strange what pregnancy can do for you!
hey ladies!!!! i haven't been on for months. how is everyone???

can everyone post a quick update cause i feel so behind...

Maverick is 8 and 1/2 months old! most of yours should be turning 1 soon/next couple months.
i am trying to find balance with 5 year old twins in kindergarten, 3 year old who is sweetheart and wild too! and then baby maverick. he doesn't sleep through the night yet... still figuring things out. i am happy and enjoying life. we love being outdoors but then always love getting home and being in our cozy little haven.

hope to hear from everyone soon!
happy new years :)
Hi Juliet! Glad to hear you are well

Madeleine turned 3 in December and Caleb is 11 months in a weeks time!

Thinking about trying for number 3 this year, maybe in the summer
My sister is doing ivf this month so waiting to see what happens with that first before I go trying again

We try to go out most mornings too, Madeleines in pre school 2 and a half days so we don’t do as many groups as we did but still manage our music group, 1 playgroup then daddy takes Madeleine dancing on a Saturday for a couple of hours and I stay at home with Caleb
It’s nice to have a bit of quiet time!
Happy new year dancing, how many weeks now?
Sorry just seen! Wow that is far, very exciting though!
WOW dancing, it sure is!! Almost in the 3rd tri already! How are things going?

Hi Juliet!! you sound SO busy!!! But happy! What are you doing for Maverick's first, anything fun?

kudos to you girls for doing this again and again! I do miss the newborn days a bit and I def miss most of my pregnancy (just not the late weeks and the swelling and waddling!!) but I don't think we could do another. The boys still aren't sleeping through the night!

Planning their one year bday party here next Saturday, Jan 12th! Their actual bday is the 15th. It should be fun!!

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