At-home Artificial Insemination - HOW TO and success stories.

1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor --
free Sperm donors UK Facebook group

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation -- Internet cheapie OPK strips

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use -- 10ml syringe and a soft cup. Put the semen in the syringe, inserted it slowly as far up as I could. Left myself propped up for thirty mins and then took the syringe out and replaced with the soft cup.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)? -- 1 insemination. 2nd +OPK day evening

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur? -- he came to our house. Went up to the bathroom, did his thing, left and then I inseminated

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take? -- it did! Second cycle with this donor but we had been trying on and off for two years and four months and had three donors in this time.

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor? -- he doesn't want a role in the child's life, but we will be keeping in touch. Is Facebook and things. We get on really well so will remain friends

8. Anything else you think people should know? -- there is no magic fix to make it work. There is no magic formula. Over our time TTC we had tried inseminating different ways (all artificial, mind!, soy isoflavones (stopped me ovulating), various vitamins, preseed and all kinds of things. The month we caught I only took prenatals and I quit taking my temperature. I hate people who say "just relax and it will happen" BUT Thais is exactly what happened for us. As long as everything goes to the right place at the right time, that's the most control we have. Just keep trying because it is SO worth it when it happens

Can you please tell which syringe did u buy from amazon? Syringe should be long enough ? I bought from amazon but its just 1 inch long. Also, do we need to use long pipette to increase chances? How about using lubricants like preseed or conceinve plus? Do they help.

Need help urgently.

1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor Donor was my DH. He was suffering from some performance anxiety-related ED. Did some googling and we decided to try this at-home method.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation I just used an app on my phone.

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use Purchased syringe and sterile cup off Amazon. Used a new cup each time. Also made myself reach orgasm afterwards, as recommended on here.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)? I believe it was 2 days before and 1 day before O.

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur? n/a

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take? Thankfully, it worked on the 2nd cycle :happydance: First cycle may not have even counted because I don't think we inserted the syringe far enough.

I just want to give a huge heartfelt thanks to all that have contributed and given advice about the at-home method. I asked about it on other boards and was laughed off. Our lack of success using traditional method was starting to cause friction in our marriage, and there was definitely potential for more marital problems if this didn't work. I think this method may have also saved us money by having to avoid IUI/IVF. DH was also diagnosed with low morphology and we were worried about that too.

So again, thank you SO much and good luck to all! We are expecting our little girl in March and we are so grateful!
get a 10ml syringe (sterile). just squirt as close to cervix as you can (don't worry if you can't reach all the way as your cervix moves up high when you are ovulating). Prop your hips up for half hour afterwards to let gravity move sperm down. No need to get pipette - you increase your risk of infection if you try to insert sperm directly into cervix. Good luck!

Also preseed/maybe baby or whatever sperm friendly lube you have do use! insert some prior to sperm (about 10 mins before to liquify) and then allow sperm to liquify also (hold cup with sperm between your legs to heat) before inserting.

Is it must to let sperm liquify? Little confused on this. Because I thought asap would be good idea.

If we let it liquify, then does it create problem ?

Thanks !

get a 10ml syringe (sterile). just squirt as close to cervix as you can (don't worry if you can't reach all the way as your cervix moves up high when you are ovulating). Prop your hips up for half hour afterwards to let gravity move sperm down. No need to get pipette - you increase your risk of infection if you try to insert sperm directly into cervix. Good luck!

Also preseed/maybe baby or whatever sperm friendly lube you have do use! insert some prior to sperm (about 10 mins before to liquify) and then allow sperm to liquify also (hold cup with sperm between your legs to heat) before inserting.
Hi, it is easier to suck up with syringe and insert if liquified. Only takes about 5 mins to warm it between your legs in cup. Sperm lasts for 1 hour outside body so no rush. We did this technique and fell pregnant 2nd cycle trying (1st cycle I didn't ovulate).

Good luck!
Little scared that if s.. will die if its not hot and it takes 5-10 min to liquefy .

Hi, it is easier to suck up with syringe and insert if liquified. Only takes about 5 mins to warm it between your legs in cup. Sperm lasts for 1 hour outside body so no rush. We did this technique and fell pregnant 2nd cycle trying (1st cycle I didn't ovulate).

Good luck!
Hi I am not only person I know to successfully use this method. Sperm doesn't die all that quickly so don't worry. Remember it can live for up to 3 days in female body waiting for an egg. 5 mins on the outside is no biggie. But if you are worried try doing it liquified one night and not liquified another night. Just remember to wait 24 hours in between inseminations to get most mature sperm.
Thanks a lot for quick reply. For last 2 tries, I did alternate days - total 4 times . 2 before and 2 after ovulation. Using OPK.

My partner went thru sperm check a year ago. Any suggestion, he should do 1 more testing?


Hi I am not only person I know to successfully use this method. Sperm doesn't die all that quickly so don't worry. Remember it can live for up to 3 days in female body waiting for an egg. 5 mins on the outside is no biggie. But if you are worried try doing it liquified one night and not liquified another night. Just remember to wait 24 hours in between inseminations to get most mature sperm.
If your partners sperm is ok then it could be a timing issue or you might not ovulate every month? Have you been checked? Sometimes it also just takes a while - keep trying and try to relax. You will be enjoying the waves of morning sickness before you know it :D
Hello all,

My DH and I have been TTC for just over a year. My husband has delayed ejaculation which he hoped he would over come when we started TTC. However this was not the case. Last cycle we used the home insemination method-syringe for the first time without success. I was beginning to think it would never happen to us as my DH doesn't appear to produce a lot of sperm/semen in the cup. How much is normal?! However after reading all the stories-both successful and on going- I am feeling hopeful. We are about to start our second cycle and am going to try the pressed inside the syringe as suggested by some of you lovely ladies.

Thank you for sharing your stories, for making me realise I wasn't alone and for making me remember not to give up.

Can I just ask did any of you have initial fertility tests? I am considering paying for some tests privately as the NHS (we live in England) seem to take their time making appointments and have read some people wait up to 2 months for results. Just wondered if any of you have been through this?
Thank you all again :kiss:
1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor? Known donor, used to be free sperm donor registry.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation? Usually use opks but I skipped them this time, checking cervix and bbt.

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use? 10ml syringe, propped myself up on pillows, made sure to orgasm and stayed in bed for 15 minutes.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)? Managed one donation, one day before O.

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur? He came to our house. He went into my hubby's man cave (hubby gave his okay first ;) ) provided his sample and left.

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take? Yep, just got my bfp a few days ago. :) Just one cycle luckily, if it didn't work, we wouldn't have had the chance to try until early 2015.

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor? Our donor has been through a lot with us, he's more of a friend than donor at this point. The first success we had lasted 20 weeks, until we lost our sweet little one to incompetent cervix. He always checked in, made sure we were okay. We were all surprised when DH and I got pregnant on our own a few months later. He gave us our space but said he would still be around if we needed anything. After our rainbow was born, there was still a missing someone in our family. We contacted our donor and asked him how he would feel about working with us again. He felt honored and was happy to help. There were a couple of hiccups in actually attempting, but it all worked out. He is welcome to visit our child, like a friend/uncle. We will stay in touch through text, calls, emails. :)

8. Anything else you think people should know? Ttc can be stressful, frustrating, even heartbreaking. There are some real pieces of work out there. (donor and recipient wise) If you need a donor, don't rush this process and don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't feel comfortable with. Really take your time, research and find a great donor! One donor from KDR (rolranx) has great youtube videos posted on how to get started, things to look out for, ect. Great for those who are new or need additional information. Wishing everyone the very best on their journey to parenthood. <3
It is very difficult to track my ovulation for me.
I know that my cycles are usually 32 days.
I tried my first insemination on day 9(2 days ago)
I will be doing the insemination almost everyday until day 16 just to make sure.
My donor is very unhealthy as I am the opposite. So I am hoping tgis does not affect the conceiving process too much.

Any thoughts?
And also, what's the longest I can leave an instead cup in??
Question regd OPK test- I started testing at cd 11 and saw faint line. Using wondfo strips. Later on on CD 12,13 - I see nothing. Any suggestion wht can be done?
Did I ovulate before CD11? should i continue to test ??

This samething happened earlier also
How long are your cycles usually shahmanish? It may be that you ovulate early, or that you have a couple of mini LH surges before the big ovulation one. I often find opks roller coaster light darker lighter darker for a few days before eventually turning positive.
Thanks for reply day_dreamer.

My cycles are 28 days...
Actually i m seeing following weired scenario
CD 11 12 13 14 - Faint line
15 16 17- little dark

Not sure if I can get dark so late in cycle.

Any suggestions ?
Got success at second try

Used husbands sperm(he had erection problem)

Done insemination at CD-12,CD-13 and CD-14

Got positive OPK on CD-13 and CD-14
1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor
Facebook. We put an ad on a Facbook donor group and he connected with us.
He was the third donor we had tried with, and we tried with him for 15 months of our journey.
2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation
Ovulation predictor kits, temping and cervical mucus checks
3. What method(s) of insemination did you use
10ml syringe inserted as soon as possible. Laid down for ten mins then got up and continued with my day
4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?
2 days before and day of
5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?
He always came to our place. He usually produced the donation in our spare room and left it in a sterile cup on the bedside table. After he left, we inseminated.
6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?
24. We got a BFP at cycle 15 and lost the baby at 7+4. Then cycle 24 we conceived this little one with the help of clomid and progesterone from the doctor.
7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor?
He won't be involved in her life, but he's there for questions and should she want to meet him later in life we can arrange that. But he won't be an active parent.
8. Anything else you think people should know
Trust your gut. There's a lot of weirdos claiming to be donors. There's a lot of sexual predators. Learn what your body is doing and listen to it. Don't listen to all the fads and things you "must do" to get pregnant. You don't need to lie down for two hours. You don't need to put your legs in the air. You don't need to have an orgasm or pray to the moon gods... Just go with it, try to relax as much as possible and keep fingers crossed. There's no magic method to get you pregnant as everyone's level of fertility is different. For us, it took a LONG time due to me not ovulating properly every cycle, but it's so worth it when it happens and it's worth taking some time over :)
I have a quick question, I did at home insemination for the first time this month and was curious about something. My donor did the deed in a condom and then I sucked it out with a 10ml syringe and then inseminated myself. My question is, when I sucked up the semen there was only about 2.5ml in the syringe. Is that enough to be effective? I thought there would be more. From all my research I have heard that normal ejaculation output is between 1.5 and 5ml. How much "stuff" do you normally get in a syringe for an insemination? I only had one chance to inseminate this month so I am hoping it was enough to catch the egg.
I got pregnant on 0.5ml my first pregnancy. It's not about amount, it's about quality x
Oh! Thank you! That makes me feel so much better! I know he has a good quality as he had a sperm analysis done. Fingers crossed!

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