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Aug 20 - CD1

Welcome Farie and Babymad!!
Sounds like we're all gearing up for some serious baby making this cycle. Funny how TTC can turn a girl into a fertility scientist. Huh? Temps, wake up times, Ov, bding schedules, and don't forget all the sticks we pee on! :rofl:
I hadn't even thought of my fertile window yet till you girls started talking about it. Seems I should be shooting for the first week of Sept to catch the eggie. School is starting here next week so that may work out nicely, perhaps I can have DH come home on lunch? *sinister laugh* And there is that nice long holiday weekend coming up too. :)
Here's some dust for everyone :dust::dust::dust: September is going to be a good month. xxx
DH is loving all the BD....in fact we dance nearly every day. There's only the odd night when I manage to fob him off...usually that's because he's fallen asleep drunk! lol

Guess that's the beauty of being pretty newlyweds (Almost 6 months). Everything is still new and exciting!

AF will hopefully be gone and the CBFM should ask me for my 1st stick tomorrow morning. I think I'll surprise DH with an early morning session. That'll send him off to work with a smile on his face lol

Good luck to all...go forth and multiply!
To all the girlies on the thread
Wishing you good fun in bed
'Cause in September we want to see
All us get a BFP!!

Go girlies, go spermies, go girlies, go spermies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey girlies,

How are we all gettin on, I'm on CD8 and started my opk's today, which was a negative but that's what I was expecting. Due to OV Fri to Sun...so marathon bd'ing session starts tonight, yippee :happydance:

Babymaybe - How did DH get on at the docs?

Babymad - Wow I'm only 10 months married and DH is lucky if he gets it 3 times a week...he he!!! Although when its OV time I can somehow manage ;)

Superp123 - Hope your long weekend is a productive one :hugs:
Ladies, a quick question, I'm due to OV this weekend and I have an 80's themed party to go to tomorrow night with my BF...drink/no drink...that is the question?!?!?!?
Ladies, a quick question, I'm due to OV this weekend and I have an 80's themed party to go to tomorrow night with my BF...drink/no drink...that is the question?!?!?!?

I vote drink moderately as I think it helps relax but wouldn't go overboard -plus you never know it might be your last chance for the next 9 months. Fx!!
Ladies, a quick question, I'm due to OV this weekend and I have an 80's themed party to go to tomorrow night with my BF...drink/no drink...that is the question?!?!?!?

Sometimes if I drink, I can't orgasm and isn't "enjoying yourself" supposed to help?
Angelcakes, when DH gives me the 'look' I know I might as well oblige. My logic is that if we dtd regularly then he won't get performance anxiety around ovulation time. I think you'll be ok to have a drink or 2. It'll help you relax and I'm sure someone recently got there BFP after a drunken fumble so maybe that's what will do the trick! :)

Babymaybe, my DH's SA results are with the docs but he could only get an appointment for Monday afternoon. Waiting until then will be torture. :-( Found out recently that DH did one 2 years ago and he found the results which were really bad. I hoping and praying this one comes back better. Fx for you too!

I'm 2nd stick in with CBFM with a low as expected. I've always assumed I ovulated around day 14 but now I should know for sure. Hopefully I'll get my peak next Friday because I'm away from Sun thru to Fri because of damn work but I kind of know it won't happen like that. We'll have to wait and see....
Good luck for Monday babymad - hope that it's good news - keep us posted :hugs:
Pux - Yeh, I've also heard that its better when we orgasm too...something to do with us pulsing helps the spermie catch the bus to meet eggie. I too struggle when I've had a drink, its even worse when i'm sober and DH has had a drink...he could go on for hours when I went hours ago...if you know what I mean...you just need to lye back and think of a happy place...cause it could take a while :rofl:

Babymad - Firstly, fx for Monday, keep us updated. I know what you mean about the 'look' you get from DH, but if I let my DH have that look whenever he wanted jiggy jiggy...then I'd bloody get that look morn, noon and night!!! Thats what happens when you marry a man 3 years younger...oh they have sooooo much more energy :blush: I know people say you should try and to relax and just have regular :sex: but its really difficult when your chartins/using opks and you know this is your time...its difficult not to focus on it. I said to DH last night...'I'll let you off the hook tonight if you promise me some TLC in the morn'...but he said 'NO NO we have to do it tonight...you just never know'...so its obviously on his mind also!!!

Well I went out last night and had about 4 G&T's. Made then last throughout the night...well was dancing too much to even be thinking about alcohol, feel much better for it this morn.

This is CD10 for me and still a -opk this morn. However had EWCM this morn and my temps have been going down the last couple of days, so think I'll be OV'ing soon.

How are you all doing, near OV yet...

What are your plans for the weekend? I have our 1 year old niece staying tonight...so may just put us off this whole baby idea ;)
hi girls my cd1 was on 20th august cant wait to start chatting to you all my manes sam and im currently ttc number 5 have been on this rollercoaster now since november last year but not really been ttc much till april this year
hi girls my cd1 was on 20th august cant wait to start chatting to you all my manes sam and im currently ttc number 5 have been on this rollercoaster now since november last year but not really been ttc much till april this year

Hi Sam - number 5 wow! I reckon you may be an expert symptom spotter? Welcome to the thread.
Welcome Sam, my name is Angela...looking forward to the 2ww already ;)

Babymaybe - I'll second that...we could do with some experts on this thread, I'm a bit of a novice since still TTC #1...BUT...I am feeling hopeful for us this month!!! :hugs:
:wohoo: Woohoo +opk!!!!! Poas this morn and -opk but been having some OV twinges today so poas again this afternoon and +++++, so looks like tomorrow is 1dpo...roll on the 2ww (well for me the 2.5ww!!!) :happydance:
Hi girls. Well, my bding fest has begun! I've yet to get to the store for OPKs so I'd better get my a$$ in gear to make sure I got the Ov days right. I've just got so much going on the past two months that I can't seem to get to everything lately. *sigh* Plus, its not like I can take 3boys to the store for OPKs and pregnancy tests... It would surely be followed by lots of questions that I'm just not ready to answer. As it is they ask about my prenatal every morning. My explanation was that it helps my body make babies. So far thats been sufficiant, except this morning Chris(5) says, "That vitamin makes babies right?" I was like, "ummm something like that hun." :blush:
So glad that school is starting on Tues. my house is going to be quiet for the first time in 3mths. I should treat myself to a massage this week. Can't hurt and I am so totally stressed lately I think I diserve it.
Good luck girls.
:wohoo: Woohoo +opk!!!!! Poas this morn and -opk but been having some OV twinges today so poas again this afternoon and +++++, so looks like tomorrow is 1dpo...roll on the 2ww (well for me the 2.5ww!!!) :happydance:

Yey! You go girl :happydance: Wishing you loads of luck for one of those swimmers to meet your lovely eggie. Keep us posted on the pg symptoms.:dust::dust::dust:
I'm all confused! I'm on CD8, and I had like two days of brown spotting on CD1 & 2, but then nothing else, but BFN on tests :(
:wohoo: Woohoo +opk!!!!! Poas this morn and -opk but been having some OV twinges today so poas again this afternoon and +++++, so looks like tomorrow is 1dpo...roll on the 2ww (well for me the 2.5ww!!!) :happydance:

Yey! You go girl :happydance: Wishing you loads of luck for one of those swimmers to meet your lovely eggie. Keep us posted on the pg symptoms.:dust::dust::dust:

Thanks hun...I've told DH that this cycle I'm not going to tell him if i have any symptoms cause we were soo SURE last month and i dont want to get his hopes up...so as long as I have you guys to obsess with then I'll be fine :hugs:

When are you due to ov...?

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